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Conspiracy of Missing Children

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:49 PM
As far as US government involvement goes I have found many involvements of child abuse and abduction linked to Vice Police.
In California (Process) Cult conventions were held back in the 70’s that were hosted by among other names, Jerry Brown. I thought he was out of the picture when he left the Governors office and settled into the office of Oakland’s Mayor. However now he is California’s Attorney General. How can anyone fight against the present stacked deck of politicians and police?

In Florida I was told by an under cover agent getting back to me in around 1998 concerning a threat of increased child abductions: "We couldn't find anything just some of our boy's f#*&n some n*&%#r kids."
I was disgusted and replied “I hear Hillary will jump over 16 men to get to one young girl.”
The cop said “please don’t say that, my daughter works for Hillary”.
I looked him in the eye “It’s different when it’s your kid in the hands of a pervert, huh?”
He said he understood and after a few more words that he would see the other cops would be reeled in and placed under control.

Please pass this warning along. When a weapons grade toxic gas is released from India’s boarder, then the abductions in the US will sky rocket. Please hold your children close and change the rooms they sleep in.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Comforter

Please pass this warning along. When a weapons grade toxic gas is released from India’s boarder, then the abductions in the US will sky rocket. Please hold your children close and change the rooms they sleep in.

What are you talking about?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:00 PM
I have to say. I tend to be a huge skeptic on most things I read here. I tend to have the feeling "I need to see it to believe it" and then I may even question it. I try and think logically and at the same time I try and think outside the box. I know, makes no sense

However, upon clicking on a link a few pages back, I began doing a lot of reading and researching on the Johnny Gosch/Jeff Gannon topic. I was pretty unfamiliar with it all. I sort of knew about the Gosch kidnapping, but only from a brief news mention of it in the recent past.

Before 9/11, I didnt watch the news much...and I had no interst in politics. But since then I have had interest in both....however, this story esacped me somehow.

It has made me facinated....and this skeptic somehow believes some of the stuff im reading but at the same time im cautious for false stuff that may be out there. It is causing me to digg deeping and deeper.

Anyways, I, as a mother am very very passionate about the topic of "children". So, I think this thread should remain at the top

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:00 PM
I am talking about the largest network of organized child abductors in the US.
There are several small systems that form a world wide network. This group’s trait of using smaller organizations makes it much harder to confront. Each cell evolves separately in different ways. They use a separate organization that boasts to be the largest group of successful assassins in the world. They mostly rely on poison. The poison is dropped into sodas or other COLD drinks. Some times a victim is stalked by someone that will dress exactly like them before trying to recruit them or if rejected poison them. These include “fish” in high schools to be use to gather younger kids.
An eight year old boy would sell to Saudi members for as much as one million dollars so they have nearly limitless funding. With the help of Chinese underground criminals they also have gained control of several politicians by way of supplying addictions and black mail.
The money and scope of the organization is second only to drugs. I know much of what I have posted here is not available for confirmation on the net. Perhaps I should look into getting photos and detailed reports to create a web site. It is just that the horror of it may create copy cats and perhaps do more harm than good.

Specifically my warning has to do with the second public testing of a new fungal agent.
It’s first testing was performed in Southern Afghanistan. Reports I checked while in Iraq verified some amount of this weapon was removed by way of gas fuel trucks from Iraq to Syria prior to the start of the war. It was escorted by soldiers in Russian uniforms. From my experiences in Iraq my guess would lean to the Ukrainians who were always tripping us up.
This is the weapon that is planed to be used here in the US if all goes “well”. However to get the largest bang for their bucks the terrorist want to gather as many law enforcement agents to the location as possible. Since the terrorist have in the past used the network of pedophiles* they will use the gathering of abducted children for “bait”.
I have made the suggestion of helping to get everyone’s guard up at this time, when the gas is released from the border of India over southeast Pakistan.

I honestly don’t know how to make it any plainer than that.

1.The MOVE in 1985 were armed and assisted in operations that have not come to print. You may check out commercial air disasters from 1982 till the MOVE was re-moved. Ask you’re self how many of these could be from limited range shoulder fired missiles.
2.Flight 800. The N-170 AKA Nov 17 from Greece (the origin for flight 811 that became 800) was hosted for the July 17th shooting down of that plane by use of improvised non shrapnelling missile. Check out the N170, N17, and Nov. 17 then ask what if a transponder was on board to make an improvised missile hit its target?
3.The Madrid train bombings do look like an attempt made in France by the N-170 in 1984 for a reason. Their professors joined up with others after failure to bomb Boston’s then new “Super Train” in March 17th of 1999. Again hosted by the same group.
There were others and I have been a pain to this network since 1971.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Comforter]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Comforter

Thank you for taking the time to explain what you ment!

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 11:52 PM
I apologize if this is considered hijacking but I thought this was a worthwhile site for anyone interetsed in helping.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:49 AM
Mostly sacrificed and eaten by the reptilians.
Wait can I say this even though this thread is not in skunks works

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Mostly sacrificed and eaten by the reptilians.
Wait can I say this even though this thread is not in skunks works

My God is this an attempt at humor? If this is a reply to me I am sorry for you.
I believe the site is Above Top Secret. Perhaps I put out too much information at once but I assure you all of it is true. Strange how the perpetrators respect me for bravery while those that have gained the most from my efforts and those of others that have laid down their lives to save children, that those that benefit the most do not even want to believe the truth when they see it. How very sad.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Perhaps the vast numbers of missing children relate to some sort of secret society that traffics in them. Check out my thread on the possibility of a pedophile secret society that could possibly utilize abducted children as sex slaves.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:10 PM
At the risk of sounding like the quy about the reptillians, I'll say maybe some of these children are sold to big pharma for drug testing else do they know whether the drugs work or not unless tested on humans... they certainly won't find "willing" subjects...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:35 PM
if you think the number of kids that go missing every year is big, try just finding the number for missing people..210 thousand in the uk alone...most of these turn up but not all..the police dont look for anyone over 18 yrs of age anymore..

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Comforter
As far as US government involvement goes I have found many involvements of child abuse and abduction linked to Vice Police.
In California (Process) Cult conventions were held back in the 70’s that were hosted by among other names, Jerry Brown. I thought he was out of the picture when he left the Governors office and settled into the office of Oakland’s Mayor. However now he is California’s Attorney General. How can anyone fight against the present stacked deck of politicians and police?

In Florida I was told by an under cover agent getting back to me in around 1998 concerning a threat of increased child abductions: "We couldn't find anything just some of our boy's f#*&n some n*&%#r kids."
I was disgusted and replied “I hear Hillary will jump over 16 men to get to one young girl.”
The cop said “please don’t say that, my daughter works for Hillary”.
I looked him in the eye “It’s different when it’s your kid in the hands of a pervert, huh?”
He said he understood and after a few more words that he would see the other cops would be reeled in and placed under control.

Please pass this warning along. When a weapons grade toxic gas is released from India’s boarder, then the abductions in the US will sky rocket. Please hold your children close and change the rooms they sleep in.

check out this happened a few miles down the road from me

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:00 PM
Funnily enough, while doing some research on a TOTALLY different subject, after being lied to by my local Council, I came across this...

And bearing in mind I am in the UK, some of you guys in the USA are going to hear some similarities regarding MKultra in here i think!!!

It seems like the UK is in exactly the same boat as the USA. Now i for one dont think thats purelly co-incidental...

My Pending On-line Complaint here...

View the Google - Common Purpose Organisation - video here...

Western Civilisation seems a little lost to me at the moment.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:42 PM
WOW, very disturbing. First of all, this has got to be the most well thought out, and informitive (and disturbing) thread I have read since I've joined this site. And, I agree, that there is a HUGE, multinational conspiracy, behind it. Thses sick, disgusting "animals"(no, I don't beleive they are human, but sub-human) need to be hunted down, and I'm sure ya'll can guess what I mean.

You always see people on TV preaching about banning somethings, and pasing new laws "to protect our children." What a crock o' crap! Children are sacred, the last remaining existence of true innocence and beauty in the human race. If pundits really want to protect children, they need to be MORE proactive, don't just pass laws, actually recruit the manpower needed to weed out and eliminate this scum. It is time for this problem to be out infront of all others.

Sorry to ya'll about the rant. Excelent post, and if the moderators and/or other site admin feel they need to delete my post, then I will offer no objections or resistance as it is their site and want a certain level of professionalism. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 01:29 AM
I wonder what sex is abducted the most? It seems to me little boys are since pedophilia is more common among homosexuals than straight folks, but then again anyone who uses a child for sex isn't straight, they're as crooked as they can be.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 04:24 AM
I know I'm getting late into this thread,

But Ted Gunderson (hopefully someone has already mentioned this) was an FBI agent who literally uncovered CIA operated child-abduction rings involved in RITUAL SATANIC CHILD SACRIFICE.

This stuff is real, it goes on at a massive scale, and the average populace has no clue. This is the darkest and most disturbing aspect of the world in which we live... people don't believe in 'conspiracies' but this is literally a conspiracy that has been PROVEN and is beyond horrific.

Personally, I think every person in America should be educated on this topic. There are too many imbeciles running around claiming nothing is going on , there are no conspiracies, no secret societies etc. They are imbeciles, they don't know any better, and Ted Gunderson, an FBI agent, has already proven that.

Flagging thread.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

What if they sacrifice actual children at the Bohemian Grove? That's scary.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Ocelot

I worked in Bosnia for almost 4 years @ Eagle Base- Tuzla AB. the issue was not Dynacorp, but a few employees of Dynacorp and a few of the UN Police force stationed there. The Russian mob is/was very much in charge of the stuff going on in Bosnia. During my time there I saw some of them and they did not bother you if you did not bother them. The issue is that these police and Dynacorps employees got involved for what ever reason and it came back to bite them.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 07:52 PM
I would take the guess that many are taken into the world of human trafficking and used for sex. Whether they are used in prostitution or just as sex slaves or in ritual abuse it makes little difference it is all a horrible thing.

To understand some more about some recent research on human trafficking look into some of Dr. Melissa Farley’s writings.

She has researched human trafficking all around the world and yes a large amount does occur within the U.S. She talks mostly about women but also about children as well.

Here is an article culture and child sexual abuse.

Here is another site about missing children, pedophiles and much more.

Here is a site with things all parents should know or be aware of.

Personally I think the number of children that are abducted grows with each year. I also still say many are used in sexual ways which is rather disturbing. I don’t understand how anyone could get sexual arousal from a child. Sadly though it only seems a few get caught and they are not the ones who are buying the children because they don’t have the funds to do so. These are the ones who take the brunt of most of the blame (not that they are not guilty) while those that have the cash to do as they please get away with their little secrets.

If I had my way we would lock up those who hurt children and torture them for life hopefully a very long life at that. It would be nice to see them cry in pain every waking moment for years for the crimes they commit.
Yes there is something going on as far as a conspiracy against the children of the world.


posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 07:46 AM
Dont know if this thread is still active but in light of reading it (and this recent news story I felt I had to post

Jersey orphanage scandal

This part isnt mentioned in the article I've posted the link to but I'm sure others will confirm these details

After finding the skull of a human child in the grounds of the orphange the police used those ground penetrating radar machines to look beneath the soil.
What they found was that the orphange had several subterreanean chambers, the entrances to which had been bricked up.

The police have broken into these chambers and found that they are essentially S+M style dungeons including such things as stocks and wall secured manacles

This to me sounds very similar to a lot of what has been running through this thread ie

Orphanages as "respectable fronts"
Jersey is an Island in the middle of the english channel between france and england and is therefore pretty remote
Do those dungeons sound like a place where the "damage group" might operate?

THis whole topic makes me sick, the thought of people doing those things to children is abhorrent

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