posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Hi There,
I have asked this in 2 other threads without reply. How can the search for the Higgs boson justify a six billion dollar expense?
That sure is a lot of money...
Seeing as how you live in a country whose government spend trillions of dollars on a static and dynamic infrastructure whose ultimate act (if used as
intended) is to administer death and destruction, I perceive your question to be somewhat vacuous and audacious. The LHC will provide knowledge to the
whole world, about the world, and provide a deeper understanding as to the mechanics of existence and existing (although not necessarily an
understanding of purpose...if there is one). The cost of the LHC is a mere pittance when placed alonside the yearly-bill that America spends on
defence and so-called national security. When placed in this context, your question really does become redundant.
Over 13 billion years ago, an event occurred which from the point of our contemporary perspective, exploded existence into 'being'. In the interim
between that super-ignition and the relative moment of your asking your question, elementary entities (particles, i.e., condensations of energy)
cooled their way into relatively stable relations with each other, creating all that we see in the 'observable' universe. Somewhat small and
relative to that history, a small segment of that time saw life emerge on a unspectacular but beautiful blue orb spinning about amongst a cluster of
other planets. That life diversified into many forms and structures about the orb's surface, and in that process one particular life form developed
attributes that allowed it to eventually dominate the planet, not by strength, but by using evolved intelligence, by which it built extensions of its
form in the guise of machines. One of those evolved intelligences, looked at the costs of one particular machine, and thought..."Hang on a minute,
can this be justified?" Thereby missing the whole point of its own existence, of the evolution and development of its specie's intelligence...which
is to ask why and wherefore and how? The other alternative being not to seek knowledge, but to do its best to bomb itself out of an existence rare and
precious. The cost is certainly justified.
What can be more important to us, as a species, than finding out the truth about the world we live in? What higher purpose can there
possibly be for humankind?
Perhaps finding a way for said species to live and abide together in peace and in good caretakership of the planet we call home. That to me seems to
be the more compelling purpose than to seek knowledge in a human-world racked with war, death and destruction.
I look forward to the 'switch on' of the LHC, and to the understandings it may afford us, but I wish more for our species to gain better
understandings of the diverse and disparate cultures of which it is composed, and through such understandings deliver unto itself a hope and a comfort
equally shared. I do not consider that too much to ask for. The cost of not doing so far outweighs the cost of doing so.
Best wishes