posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Truth be told, most sightings are hoaxes and misconceptions. This might perhaps be something many here don't like to here, yet it's there. Nothing
wrong with that, humans ask questions and want awnsers. Mind you though that there is something out there.
Unfortunatly for you humans the earth is rather backwater in the universe (or rather luckly I think). Most alien races either haven't found earth, or
don't bother do do effort to get here once they discover it. Hell, if i weren't stuck here I wouldn't be here either. Nothing really interesting
going on here on earth and in fact this whole solar system is rather boring. Of course, there is the little issue of rarity from habitatable planets.
While there are caculatively many habitatable planets most are not suitable for carbon based, oxygen breathing beings and most of those few that are
haven't got intelligent life or having 'bad neighbours' (like a certain reptilian race whose Zalamenian ass I never would like to see again).
So really, most is bull#. Be thankfull, cause to who do bother to fly long distance to a muddball like earth usually have runned out of simular
mudballs or are being chased by their neighbours and really aren't looking to share their little found resources with the locals. I guess that's
what 15.000 years of universal anarchy does.
Meh, but that's all ancient history like that little incident some 15.000 years ago on this mudball. O well, things turned out nicely anyway's and I
like warme places.
I'm getting adrift from my point. The topicstarter is right, something is going to happen. Ehr, yes something with partical exelerator, dimensional
rift and universal history that's not related to earth. Meh, faith of menkind? I'm not really bother with that. I do guess that earth still has some
value afterall, but perhaps not for humans. I'm still fussy on the exact date thou, It's supposed to be around 2010, but I might be a little off, it
might happen a year early. Then again, the CERN screws up regularly and my calculations are rarely off.