posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:49 PM
Yo, y'all. Long-time ATS:er (Over there I'm known as David_Reale) here. New at BTS, though. Just thought I'd make my first post here and give my
opinion on it, AND experience, since I'm currently embroiled in one of the most weird experiences I've ever been involved in.
So, yea, I've met a girl online. We were both members of an anime/JPop community, though we never really spoke there. Instead, we met through friends
that were all members of the same community, on Facebook instead. And started to chat. And flirt. Shamelessly. And a lot. To the degree, that, I
believe her sister's exact words were, "Just get together already!!"
So, yea. I like her a lot. There is one tiny problem. I live in Sweden, and she lives in Missouri, United States. Well, you know, to me it's not much
of a problem. I've always been a fond follower of the "Who Dares Wins" motto. I'm considering re-enlistment with the Swedish military for a tour
of duty abroad this fall, though.
But after that, I am seriously and strongly considering if a trip to Missouri might not be in order. Well, "considering" might give the wrong
impression. I'm bent on going over there and wooing her.
Who knows if it will work out or not? I certainly hope it will, but you can never be sure. But then again, you'll know for sure it won't ever turn
into what it has the potential to be, if you don't take the step.
And hey, life is a learning experience. It might sound crazy to some - go to Missouri just to hook up with a girl. To me, though... Well, I'm tired
of Sweden anyway, and I like this girl a lot, to the point where there's no doubt in my heart she's worth it.
So, whatever the future holds in store for her and me, be it together or not, I'm a big fan of living in the now. And the now entails plans for the
future to visit her. And woo her.
That's my experience with online love. I'll give you another report in a year or two and let you know if I still hold faith in that people can meet
love on the Internet or not. For now, though, I'll say this; I think Internet has the possibility to plant the seed and bring people together, even
if they're on two different sides of the planet.