posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:01 AM
I continue my previous post.
It was early pointed out to Einstein that his General Theory violated the usual conservation of energy and momentum. So Einstein, to save his Theory,
did something very unscientific: he invented something to get what he wanted. His invention had a two-fold purpose (a) to bring his theory into line
with the usual conservation of energy and momentum, (b) to enable him to get gravitational waves that propagate with speed c. In other words, Einstein
just made things up. His invention was his pseudo-tensor. First, it is not a tensor, and therefore not in keeping with his theory that all equations
be tensorial. Second, he concocted his pseudo-tensor in such a way that it behaves like a tensor in one particular situation, that in which he could
get gravitational waves with speed c. Thus, he invented to satisfy his objectives, and because his Theory failed otherwise. But Einstein (and his
followers) did not realise that his invention, as well as being simply unscientific augmentation to satisfy a desire, is nonsense, for the following
reason: his pseudo-tensor is in fact just a meaningless concoction of mathematical symbols and so describes nothing. The technical reason is this:
Einstein’s pseudo-tensor implies the existence of what is called by the pure mathematicians, a 1st-order intrinsic differential invariant which
depends only upon the components of the metric tensor and their 1st-derivatives. But the pure mathematicians G. Ricci-Curbastro (after whom Ric = Rij
is named) and T. Levi-Civita proved, in 1900, that such invariants do not exist! Thus, Einstein’s pseudo-tensor is just rubbish, and consequently
everything built upon it also rubbish. Black holers and big bangers are ignorant of these irrefutable facts, and blunder on in their ignorance, making
all manner of fantastic claims that have no foundation in science whatsoever.
This is not all. In order to get a “Newtonian approximation” from his Theory, Einstein made another fatal mistake; a fatal fudge (repeated ad
infinitum by his followers). His field equations are highly non-linear, and so he proposed a linearization of his field equations so that he could
solve them for a potential function, which he approximated to Newton’s potential function. This is inadmissible actually, on physical grounds, but I
will leave this aside for the time being and concentrate on the mathematical issue – linearization. It is always a dangerous thing to linearise a
non-linear system of equations because one cannot be certain that the original non-linear system can be approximated by a linear system
(mathematicians are well aware of this). But this is precisely Einstein’s blunder, because his field equations cannot be approximated by a linear
system, for the following reason: linearization of Einstein’s field equations implies the existence of a tensor which, except for the trivial case
of being precisely zero, does not otherwise exist! This was proven by the celebrated applied mathematician Hermann Weyl, in 1944. Once again, the
black holers and big bangers blunder on in ignorance of the irrefutable facts.
In a later post I will amplify another mathematical falsehood relied upon by the black holers to get their black hole. It involves Gaussian curvature,
and is irrefutable.