posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by SteveR
You don't think the cop was wrong? You don't think he was out of line? Then give me a logical explanation, on how this officer did not cross the
line, and maybe there will be worth something to even debate. You want to debate reasoning? Ok, I have a few opinions on why the cop did what he did.
He was angry, dumb, and maybe a bit racist. Doesn't make him justified in hitting the kid. You want to say the kid was a thug, ok. What makes that
cop any different from the people he arrests? And how do you even know the background of this kid, how do you know he was a "thug"? You don't know
him from adam, and you want to jump to conclusions? You are the one seeing things in black and white friend. Not me. His rights were violated as an
american and a human being, plain and simple, on camera. And there are still people like you that do not get the big picture. Crying about the cops
reasoning. Big deal, poor copper. Right?
I also wanted to add that I have read a few of your posts, not all. I believe the vid is mild in nature as well, but its still wrong. I've had worse
stuff then this happen to me by cops, and I was the one who got screwed. The cop does have to deal with alot of bs, and I don't agree with the kids
behavior on the vid, but I would be angry too if I was stopped for baggy pants (that I don't wear myself), and I would not have any respect for the
officer harassing me. I mean we can safely say the cop was harrasing them right? I mean they were not breaking any laws, and that is his job to up
hold the law. So right off the bat the cop was wrong. And he didn't find anything on them, he had no reason to arrest them, so he got even more
frustrated. Some cops see it as a war on crime, and if they can bust someone for no reason who they believe is a 'bad guy' then they will and see it
as doing society a one up. But in reality they are just making things worse, and fueling an already out of control fire. I see where your coming from,
but you have to understand that as a cop you have to keep your cool no matter what, thats the responisblity of being a cop, not to abuse your power.
And he did, he let all the frustrations of the streets get to him, and he exploded. But thats what you risk being a cop, you have to keep your cool.
By the way, did you know that this particular cop has been suspended or something similar for excessive force prior to this incident? Seems like he
has always been this way.
Edit to add
[edit on 2-10-2008 by schism85]