posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Is Religion Simply A Security Blanket?
Of course not! Dave, every society that has ever existed, no matter how small, has always chosen to believe and worship a higher power. They chose to
believe in a higher power because they have not been separated by modern technology from the basic facts of life. If you have any inkling that there
is a God, then you have to remind yourself that all three of the major religions believe that we are living in a world that is ever increasingly being
dominated by evil. Therefore, it is every increasingly more difficult to see God working in your daily life.
It is not strange to me at all that your post concerning the fundamentals of your agnosticism starts from a personally troubled and conflicted
religious family upbringing.
My youth was filled with Nuns who would smack my hands with a ruler when I was disruptive…Up until my Mother divorced my Father when I was 6, we
were Roman Catholic. …my Mother changed she and I over to the Presbyterian faith…
It is clear that you resent the way that you were treated second class to religion by your father.
What a fun week-end for a kiddo. Whoopee.
As well as…
Therefore, I became a bastard in the Roman Catholic Church because my father loved his God and church more than he loved his first born son and taking
communion was his Holy Grail.
However, what you said next is the essential bottom line of your family history.
Oh joy. Just another straw that would help break my spiritual camel’s back.
But let me take a moment to answer your other questions before returning back to the first one, which I believe is more of a personal question than a
public one.
Are people religious because they really believe?
It takes all kinds Dave. The Bible speaks of people becoming religious, or wanting to become religious, for every possible reason that you can think
of. Power, Money, True Worship, Friendship and Fellowship, Governmental Control, Convert Members, Ect Ect.
Do they simply go through the motions because they are too afraid of the consequences .... just in case there is a Heaven or Hell?
Many may start out that way, but most move on to true worship. You can’t see this stage because you’re still at the beginning stages of
Is it simply a security blanket because they want to believe that there is something better after they die and would be miserable if they didn’t
believe there was something at the end of the religious rainbow?
So, here we are back to the beginning of your post. The answer is, of course not Dave. Firstly, if you really want to discover anything enlightening
about religion then you have to acknowledge that you harbor a very personal grudge against ever learning about God. If you cannot chose to even
attempt to take an open mind about the subject, then discussing things further would not be productive. I would spend the time, if I can, to discuss
things with you further, but I feel that it may be best if done privately. Why is this?
It involves logic. Logically, if there is a God, then it must be possible for each and every individual to discover him of their own accord. In
essence, you don’t need anyone else to discover God if you are really searching for him. Most people who claim to be searching for God are not
actually trying to do so. Instead, like spoiled children (as St Thomas Aquinas stated), they simply are taking a contrarian view of God for personal
These people constantly ask themselves the following types of questions. Why did God let my parents Die? Why wasn’t I born rich, famous, or more
physically attractive? Why did God allow me to be abused or hurt when I was young, innocent, or incapable of defending myself? Why did God take away
someone that I loved? Why didn’t God help me? And as Christ said, “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?
As you can see, you are not the only one to ask these kinds questions or to feel betrayed or abandoned by God. I think that if you read the story of
Job in the New American Standard Bible then it may help you to understand that you are not alone in your thinking. The book of Job describes a man who
had it all until God decided to allow Satan to test him. All of Job’s children were killed in a single day. During the same day, he was robbed of
all his wealth and afflicted with a horrible and painful skin condition. Needless to say, he was absolutely broken of his will in all regards save
one, his belief in God.
As some of these people who harbor resentment against God get older, their questions turn into anger and frustration, and yet instead of attempting to
seek God out for the answers, they demand that God seek them out and answer directly for his supposed inaction regarding their life. This is why
discussing matters of religion in regards to agnosticism and atheism is almost always unproductive. The agnostic or atheist usually is angry and
resentful against God and so chooses not to search for him.
The reason that St. Thomas Aquinas regards people who do not believe in God as “spoiled children” because the logic for the existence of God is
overwhelming. The Greeks and the Romans of antiquity offer the greatest treasure of logic concerning the existence of a higher power. Their belief
systems are self generated, which is why they had a God for anything and everything that was considered of or for a higher power. The weather, the
elements, the factors of human existence beyond understanding such as love and hatred; each of these had their own God devoted to them by the Greeks
and the Romans. However Pagan their religions were, it was their advanced love of logic a reasoning that behooved a firm belief in a higher power. As
well, no matter how many Gods the Greeks or Romans created, all of them were subservient or below the pinnacle or ruler of the Gods, Zeus.
St. Thomas Aquinas stated that the existence of God is self evident in most people. Human history itself proves this to be true in that every society
that has ever existed has created or adopted a system of belief in a higher power. As well, we all ready stated that logically, if there is a God,
then it must be able for anyone to discover him of their own accord. History also proves this to be true in that societies that are isolated from the
rest of the world also have created their own belief systems around the idea of a higher power, or God.
(I need to tie this post up, more later if you want)
However, for me the most abundantly clear evidence that most agnostics are simply rebelling against God instead of remaining logically or
scientifically unconvinced of his existence is because of the simple fact that most agnostics refuse to study religion as a topic in general. Most
agnostics never bother to read The Bible, The Quran, or The Torah. Instead, they adamantly refuse to believe in God, while at the same time, refusing
to learn anything about particular religions of the world, past or present.
It would seem to me that an agnostic should be the most learned and expert person concerning religion as they remain unconvinced about a topic that 98
percent of all humans that have ever existed have accepted. Not surprisingly however, most agnostics know little to nothing about the religious
beliefs and practices of current or past religions.
In essence Dave, finding God is a personal journey that you have to make for yourself. Other people can only guide you, but if you choose to remain
rebellious to the idea God that most people accept then you will most certainly never find God.