In this thread I hope to explore Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory a bit further than what is normally discussed; below are my theoretical views on
how McKenna's idea joins our collective consciousness intimately with the flow of natural time.
The idea of Novelty Theory is easy to initially dismiss as preposterous, given that it's common sense that there is no possible way that the flow of
time was mapped out eons ago. However McKenna's findings point to just that - human events follow a predictable pattern (discovered and utilized and
ancient China via the I-Ching).
Please have a look at the following to familiarize yourself with McKenna's work:
Timewave is a code embedded within time itself. It connects natural time with conscious time and gives a level of meaning to all events.
The code is counting down to something in the near future, however it’s not clear whether it's a transition point in an infinite cycle or an
endpoint leading to the 'flatline' of our known existence.
The Timewave cannot exist without both natural time & conscious time (the conscious perception of its natural flow). These two threads of time are
joined together via a gridwork, like steps on a ladder. The best representation of this is the double helix of DNA. The gridwork, or steps up the
ladder, are specific points along the timewave. Each point has a different value or level of novelty, and for some reason the timewave seems to be
mapped out at the very point of its creation/manifestation.
The timewave is literally a skeleton over which conscious reality can form, like a wire frame model. The grid values are not naturally changeable,
though which events occur at certain points along the wave are. The specifics of what happens at each point are determined by the collective
consciousness of the observers, much like that which is represented in quantum theory.
Not only do these gridpoints intersect events in our reality, they also intersect all local parallel realities, joining all conscious existence into
one undulating wave (like a blanket covering the bed of spacetime).
Although the timewave isn’t physically a spiral, events along the timeline match up when the thread is laid out in a spiral fashion. With the
outside of the spiral representing the past, time progressing twists inwards until it eventually reaches the centre and stops. Draw a line from the
centre out to any point on the edge and events along that line will have intimate connections even though thousands of years may separate them. As you
get closer to the centre, events appear closer together, indeed they may seem to overlap. Just before the end of the spiral, the last few moments will
hold the significance
of all previous moments.
The timewave flows around the major point of gravity and energy existing across all local parallel three dimensional realities -- our Sun.
Not every star has a timewave, only stars bearing conscious beings. The timewave is like a thumbprint, an identity unique to an entire civilization.
Each sun has an intimate connection with it’s conscious offspring, and our Sun is no different.
Another way to view the timewave is as ripples across the surface of a pond after a pebble is tossed in. Considering the possibility that there could
be more than one timewave in the universe (it is likely there are other intelligent lifeforms out there, existing along their own rhythmic timewave),
then imagine two pebbles dropped into a pond near each other. When the ripples intersect, they cause
wave interference, and they will ultimately either flatline or synchronize in the interplay of
peaks and troughs. There is a level of interference already taking place locally and has been for some time. The interference is palpable and
intimately ties into synchronicity, déjà vu, and the apparent repetition in history.
All too often, consciousness is overlooked as a factor bearing any significance on natural time, though the two can’t help but affect one another.
Any event affecting the course of time sends reverberations backwards and forwards along the timeline – certain perceptive individuals detect these
ripples as reality shifts. In fact, the Earth itself as well as the Sun (which both have their own levels of consciousness), could react physically to
any upcoming major events. These reactions could take the form of earthquakes, abnormal weather, changes in physical reality that defy all logic, and
even a perceived change in the pacing of events in natural time.
I've come to the conclusion that the flatline present in our code in approximately late December 2012 is
a joining of two or more separate
timewaves. The cancellation caused by interference will be temporary, and I believe will result in one new colossal timewave -- a new rhythm of
existence encompassing all conscious entities within.
An overlapping of timewaves can only mean one thing –
contact. The event does not necessarily take place in 2012, however the joining waves
happen to reach a highly critical point by that time. Also, the entity we’re making contact with does not necessarily have to be alien. The birth of
conscious artificial intelligence in a “
Technological Singularity” scenario
could in fact create its own unique timewave resulting from its own perception of time.
In order for this to take place, parallel realities (or at least portions of them) are coalescing into what will be eventually one perceived reality.
So, at zero point, there will be no local parallel realities – all will be one. New parallels will branch out beyond zero point, assuming there is
existence beyond zero.
[edit on 17/9/08 by Evasius]