posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by centurion1211
I'm more inclined to think the coup idea is a stretch...Obama, Biden, the Dems are insane, but not as insane as you may think. They still, for lack
of brains, morals, ideas, balls, military knowledge they still get you can't cut against the grain too much. Obama for change? I hope so, but what
is our out? If we continue with our current military expenditures and risk any further "Nation building" we may never recover financially. Agreed?
If Obama reduces this in any capacity, people scream "he's a terrorist!" Some on these boards have repeated the "socialist agenda" behind the
campaign; this is a disingenuous as "kill all enemies and Ameirca Kicks Ass!" campaign of Mcain. The basic idea of the OP's post to me is offensive
in the least and again I would refrain from tying Americans to terrorists or symapthizers. It is not original.