posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:09 AM
It can happen and it can be good, but just be aware of how it can ultimately turn out. There are a multitude of things that can happen and usually
In some cases a person is too shy to pursue or even start a conversation or a relationship in real life. "Hiding" online actually helps them be
themselves more or less. It can also tempt someone to be someone different than themselves for the same multitude of reasons.
I met someone online about a year ago and we became fast friends during the course of a month. That was long enough for me to be ready to move
forward. By moving forward I mean I wanted to further the relationship by talking on the phone and eventually meeting. I thought that was the natural
course. The other person balked, continually and I became suspicious. I had come to really love this person as a friend and didn't want to lose them
but remained steadfast in my determination of moving to the next step.
They felt the same way and didn't want to lose the friendship. This person finally came clean. It was a girl. She had become bi-curious and never
meant any harm but only wanted to try and live out this fantasy that had overtaken her thought process. I wasn’t mad and wasn’t really surprised.
She sent REAL photos of herself and I thought she was quite cute.
Long story short – we ended up moving forward with telephone conversations and eventually met up in person. Spent an entire weekend together and are
very good friends to this day. It turned out Ok, but you can see the propensity for disaster in the situation.
Be VERY wary of online dating sites. They are designed to take your money and nothing more. I’m not suggesting you’re dumb, or anyone for that
matter, but the fact is that these sites “Fake” members. They wouldn’t continue to do it if it didn’t work.
Example: You go to a dating site and they immediately advertise single hot women (or men) in your area. They have these real looking member profiles
and so you sign up. You contact these hawties and never hear anything. The profiles are “Fake”! The websites steal photos and make fake profiles
to lure people to join, and it works. Very well.
I know this because I did research after a friend had her pictures stolen from a modeling site and used on one of the dating sites. Here is how it
As you can PLAINLY see, all of the profiles are the same. It depends on where YOU are to what info they put in the profiles. They are simply logging
your IP address and sticking that in a "Bait Profile". A LOT of sites do it. How many I do not know. Just be aware of it.
[edit on 9/10/0808 by Dirty Vegas]