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Key eye witness of 9-11 WTC Commits "suicide"

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posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:04 PM
I think some who are citing murder might be interested in reading this. It shows that even his family has admitted his obvious depression along with drinking and withdrawel after the events that happened on 9/11. So, considering that we have only had SLIGHT truth in this thread and in light of MORE complete testimony on the family's part, I don't see how anyone can conclude definatively that this was a case of murder. It is a sad thing that the terror is still in full effect despite no attacks since on American soil.

oooh!! I know someone in this thread who was asking questions but was unsatisfied with my answers. Here is a family member's answer to the questions:

He avoided family, even on the holidays he had always loved. He seemed convinced he was friendless and alone.

"He said he had nobody, but meanwhile everybody loved him," Joseph Maya said.

Can we at least concur that the family members would know better?

[edit on 7-9-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 04:49 AM
Thanks Kagin D for another truth searching query that hopefully one day will lead us to the truth.. All i can say about Kenny supposedly killing himself is the fact that if I were Kenny, or anyone that knows the real truth of 9/11 and was unfortunate enough to see it and feel it as it was happening in the building, (like Kenny heroically saving a burnt man in the elevator) I fear that any one of these witnesses will need protection because the very same people who made that day in history happen, are the very same ones that will hunt those people down(every one of them that speak out saying tht 9/11 was NO terrorist attack) and eliminate them so there is no one left to talk back and speak the truth of what really happened. I fear for these witnesses lives and I will pray for every one of them to stay safe. I hope they get to see the truth some day, so they are justified.

May we all one day know the whole and real truth, about that day and this war, which is not a Blackwater open season ticket to hunt humans freely..May they all find peace some day.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by KaginD

How can an eye witness be key to any investigation?
Eyewitnesses are the most unreliable factors in any such process...

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Tiloke
reply to post by gmac1000

Baloney. A cigarette lighter will take your skin off. A 400 degree stove will take your skin off. Burning jet fuel(hotter) will easily take your skin off.

So you believe that jet fuel (that has been shown to have completely burned away in 10-15 minutes) made it all the way down to the basements of the WTC Towers in a big enough quantity to create an explosion?

Oh, come now!

And I can surely state that the elevator question is false because, aside from the braking system, an elevator crash would NOT burn skin off.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:03 AM
If you look at the pictures and videos, there were people standing IN the impact zone. So your going to tell me that those people were able to somehow survive the direct impact with the immediate jet fuel, but the people in the basement and lobby were burnt horribly from the jet fuel???? That don't make sense... sorry.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:35 AM
OMG im so tired of the bombs in the building nut jobs......Your lack of intelligence is amazing.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
TY, please address the radical difference between the verbal skill of Kenny Johannemann, the intelligence he displayed and the childlike suicide note, if you would please.

And while you're at it, explain why someone who had an offer of residence would write: "The reason I killed myself was 'cause I was getting evicted and can't handle homelessness."

Oh, and why would someone who had that residence offer from a cousin write: "I've lost friends and family over drinking and I'm very lonely."

I'm sure YOU won't see issues here, chalking it up to something or another. But *I* see the issues VERY clearly. And I am certain he was murdered - by the same ones who planned and executed 9/11, murdering others with no remorse, and blaming it all on the "muslim extremist terrorists" that they are still using to attempt their fear-mongering.

I'm sure you won't 'cause I know what your job here is.

[edit on 9/6/2008 by Amaterasu]

Dude, you need to back up a bit and chill. This is a very sad thing that has happened. Now if (this is a big IF, seeing that we don't have proof yet that any particular part of our government was actually involved in 911) he was killed by the people that pulled this off then they are sending a very clear message. Also, if (back to the above if explanation) the government did kill him to silence him it would NOT be the first time it has happened. For anyone to think otherwise is for them to be completely ignorant of the actions that those in power are willing to take in order to keep that power.

However, we must also look at the other possibilities here. I have dealt with family members who have suffered from depression and have ALSO experienced them attempting suicide. Thank God they didn't succeed. Two of them left notes and to be honest with you, I would NOT have thought they were the authors of those notes. They are both well spoken and educated. One of them LOVES to write. Yet both of their notes were childlike and quite frankly pathetic. It's the state of mind they are in when they are about to commit suicide.

So, although I agree that there are some SERIOUS questions that need to be asked about 911 I cannot agree completely that this poor man was murdered.

Also, even though I have had my bouts with the person you were replying to, I must admit that he generally brings good material to the table and generally provides sources for his data. He does not appear to be someone simply there to derail. Although I have caught him bickering with people which incites the back and forth worthless discussion, I genuinely believe he is being forthright in his assessment. Not trying to push and agenda.

To Throat. Why did you drop the B. Mac image? It was classic.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by syeager9
Get real people. There were NO EXPLOSIONS. It was the elevator that crashed down when cables got cut off by the airplane.

And this dude's emotional/financial/drug/drinking problems is entirely different story. He may had it all along for whatever I know, but was sober at this particular moment.

[edit on 6-9-2008 by syeager9]

They were severed were they? Then why is it that some people got CAUGHT in the elevators WELL AFTER THE IMPACTS! Come on, the firefighters were using some of the elevators until they completely gave out. And, some of them started working again in time for a few more people to thankfully get out before the buildings came down.

There is no way in hell that the elevators coming crashing down that many floors could have 'burned' the flesh off of these people. Well, that and allow them to survive the plummet.

And to the other person that is insinuating that jet fuel could have somehow made it all the way down (nearly 800+ feet) to the basement or first floor area and then cause explosions or burns is just being ignorant. Sorry, it DID NOT happen.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:04 PM
If he had the creative prowess to craft such a hypothetically intricate and though provoking final letter, he would likely not be on the path to "offing" himself. If one felt as though they were a "curse to the world or their family" as a previous poster mentioned, I'd doubt he would further burden his closest relatives by pouring out the multitude of his regrets and aspirations, and then simply taking his life. At the peak of depression one does not intentionally display onerousness; a little recognition in the form of a final letter should not be confused as a plea for help or salvation. They've thought long about their decision. If he were capable of communicating what exactly was bothering him, to the fullest extent, then he would be psychologically healthy; he would be healthy enough to seek reconciliation with his family. A simple letter, seemingly written without much thought, means much more to the writer. His suicide as attributed to depression by trauma seems plausible enough.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by cognoscente]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by cognoscente

Very well put! Thats a good point, I don't have any experience with suicide, thank god, but you made a good point with the mental state of a suicidal person vs the mental state of a sane person.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by cognoscente

I believe the Mossad took him out and planted the letter.
This Israeli based secret service operation is known to use psych ops such as involving one of 'their' psychiatrists to evaluate a subject/target for months to establish an opinion as to the subjects mental health.
False suicides conducted by the Mossad or any other secret service type organization consider this SOP for a shut and closed case. In a court of law, the pscychiatrists evaluation coupled with the 'fake' suicide note and an 'established' mode of behavior created by the psychiatrist creates just the PROFILE they desire for a shut and close case...not cold case....shut.
I want to see medical examiner's autopsy report for anything out of ordinary as well as do a thorough examination by a 'nonbiased' authority. Not the kind of investigators who clearly covered up and put down the 9/11 investigation. I don't want rehash my account of 9/11 here....too wordy though its here if one were to search my prior 9/11 posts. The evidence is just TOO overwhelming that one would find it absolutely impossible NOT to see it an inside job. Problem is, its political and the world doesn't work at all like the 'common' man is lead to believe...though that's what the controlled media is designed for....control of your minds. Demand a new, thorough and unbiased 9/11 investigation. More than one person here should email all the Senators and members of the House of Reps. with all the evidence found to date as a reminder of what needs to be done. Cut and I've done my share emails. Have you? The truth of the matter is everyone is afraid to raise there voice due to all the homicides, blackmailing, threats of past and present politicians concerning 9/11.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 12:44 PM
My thoughts and prayers to this persons friends and families

Someone mentioned him not having blood on him from carrying a person whos skin was falling off...I just wanted to point out that severe burn patients do not 'bleed', the skin just 'fluffs' off, like a loose glove..underneath is just the pink moist lower tissues of the skin... if your clothing was in close contact you would probably get some fluid on you, but not blood unless there were some other injuries involved.

I'm sure most people remember or have seen the little Vietnamese girl running with the skin hanging off of her (recent article on her btw that she is doing fine).

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:01 PM
You never really know what is going on in somone else's head.

You never really know what they are thinking - no matter what they say on the 'outside'.

Every soul is a universe unto itself (St. Faustina).

I hope he's at peace now.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Tiloke

The guy had just experienced a traumatic event. His recounting of it is an "excited utterance" and is accorded credibility in legal proceedings on that basis alone. You can see in the video that he is genuinely affected by what he just experienced. The one who I would not accord any degree of credibility is your friend the "trained" interrogator.

[edit on 9/8/2008 by dubiousone]

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by cognoscente

I'm with you. My initial thought was "this is way too analytical and self-aware text from a depressed alcoholic about to off himself".

Just doesn't sound correct. Which is in no way evidence of what happened or didn't happen, but it goes to the end of the list of 911 related occurrences where something is more than just a little off.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by syeager9
I don't see any importance of his statement on TV. The "explosion" in the basement could be a falling elevator or its counterweight that will make a loud sound and somebody who never heard the real explosion can say it's explosion. And why would you set up some small charges long before the intended "demolition"? Also initial fireball can propagate all the way down the elevator shaft and burn people. Explosion would tear them to pieces. The whole story is inconsistent with explosion. However he was smart enough to run far far away from the buildings. If he ever been in the building and didn't make the whole story up. So I doubt anyone (if conspiracy theory is correct) would want to kill him. He's not a good witness.

[edit on 6-9-2008 by syeager9]

First off, sorry but falling counterweights do not cause severe burns all over someones body who was standing near this guy in the basement.

Secondly, fireballs don't travel DOWN elevator shafts.

Thirdly, read the suicide note. I've read hundreds it's sort of a hobby of mine if you will. I've never, ever read one like this, not even from a kid. He starts off with "I killed myself because.....", thats utterly atrocous. That is what a murderer would write, after he killed someone.

People usually, write "I am killing myself because", or "I am gonna kill myself because"...., or more likely, they just go into ramblings about how alone they feel.

Never. "I killed myself because" he's writing that he killed himself, when he hasn't even done it yet. Extremely fishy here, full of holes just like the entire "official 9/11" story.

This in my opinion was murder. The killer or killers messed up with the note, they exagerrated the lengths to which this man had burned his bridges because of his drinking, which he hasn't. He had a cousin willing to give him a place. Oh and I like the touch of amusement the killers through in there about the cat. If he really loved this cat, he would have made arrangemets for someone to care of it. Not leave it to the police to bring it to the ASPCA and have it put to sleep.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by oceanaut1

I agree that something is in the works currently and I think it will involve an invasion of Iran by US and Israel....hence Bush gets to declare martial law or "permanent state of war-like he just did recently) and Cheney gets to live down in Site R during the fallout from the attack......Maybe I am paranoid but CHENEY is not going to give up control and power easily. Most of the civilized world knows 9-11 was an inside job....even my kid did when he watched the towers fall when he was 8.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by dariousg

Originally posted by Amaterasu
TY, please address the radical difference between the verbal skill of Kenny Johannemann, the intelligence he displayed and the childlike suicide note, if you would please.

And while you're at it, explain why someone who had an offer of residence would write: "The reason I killed myself was 'cause I was getting evicted and can't handle homelessness."

Oh, and why would someone who had that residence offer from a cousin write: "I've lost friends and family over drinking and I'm very lonely."

I'm sure YOU won't see issues here, chalking it up to something or another. But *I* see the issues VERY clearly. And I am certain he was murdered - by the same ones who planned and executed 9/11, murdering others with no remorse, and blaming it all on the "muslim extremist terrorists" that they are still using to attempt their fear-mongering.

I'm sure you won't 'cause I know what your job here is.

Dude, you need to back up a bit and chill.

Ah. I see you might not be acquainted with TY's history with me.

This is a very sad thing that has happened.

I very much agree.

Now if (this is a big IF, seeing that we don't have proof yet that any particular part of our government was actually involved in 911)...

No, but we have deductive reasoning, and if they WEREN'T involved...then a huge number of improbabilities took place, and if we presume they were involved, everything makes perfect sense. No improbabilities at all, really. Deductively, this would lead to a probability that they were the ones responsible of about 99.998%

...he was killed by the people that pulled this off then they are sending a very clear message. Also, if (back to the above if explanation)...

Back to the above analysis...

...the government did kill him to silence him it would NOT be the first time it has happened. For anyone to think otherwise is for them to be completely ignorant of the actions that those in power are willing to take in order to keep that power.

Well, it surely wouldn't be ME thinking that was a first time occurrence.

However, we must also look at the other possibilities here. I have dealt with family members who have suffered from depression and have ALSO experienced them attempting suicide. Thank God they didn't succeed. Two of them left notes and to be honest with you, I would NOT have thought they were the authors of those notes. They are both well spoken and educated. One of them LOVES to write. Yet both of their notes were childlike and quite frankly pathetic. It's the state of mind they are in when they are about to commit suicide.

I will take your word for it. I wrote long, deeply anguished, suicide notes, but my style wasn't much different back then than it is now... [shrug]

So, although I agree that there are some SERIOUS questions that need to be asked about 911 I cannot agree completely that this poor man was murdered.

Fair enough. I place probabilities, then, at 50/50.

Also, even though I have had my bouts with the person you were replying to, I must admit that he generally brings good material to the table and generally provides sources for his data. He does not appear to be someone simply there to derail. Although I have caught him bickering with people which incites the back and forth worthless discussion, I genuinely believe he is being forthright in his assessment. Not trying to push and agenda.

You have your assessments; I have mine.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Correct, I do not know your history with TY. I just don't like the 'know who you work for' statement without proof of that person ever working for any particular government agency. However, I have had my back and forths with him as well.

As to the OP, I totally agree that there could be a serious question about this being an actual suicide. I was simply trying to take a look at this from my own experiences and have seen some poorly written notes.

However, something I didn't notice the first read through, they NEVER referred to themselves as already being dead. For example, "I killed myself because...."

That is a common mistake that people who FAKE a suicide letter do. Or someone who wrote it AFTER the fact. That there does bring up some questions on this.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:34 PM
I have a question!!

After reading this thread through, I think that we have missed a question that is actually quite important in considering this situation:

If he was truly murdered by somebody having something to do with 9/11, why on earth would that somebody have waited until now to do so?

Any ideas here?

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