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Disclosure Is Close, Are They Coming?

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Mendozer

Are they trying to contact me? I dont know, these dreams an experiences only left me with more questions then answers but I do believe that disclosure is close, considering even ME, the most unimportant person ever is feeling the ufos.

Probably yes, probably they try to do it (to contact with you) within your nightdreams, as they MAY be so high developed in their own "souls" that this kind of contact is interesting for BOTH sides (for you too)

We, humans, do not understand that this kind of contact can be fruitful for BOTH sides, for us too.

I now sleep with the lights on with a knife under my pillow and a gun under my bed. I dont know why the idea of contact terrifies me as much as it does, but it just does.

THIS is what you should NOT do, if they wanted to kill you or to hurt you, you would be dead within a few first seconds. They are enough powerful to avoid your weapons.

FEAR KILLS YOUR consciousness

try to "talk" to them, they may be very different from your illusions

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by sechmet

This post actually made alot of sense to me. Im sure if they can concur interstellar travel, they would be able to avoid our weapons.

I just never thought so until I read this post.

I hope Ill try to "talk to them" in my dreams/visions/whatnot next time, although Im sure Ill be just as terrified as the first time I had these "visions".

On a side note, these experiences have left me shaken, but not in a bad way. I feel "special" now, like Im one of the select few for something.....its just a shame most people look at me like Im crazy when I bring up the subject of being contacted/dreams/visons/whatnot.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:29 AM
believe me or not, you are not alone

so, maybe - all of us, all people have dreams like this
maybe usually you remember it, as you are ready to leave the "masks of reality"
or maybe you are developed enough to start a new cycle in your life

or, maybe you are kidding

I am not kidding about this. just be yourself, but LEAVE THE FEAR

let to the FEAR to be "eaten" by it, just let the things happen

and NEVER EVER use any violence - nobody wants to heart you, you are safe.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Can anyone please explane me how you people still can rattel on about aliens if there isn't any proof that they exist.
Why not let us talk about elves, dragons, lepricons etc...

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Lasthuman

Thanks for your input. It is greatly appreciated. It also really added to the flow of the conversation. Now run along and let the adults speak

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by sechmet

Can you please explain to me where you got this information from. Either provide a source, or admit you made everything up out of thin air.

I hate it when people claim to be experts at something, and in reality they fabricated the whole thing.

Do you ever feel like a bad person for lying to people?

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Lebowski achiever

The guy has a point. There are people in this thread giving other people advice about aliens. Do you hear what I just said? Someone is claiming they know how to deal with aliens.

That same person needs to provide a source of their information. If they've met with aliens, they need to post when and where it happened.

If they have other knowledge, they need to post that.

Otherwise, don't come on here acting like some kind of expert knowing they made it up from scratch.

Some people on here might be stupid, but I am not one of them.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:12 AM
OK, here you have my answer. thats right to say - OK, this guy knows what he is writing of

lets begin

it was over 30 yesr ago, when I had a chance to look into "theirs" mind
you know, a few years old boy inside the "grey" mind, as I asked for this - because of nobody says "I have to" - it was simply my choice, as it seems to be.. so beauty

and was, was different but was wonderful

So, as I KNOW that "their" mind is so high developed as the "very low intentions" are NOT possible, because of "we are their children" - it is not possible to think (for "them") the they own us. no, it is not like this.

So, if they want to meet us, it is because we want to meet them. it is so simple. we HAVE TO grow, as we have NO CHOICE to exist in the other way. this is not related to any current predictions, this is as it works always.
many people can confirm you this
and this is no offence in my words.


then OK, respect my words for this man. he should NOT be afraid, as anybody will hurt him. it is something related to the Lucid Dreams, I know it as I had it in the past. in my opinion, it is great in fact. read about R. Monroe
and have your own opinion, but before you will reply me - be sure you had read thouse books - as my experience is, he was NOT wrong

" I am more than my physical body" ....


in the other words, if you want to say, that this kind of contact may be argue to keep the weapons under the bed - you should have your own experience on this, and I am sure, this is only your trauma, your imagenations and wishes, it was nothing corresponded to reality. this is all easy to explain

[edit on 20-9-2008 by sechmet]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by rocksarerocks

why the word stupid?

i just don't get this

why worry about what people are talking about - why tell them to stop?

you don't believe - ok

you don't agree - ok

what's your personal interest in telling people they're idiots?

why is this important to you?

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by rocksarerocks

This thread is not necessarily about Aliens. It is about sightings, the media bandwagon that has started (again) and what the motivation of disclosure, if it happens, could be. Then after mentioning dreams people related similar experiences but most of them do not even feature aliens.

Sure it is all speculative but that was the aim of this thread. Speculation.

For thelasthuman just to make a statement to derail and ridicule is not having a point, in my view.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:01 PM
those of us that are deeply involved in UFOs are that way for a reason. I do not trust our government and I believe they are much more advanced scientifically than we are led to believe. However, the rate of scientific advancement has leapfrogged in the last 60 years making me believe there is an outside source of information. We simply could not make the jumps that we have on our own IMO. This leads me to think that there are ETs out there. And there are people in power, real power not government positions, with an agenda. If I had to summarize the current state of affairs I'd say maybe there is a race going on between the ETs who may have legitimate and non violent goals and those in the secret halls of power who have some very questionable goals involving control and expansion of power. Von Braun seemed to warn of a false flag operation involving UFOs and maybe this is what is being set up. It may turn out being a situation where we, the UFO believers, end up trying to convince the population at large that the lights thery are seeing are NOT real UFOs. Funny how life works.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Vikturtle

You could be absolutely right, however couldn't it be that it is "time"? We need a hand here. The Dark ones have enslaved us. They have all the money, and the power. There is no one to vote for, only more of the same. Who can save us? We can save ourselves! By believing in a higher Consciousness and believing that it is time for that higher Consciousness to appear in the world. What would that look like? Well, wouldn't it look something like Beings from another Timeline, or ETs, cosmic brothers and sisters who have been here done this and are here to assist us in ascending to a higher dimension.
What about the communication from Blossom Goodchild? I have not seen mention of it on this site? October 14th, have you heard of what is supposed to happen?d Do you believe it is a hoax? I choose to believe it is real because that is what i want to happen. If we are the creators of our own reality, (and we are), and if we create by our beliefs, ideas, and concepts, etc. (and we do), then this is the reality that i vote for 'cause i don't see a whole lot of hope anywhere else. I am so tired of the Illuminati and their dark agenda, i don't want to put my focus and attention on "THEM" they have had the lime light for to long. My vote is for our space brothers and sisters, it opens my heart not closes it. Personally, i do not feel that there is a difference in Saviors, what does it matter the name a Savior goes by, I am willing to let go of my concept of who or what the savior is, i just know we need the Savior Now to lift our vibration to higher levels. The Savior of course is within, the Savior is Love. Love will take us to those higher dimensions, but everything within(our state of Mind) is reflected in the World is manifest in the world, Our cries for help from our oppressors will be answered by these Beings who have the technology to help us save this planet. That is the reality I want and that is were I will put my hopes, dreams, FOCUS.
We are ONE! It is all God, or Divine Consciousness, or Source, or whatever you call it. There is no "Other" it is an illusion. It is just two sides of the same coin. That is how this plane of reality IS, It exists in Polarity. Everything has it's opposite. We are moving to a higher dimension where polarity does not exist. We are evolving to a state closer to Source...AtOneMent. Peace and Love to us all. Love is all there IS.


posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Im sure if they can concur interstellar travel, they would be able to avoid our weapons.

Captain Cook traveled across the open oceans on intercontinental travel to visit islands whose primitive inhabitants had no such ability.

He was killed by ticked off Hawaiian natives who bonked him on the head.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Im sure if they can concur interstellar travel, they would be able to avoid our weapons.

Captain Cook traveled across the open oceans on intercontinental travel to visit islands whose primitive inhabitants had no such ability.

He was killed by ticked off Hawaiian natives who bonked him on the head.

So, you really want to kill somebody only because of you do not understand his motivation and you had watched too many movies with aliens coming to eliminate us?

ARE you serious?

If somebody would come to your house, offer you some gifts and asked for help, giving some good solutions of your troubles - you will kill him because of you do not know him ?

I really would like to hear the answer - NO ....

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:40 AM
When I was having night terrors as a kid(brain development) I would have dreams that I was abducted by grub-like aliens with Organic Ships that wanted to harvest humanity like cattle.. that even the ship would try to eat me and then I would wake up and realise it was all a dream as I had not moved at all. I even did things at night to make sure I was not actually abducted like putting tape on the inside of my window panes and door frame (I was a smart kid).

And You know what? It was all in my head.

Sure there might be horrible races out there but don't you think if we were doomed to be invaded it would have happened by now, not later when we have better tech to fight back? Also if a race is going to spend the effort to come all the way to the planet why not make contact.

I can tell you a possible reason.. Fear.. Everything with any feasible resemblance of intelligence has a fear of the unknown.

I believe that the Roswell incident was a Earth made test vehicle personally, just not sure where they got the liquid metal tech... maybe they dug it up from a prehistorically crashed UFO.. All through history in every culture there are tales of aliens(men from the sky) and strange aircraft.

UFOs must be real I just don't think they're in contact with us just yet.. I think they're apprehensive after what happened in Egypt and Atlantis so they're waiting for us to advance enough "socially" this time so that we don't blow ourselves up again...

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Vikturtle

Check out Project Bluebeam and see if you think its a coincidence that the aliens are showing up now...

Like I said in the other thread, if something is too good to be true, it usually is.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by Vikturtle

Check out Project Bluebeam and see if you think its a coincidence that the aliens are showing up now...

Like I said in the other thread, if something is too good to be true, it usually is.

Oh, man. The real message contains (between the words) some other message. If you can just try to understand some "difficult to use not-human logic system" you can find some interesting things inside.

So, if we are under pressure of time, the reason could be different to be from that They wish. Live is not only contained from your wishes.

Time-line could be for example too close to the "solar wind anomaly" or whatever - just image yourself whatever (and take care, in my memories I have some possible reason, but too strange to public it, this is just mine and could not be true - as maybe I understood something in a wrong way)

It doesn't really matter. THIS is not anything close to bluebeam.

try to look for "Oct 14th Redux" on the web, the most wired is that this contains some really good look on this by magenta, she says this is very different video. this should explain some questions, or you should have other questions, which I hope will re-direct you to right questions.


[edit on 21-9-2008 by sechmet]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 05:35 PM
[Posted this on a new thread before, sorry!] Wow after sifting through about 6 pages, and skipping over a few more, I have seen how many people have had the same sort of dream i just had about 3 weeks ago. I had not been looking at alien pages on here or anything but then one night, I dreamt i was in my garage with a friend and looking up at the sky. When all of a sudden there was a big flash of bright, bright light, and it was like we were being lifted. Im not sure how to explain the feeling, I was afraid at first, but then it felt peaceful. Which is mainly why I decided to check out the UFO forums. But have any of you ever thought maybe aliens are us in the future? Just a thought. But yes I do think stranger things have been happening these days. I have never seen anything too unusual in my life but the other night over the St. Croix River were three vertical very bright red lights. Very unusual.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

You cannot for one second defend someone who claims to be an expert on aliens and cannot provide evidence as to how he gained expertise on the subject and where he got his knowledge from.

I don't go on a physics board and claim to be an expert in nuclear theory because I have no knowledge of the subject.

Coming on this board and giving people advice about aliens is the same thing as lying straight to their face.

No one with a solid mind and two feet on the ground believes that crap for one second.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by rocksarerocks]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by rocksarerocks

You cannot for one second defend someone who claims to be an expert on aliens and cannot provide evidence as to how he gained expertise on the subject and where he got his knowledge from. I don't go on a physics board and claim to be an expert in nuclear theory because I have no knowledge of the subject. Coming on this board and giving people advice about aliens is the same thing as lying straight to their face. No one with a solid mind and two feet on the ground believes that crap for one second.

no one is an expert on aliens

but, even on a physics board - opinions vary

and unlike a physics board - this is all speculation

here in the Aliens & UFOs forum - one theory is as good as another, one opinion is as good as another

no one here needs for me to defend them - but I will defend anyone and everyone's right to express their opinion without being attacked or insulted

telling people that they're stupid isn't a contribution to any thread

you think it's all nonsense - and that's OK

but this isn't a courtroom and you're in no position to make demands

complaining about going off topic would be legitimate -

and now we are

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