Originally posted by Astyanax
And does plasma cosmology furnish a comprehensive world-picture in the same way as general relativity does, or Newtonian mechanics did? In other
words, is it consistent both within itself and in its predictions about the real world?
It does, as far as I know, make real-world predictions, yes. Several of which appear to have been correct, some of which are yet indeterminate. IS it
"complete?" No, probably not. Is the "big bang" model "complete" yet either? No, not really. And many of the foundational assumptions appear to
be shaky or already violated (or very close to it, in the case of inflation [vs the fractal distribution of matter in the universe, gleaned by
researchers looking into SDSS-II data]).
The interesting thing is that Plasma Cosmology extends lab plasma science into the cosmic realm and does try to offer specific answers to cosmic
questions from the perspective of plasma, electricity, magnetism, etc.
Also interestingly, the plasma cosmological view in some regions reduces to a gravitational system by way of charge neutralization. The theory goes
along the lines that the filaments of plasma seen ubiquitously, and which are usually found to have magnetic fields local to them, are (surprise!)
large scale currents (hence the
magnetic fields are an expected byproduct, by definition).
These currents may
pinch (hence the filamentary structure), and in the process of pinching
may also engage in
Marklund convection (which sorts matter by ionization
potential, with neutralized matter aggregating into clumps). Once neutral matter aggregates, gravity takes over (as the stronger electrical forces are
now cancelled out).
So, gravity *is* accounted for in the models (contrary to the assertion of those who have not sufficiently READ plasma cosmology or electric
universe). Alfvén's pronouncement that "gravitational systems are the ashes of prior electrical systems," seems prescient and sage, in this
Also, in the gravity-only model, galaxy rotation curves don't match based on the amount of observable matter. Hence scientists unscientifically
plastered in "dark matter" (which has no laboratory support, thus is an astronomical fudge factor). PIC (particle-in-cell) simulations using ONLY
electrical forces, were able to match galaxy rotation curves and many other features, lending credence to the plasma model of galaxies and removing
the need for "dark matter" to painted in everywhere (granted that may mean a few current notions, if wrong, would have to be revised).
(Evolution of the Plasma Universe: I. Double Radio Galaxies, Quasars, and Extragalactic Jets)
(Evolution of the Plasma Universe: II. The Formation of Systems of Galaxies)
Anyway, a small taste of the PC approach to things. Other investigations, I'll leave you to do on your own... Might start here:
Plenty of yummy scientific goodness from LANL plasma research.
[edit on 10-9-2008 by mgmirkin]