I strongly suspect that, if your story is true, yours is the second case, where different personalities of the same Soul can meet and share
experiences and information. If this is so, she knows. Ask her.
This is all for now.
I share this info with you for some obvious reasons:
- No one, person, Soul or group other than ourselves, our Souls, can decide without our "knowledge" or against our will, what our experience will
be. WE decide, our Souls decide.
-When a person "decides" to die, is because the experience desired has reached its conclusion (in this plane of existence), and the "way out", the
passing to the next level, ensues. There are no accidents or "evil" consequences that impose death on us.
In the same way, all experience, and even the "death" of a nation or civilization, is decided at deeper levels for the betterment of experience.
-Micromanagement or microplanning do not exist at deeper levels of experience. This is more a human virtue.
Everything that is going on has deeper purposes and has been put in action in many, many ways. Only our human perspective can allow to see things and
think that this is all, and that whatever happens has an end in itself.
-We are one of many civilizations that have been enacted for the sakes of experience. Some have been "succesful", some have been less. Some have
moved on to other levels or geographically, some have been "ended" and reformulated.
However, even the "non-successful" civilizations have had much to teach our Souls, our collective Souls, etc. Knowledge is never wasted.
-If we are a civilization that has "decided" to end its present PHYSICAL experience, because it is not considered successful, then that's the way
it will be.
Honestly, however, I had not foreseen this hapening, yet, since there are a few things that have to take place.
We are barely reaching our "teenage" years as Mankind, therefore judgement on merits of continuing or not would be premature at best.
To conclude, there is Always more than meets the eye, even in your uncommon experience (especially!). Since life and experience Always go on, there
is little to worry about and much to learn, and abandoning ourselves to the fear of death will lead to nothing but to ignore possible new advancements
and experiences.
It is possible, to mention just one example, that things are being manipulated by the inhabitants of another timeline where these things did happen,
to have us avoid the same experience.
I have not gone into specifics, as to how things are happening, or even WHAT is happening, yet.
I apologize, but it is really difficult to explain these things in such a short way, but this can be important.
Ask your friend about what I have said, and please feel free to ask me if something is not clear (of course...). I will be glad to answer you or
I share this with you for a specific reason, that will come out in due time.
[edit on 18-9-2008 by citizenc]