Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
reply to post by tracey ace
Yes, that backs up the notion that people want to know more. They want answers. Thanks for that link!
To come back on the Them or Us idea. I think both.
I think the triangle sightings in the 90s are the Aurora more than likely. But there are so many different types of sightings.
Again, Not mutually exclusive.
I wanted to bring this back into the discussion -the OP and Lebowski Acheiver have made some good points
we all have our ideas about what's going on - and obviously we would like to know what that actually is
how disappointing would it be if it wasn't real?
could it be possible this is all made up in an attempt to manipulate the masses? well - of course
even if it's not to dominate the world - it could just be a useful way to make a quick buck
what if it's just some psychological phenomena? collective unconscious whatever...
what if they
are real?
we should consider - all those points are valid as far as they go - since we don't know anything absolutely
but, as Lebowski points out - none of them have to be mutually exclusive - so - it could all be real in varying degrees
UFOs are real, whether they are ours or extraterrestrial
or they are NOT real -simply don't exist
our lack of certainty as to what they are or aren't - and what's going on - could be used to manipulate a population by whoever is in a position to
do so
and people are capitalizing on the psychological aspect - our current "group" interest in the whole thing - so, we will only hear more and more -
and it will become more mainstream
it's been brought up in other threads - but I think it's worth mentioning here - about the term
it can only mean that there is something to disclose - and that somebody is in a position to disclose it
we all assume that the governments of the world are in a position to do this - and they just won't
I think it would be better for us to all realize - there's never going to be a "National Disclosure Day" that you can mark on your calendar
no BBQs or parades - no bank holidays
if there is anything to all this, then it's a process of realization - and it's already happening
it's been happening
I don't want to take away from all the fun of suspecting our governments of being up to no good - ATS would all but disappear if we believed in a
benevolent elite with only our best interests at heart
on the other hand - I'm not a complete idiot - maybe they really are up to no good
however - what's happening - the way it's happening - may just be part of the plan
in the span of a few months we have had a major event in Texas (not to leave out the multitudes of events all over the globe), the Vatican make an
official declaration of its position on the whole extraterrestrial subject (why?) and the discovery of water on mars
mainstream media - for whatever reason - is taking the whole thing pretty seriously - astronauts, pilots, everyone and his brother - going on
and there are a great many people who aren't even waiting for disclosure - they're just treating it as a given and researching it to the best of
their abilities
it's probably here - the only thing we can do is remain as objective as possible - which includes considering that it's NOT here and never will be -
and watch what happens
edit to add that I forgot to include the slow leak of information concerning a mysterious blob of light seen by Hubble - that no one can seem to even
BEGIN to explain
maybe nothing - interesting timing
[edit on 9/18/2008 by Spiramirabilis]
[edit on 9/18/2008 by Spiramirabilis]