posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 02:51 PM
Now this is where beliefs can get scary. I didn't know that Robbie was a scientologist. Is he? I mean I myself have seen things only a few percent of
the population have been allowed to see, but I don't think I could ever fall for a "religion" in which one is made to pay money for cleansing
packets, membership, or other "snake-oil" cures extoling the belief that we as humans don't need any medicines, and we can overcome any sickness or
mental ill by following the scientologist teachings.
I guess it could be said that even Christianity has at times been taken over by outside factions selling the same old BS.
But while Robbie has been witness to one side of the paranormal spirit world in his UFO being/spaceship sightings, he proly hasn't seen the other
side as I have been allowed. That experience along with another witness to corroborate, allowed me to make perfect sense of my alien/ufo experiences,
as well as the 'blow your mind' spiritual intervention in my life as a direct result of praying to the God who dwells in heaven (Jesus)
So in trying to make sense of it all, we see how people could fall for the theory that some alien being named XXXX killed some aliens on earth and now
their left over essence is jumping on us regular humans causing all the negativity, and by the way, we sell a clensing packet called xoxoxo for a mere
100,000k that will allow you to get rid of the alien negative spirits.
It is an old story of nothing more than a made up story to collect lots of money for those at the top of the org. Robbie if you read this post, I hope
you take no offence if you really are a scientologist. I'm tolerant, but I just can't help but try to help those who are seeking, and that is all
I'm trying to do. Peace!