posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 05:17 AM
Hello again smokingman...
Before I get to you, I wanted to comment on the conversation between miss and riggs...
To riggs: willingness to believe does not automatically lead to success. There are areas where ideas can more or less grow, where there are others
that will remain aside, for the "mentally unstable" and forever infertile for the general collectivity.
If you are happy to ignore your inner environment, to replace it by what you can see and smell, then by all means knock yourself out.
There are others, however, that are called by more than what can be touched, and you can very well understand, that even a memory can be more powerful
than the words and everyday routines that smother the being of some around you.
My advice is to stand aside and watch, and you will see that practically everybody responds to their inner desires and feelings more than anything in
this world.
The roots of those desires, feelings and ideas... well, there we have to go back a long way, to see where ideas come from and how they come to be in
our reality. Even the so called society where you move around, is based on what mostly where just ideas once...
SMOKINGMAN... glad to see things are going well, and just as a gentle reminder:
What has been mentioned before by your friend and I is true, yet focus is of the essence.
To para-quote an old friend, to focus on the "evil" consequences of our desires and effects as a whole, will only lead to reinforce those images.
Hating evil and war, for example, is understandable, yet the consequences of that type of focus are different than say, the active pursuit of
understanding and peaceful solutions.
A general positive environment is more beneficial then even the most justified and informed outrage, if that outrage leads to pessimism and dislike
for the subject. REAL Love, rather than hate, will lead to the active pursuit of understanding, and the knowledge that will lead to reaction, which
can in turn be the fertile ground for the new developments.
Think about it like this: if your kid is being tossed around in school, you don't just sit at home to hate the bully and his parents. Instead, you
try to educate your kids about the benefits of education and non-violence, talk to teachers, etc. You move, yet hopefully not to beat the other
Our earthly environment requires from us the same active yet positive approach.
One more thing: reread the passages (although I know they were very condensed) about choice. Remember that, in general, the active pursuit of
knowledge is the most desirable of the purposes of the Soul.
There are fewer surprises than we would think, and if suffering is to teach us how NOT to suffer, remember that there will always be some that will
volunteer to live a life that way, not only for their own Soul's edification, but also for the sakes of Mankind's betterment in understanding about
the undesirable effects of greed, self-centerdness, and egoism.
A part of us too is living a life in "suffering" conditions, hopefully to teach the inner You a couple of things along those lines.
Rather than righteously suffering about the state of matters, try to find the positive aspects of those experiences, and even some gratefulness
towards those who have the courage to "be there" right now.
Remember also that there is no outside agent delivering our fate to us without our participation. There is a plan, a line of events that was put into
being a long time ago (in our terms, for time is just a material convenience...), and the events to come, if they will or HOW they will are in line.
It is within our hands, however, to make the best out of the situation and change what we can and will through the use of our liberty, knowledge and
The fact that the events might be getting a little more "collective" (not only human I mean...) can be unsettling, yet we can, we must find the ways
to not only cope, but be an active part.
Thanks for being a part of this...
[edit on 19-9-2008 by citizenc]