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Rosie O'Donnnell & Willie Rodriquez on 9/11/08

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posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Willie is a hero. I would not take that away from him. I praise him for the lives he saved.

But, he is a liar.

Rosie has an agenda. She despises the current administration (as do I) and want there to be a conspiracy. She (as well as Willie) do not listen to the facts. Just listen to the garbage she used to spread on the View.

I have nothing good to say about Rosie but what exactly has Willie been caught lying about?

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Throatyogurt, I think I saw you post once that you used to be a 'truther' but have since learned better. If I am remembering correctly, may I ask what changed your mind?

Yes that is true.

Facts changed my mind. While asking questions, I listened to answers.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 04:35 AM
William may have changed his story.

But there is a certain person sitting in the White House whom has also taken a little creative license with their version of events since that particular day.

[edit on 16-9-2008 by Mr Gunter]

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

I don't have time to write a list up myself... I can however give you a list of mistakes and disingenuous statements he has made.

Before you read the list. Please read this post by Mark Roberts at the JREF forum. I think you will find it quite informative.

This was a post to Willie by Mark Roberts who used to speak with Willie

You have no evidence that the U.S. government committed, aided, allowed to happen, or covered up the 9/11 attacks. Will you stop claiming that the U.S. was involved?

You have no evidence that the basement explosions were due to anything but jet fuel. Will you stop claiming that you do?

You falsely claim that there is no evidence of a fireball in the north tower #50 elevator shaft. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that you were the last person to be pulled from the rubble. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that you saved 15, dozens, or hundreds of lives on 9/11. Will you stop making those claims?

You falsely claimed that you dropped your 2004 lawsuit against the United States and that the suit wasn't dismissed by the court. Will you stop making those claims?

You falsely claim that the 9/11 Commission wanted your testimony, and yours alone, behind closed doors. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that the investigators didn't interview first responders who were in the buildings. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that NIST didn't want to hear your story, and you misrepresent what you told them. Will you stop making that claim?

You have no evidence for your claims that the U.S. media are deliberately trying to suppress your story, and that the media wants to criminalize Muslims. Will you stop making those claims?

You falsely claim that the story you tell now is the same as you've told from the start. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that the 34th floor of the north tower was unoccupied, did not have ongoing construction work, and that there is reason to be suspicious of noises on that floor. Will you stop making those claims?

You falsely claim that 21 floors of the north tower collapsed while you were in the building. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that the 9/11 Commission only addressed a few of the Family Steering Committee's questions. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that the president said, ‘We don’t need an investigation. We know who did it.’” Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that it's impossilble for NORAD not to have intercepted the hijacked airliners. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that WTC 7 had only small fires. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that no steel frame building ever fell due to fire. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that the official version states that jet fuel melted the tower columns. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that evidence was deliberately removed from the WTC site to hide it. Will you stop making that claim?

You falsely claim that only FEMA was allowed to investigate the collapses. Will you stop making that claim?

Here is a link to several e-mails from Mark Roberts to Willie:

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by zippy1958

Amen to your comments. These are the true Patriots.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Willie is a hero. I would not take that away from him. I praise him for the lives he saved.

But, he is a liar.

Rosie has an agenda. She despises the current administration (as do I) and want there to be a conspiracy. She (as well as Willie) do not listen to the facts. Just listen to the garbage she used to spread on the View.

Are you?

Thats right on the money, huh? because if you say no, you lie. and if you say yes, you destroy your own case.

Have you ever saved anybodies life? Just wondering.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Are you?

Thats right on the money, huh? because if you say no, you lie. and if you say yes, you destroy your own case.

Have you ever saved anybodies life? Just wondering

Have I lied? I have never met a person that has not. So yes I have. As I am quite certain you have at one point or another in your life.

Have I lied here? No. There is no need to.

Have I posted flase information here. Yes. Unknowingly. (or lazyness on my part not following through with a source)

Here is the difference. When I make posts that contain errors, I fix them. I do not travel the world repeating the same claims over and over AFTER I was showed the facts.

Have I saved anyones life?

I will answer that this way:

If I did, I would not brag about it. I would also not inflate the number of people that I did save.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

So...when I ask you what he lied about, you give me someone else's words to him?

let me try again.


See it is a simple question and all you have to do is answer it. Thank you for spending all that time avoiding the question. You obviously put alot of effort into it. It did not answer the question though did it.

LOL, just glancing through and I see this

You falsely claim that no steel frame building ever fell due to fire. Will you stop making that claim?

Ok, so when I ask what he lied about you give me a list of someone else asking him to stop saying things that are true? Are there other steel framed buildings that collapsed due to fire that I never heard about? I know I am ignorant of many things so I eagerly await your answer.

Willie, what did he lie about?

[edit on 17-9-2008 by MorningStar8741]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Do you have anything to actually offer? The thread title is just vague enough that I am not sure what you are trying to push here. You have plagued every 9/11 thread with nothing. Absolutely nothing, over and over and over again. You use your funny pictures in your avatars and flame people but never answer real questions when posed to you, nor do you offer any new information that is constructive in any way. So you are a liar that has never saved a life. The first step is admitting you contribute nothing.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Facts changed my mind. While asking questions, I listened to answers.

What facts? Can you post these facts, (and not the media BS, but actual facts)?

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Throatyogurt, I think I saw you post once that you used to be a 'truther' but have since learned better. If I am remembering correctly, may I ask what changed your mind?

Yes that is true.

Facts changed my mind. While asking questions, I listened to answers.

So sorry that I missed this response to me before. As I admire you for answering, you could not have given a more artificial and fake answer. I originally asked because I see that touted out as a credential alot. "I used to be a truther too, but I know better now." Ok, what facts. Specifically. If you were a truther, then no matter how open minded you may have been, you had some beliefs. So what argument, what "fact", what reality was shown to you that changed your mind.

I ask because I believe this is a new BS claim that these "debunkers" are using to pretend to be credible normal joes that were just like us until they "woke up." So far, I have seen no tangible argument presenting anything particulars of anything that were the swaying point. So, tell us all mighty Yogurt, what facts changed your mind?

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741

Do you have anything to actually offer? The thread title is just vague enough that I am not sure what you are trying to push here. You have plagued every 9/11 thread with nothing.

Nothing huh? I post facts. If they are opinions, they are noted as such.

"Plagued?" Yes... plagued with facts and truth.

What have YOU offered Morning Star? What have you done for reasearch? What have YOU shared with this forum?

You use your funny pictures in your avatars and flame people but never answer real questions when posed to you, nor do you offer any new information that is constructive in any way.

What questions have I not responded to sir?

So you are a liar that has never saved a life. The first step is admitting you contribute nothing.

Have you ever told a lie in your life? Then you too are a liar.

Did I say I never saved a life? Nope. Did I say I did? Nope. Thats not what this thread is about anyway.

Again, what have you contributed? I have started several threads here that have received recognition from mods here. Not bad for a skeptic in a conspiracy theory forum.

I am not looking for recognition, nor am I looking for friends or respect. I am here to learn, have fun, offer information, and to have fun.

Get over it.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741

So...when I ask you what he lied about, you give me someone else's words to him?

What I gave you was a quick response with the time that I had.

See it is a simple question and all you have to do is answer it. Thank you for spending all that time avoiding the question. You obviously put alot of effort into it. It did not answer the question though did it.

See, when truthers get pissy with me for having an attitude, I direct them to a post like this. I clearly explained that I didn't have the time to compile a list. Then I get accused of avoiding the question.

So, Morning Star here is a partial list of lies and mistakes of Willie.
Please feel free to read through them. IF you would like more, please feel free to request it. When I have time, I will be more than happy to post them.

LIE #1

"I won't speculate because I'm not a theorist." quote here

Then Willie states:

"The 9/11 attacks are just an illusion. It never happened in the way they say. It's all manufactured to give the impression that it happened like that."
quote here

Host: "Do you think the people who crashed the planes were genuine terrorists, then?”

WR: "I don’t, because, uh, you know, it’s, it’s, well, what I’m saying is it’s not that they were genuine terrorists or not. I’m saying that I believe these people were handled by our own intelligence to do this thing."
quote here

Now, lets look at his Lawsuit:

Lie #2

“No reliable evidence puts any Arabs, or persons with Arab names, on any of the four diverted aircraft of 9-11”

quote here

Lie #3

WTC Building 7 was deliberately “pulled” (demolished) by agreement between the FDNY and Larry Silverstein shortly after 5:00 P.M. on 9-11, as he himself admitted on public television”
(Rodriguez suit, page 9)

Lie #4

In regards to his lawsuit:

"Thanks for your comments. I will explain my reasons in the future, but will tell you that the case was not dismissed, instead, I stop my involvement with Mr. Berg and ordered my removal from "his" lawsuit. I will have a new lawsuit with a team of highly recognized lawyers. Just working the details.
My reasons were more personals and lack of trust of the way things were going. I am very busy with all my outreach out there to get the truth out and expect the same from the people that uses my name to gain attention.

William Rodriguez
Last Survivor of the North Tower

This is a lie. The case was in fact dismissed.

Please go to this thread at JREF where WR was in a discussion regarding his lawsuit.

thread here

Lie #5

“Not only was I there, but I’m actually the last survivor from the north tower that was pulled from the rubble.
quote here

“Hi, I'm William Rodriguez. I'm not with the FDNY. Actually I’m the last survivor pulled from the rubble.”
quote here

This is a lie. Port Authority Police officers Will Jimeno and John McLoughlin were the last survivors pulled from the rubble.

Sixteen people who were inside the north tower stairway B survived the collapse. Port Authority engineer Pasquale Buzzelli was on the 22nd floor when he was knocked unconscious by the collapse. He woke up a couple of hours later, astonishingly on top of the debris pile. Port authority police officer officer David Lim and twelve firefighters, some of whom had been with Rodriguez as he opened doors upstairs, survived inside stairwell B. They were able to extricate themselves several hours later through the top of the severed stairwell and get help for Josephine Harris, a civilian whom they had been helping down the stairs.


Genelle Guzman-McMillan, the last person to make it out of the wreckage alive, was pulled from the rubble more than a day after Rodriguez escaped." target="_blank" class="postlink">source

Please let me know if you wold like more.

Thank you,


[edit on 17-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

[edit on 17-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Like you who did not have the time to post lies I asked for. I do not have time to read this list of complete crap. First of all I see a bunch that start out with "I believe." Anything he believes, he is free to. He may be wrong but believing in the wrong thing does not make it a lie to say so. He also is lying about no credible evidence putting the terrorists on those planes. How is that a lie? He does not feel any evidence presented of that has been credible. I stopped after about the 6th opinion you labled a lie. You truly are a gem to your cause.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

What have I contributed. Well so far, two questions you cannot answer. Would you like a third? Where did the wings of the plane that went into the pentagon go? See you falsely claim that we have no argument without facts. Well, what is your argument worth? You have no facts either. You have the BS they fed you and you repeat it. It gets shredded and debunked and you move on to another thread and troll there. Actually post his lies. Actually shoe Ventura being so horrible disrespectful, actually show these massve fires, actually show this identical crash scene. All things you promised and never delivered on. So, here is another try. Where did the wings go? Maybe you can win me over to your side if you can tell me this.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Like you who did not have the time to post lies I asked for. I do not have time to read this list of complete crap.

I did he best I could at the time. I even came back per your request with a list. You don't have time to read it.... yet you call it crap. Hmmm hand waving at it's finest. What a surprise.

First of all I see a bunch that start out with "I believe."

No you don't. You see that world quoted ONCE. If you read it, you will see that he is stating that he: "believe these people were handled by our own intelligence to do this thing." He stated this AFTER he said he is not a conspiracy theorists.

He also is lying about no credible evidence putting the terrorists on those planes. How is that a lie?

Have you:

Read the flight manifests?
Watched the security tapes?
Watches the interview with the man who checked them in?
Read the DNA reports?
Listened to the victims family's stories?
Listened to the answering machine tapes?
Listened to the calls to the airlines?

This is all credible evidence. He did not state that he "felt"...he states it as a fact. Read again what he states:

“No reliable evidence puts any Arabs, or persons with Arab names, on any of the four diverted aircraft of 9-11”

I stopped after about the 6th opinion you labeled a lie. You truly are a gem to your cause.

Yeah, your reading comprehension skills are stellar. I only listed 5.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
What have I contributed. Well so far, two questions you cannot answer.

Asking a poster questions is a contribution? Some contribution.

Well let's look at them:

Your first question in this thread was off topic regarding what changed my mind regarding being a truther. I will be more than happy to answer that for you. Start a thread about it, or find one that currently exists.

Your second question was:

I have nothing good to say about Rosie but what exactly has Willie been caught lying about?

It was answered in detail. I showed 5 lies Willie has made. You simply stated you had no time to read my crap..... well in actuality you did. (kind of) I can post many more, but I expect the same response from you.

Would you like a third? Where did the wings of the plane that went into the pentagon go?

What dies this have to do with Willie R. or Rosie O'Donnell? Once again, start another Pentagon thread. I may join you there. What you are doing is attempting to derail. That my friend is against the rules here at ATS.

See you falsely claim that we have no argument without facts.

"we?" What argument have you made? You have asked me 3 question in this thread. 2 were off topic.

Well, what is your argument worth? You have no facts either.

I'm afraid you're mistaken. Oh..and please post some facts while you are here. I have yet to see any.

You have the BS they fed you and you repeat it.

Who is they? Your opinion that anything I post is BS is clearly that.. an opinion. You know what they say about opinions don't you?

It gets shredded and debunked and you move on to another thread and troll there.

Shredded and debunked. You seem to know a lot about my posts. (as wrong as you are about their contents.)

Actually post his lies.

I showed you 5. Would you like more?

Actually shoe Ventura being so horrible disrespectful, actually show these massve fires, actually show this identical crash scene.

This again is an attempt to derail. You are obviously interested in my contributions here at ATS. If you have questions regarding the threads that I have started, please post on them. I promise I will do my best to answer your questions there.

All things you promised and never delivered on. So, here is another try. Where did the wings go? Maybe you can win me over to your side if you can tell me this.

Opinion and yet another attempt to derail.

I encourage you to start a thread.. You can title it "Where Did the Wings Go?"

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

I guess since you are the one starting the threads that lead nowhere near the title, you are the one that has the burden of making them mean something real. I ask about the wings because you keep ignoring that question everytime it is asked of you. You seem to think that I just showed up and started flaming you here. It must be nice to be able to pretend that you have not posted all the things that you have but some of us actually read this stuff. You showed no lies, you showed opinions that I tore apart with no response from you about that so far. I also went to all of your other threads offering this kind of evidence and proof and found none. What have I added? So far, I have pointed out how empty your statements are. I have added a certain amount of skepticism to your thread that was sorely needed after the dissappointment of the 'identical' crash scene to 93 and the 'evidence of massive fires' in WTC7 that ended up offering up neither. I asked questions, which is what a real patriot would always be doing of what their government tells you. I asked what changed your mind? You have no answer. I asked where are all the lies and I get a list of outright "i thinks" and "I believes" Sorry, those are not lies my friend. I may think the sky is purple all the time. I might be wrong but because i think that is how it is does not make it a lie. Perhaps you are in need of a dictionary for words like "lie, massive, identical, proof." If you still insist on asking just what it is that I have added to this thread in particular...that is easy. I have added several more opportunities for people to see that you cannot handle being questioned about your 'facts.' I have shown that you cannot stand anyone questioning the things that you yourself post. I have shown that you have more hyperbole than anything else with which to make any arguments at all and when brought to the light, you lash out angrily in personal attacks.

So, yes, please post more of these great lies. I may get time to read the whole list next time and not stop, laughing, after the 5th or 6th utter nonsense. Or tell us what did make you change your mind. Or remind us where the tail and door are in the F93 crash scene, or show us the massive fires that you forgot to get video of in your videos to prove massive fires. As long as you are free to post this empty propoganda, I am free to question it. Or is do we no longer have that right either thanks to people who believe your BS.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

TY, Willie was not lying, he is only stating his “OPINIONS”!
Willie has not said that this is a fact has he?
Willie is “only” giving us his opinions of what he thinks, read those statements again.
Anyway, Dora is having a bad day today; I stuck my big foot out in front of her while she was walking down the stairs today and I yell HAPPY LANDINGS!
So that’s one up for me.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

Once again a derail because you FAILED. Plain and simple. Next attempt gets reported.

You have some obsession with me. It is kind of flattering. (and people wonder why I stay anonymous)

Now, do you have any ON TOPIC posts to make.

Step up.

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