posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:19 PM
One of my biggest complaints about the internet is that I am shown over and over how "ignorant" so many people in this Country are.
I'm talking to all of those that "just" get their news about the world from Fox news, or perhaps they listen to only talk radio.
...I am not even talking about different points of view, God Bless them. But things like Obama is a Muslim. McCain couldn't point out Iraq on a
map. Just dumb stuff that people "actually" believe. Yeah, Iran is rooting for Obama so they can make their nukes in peace. How retarded is
...why isn't the debate just about "real" policy issues and "real" differences between them? are they many? McCain and Obama "SAY" they want
to lower taxes for us poor bastards. McCain and Obama both want to hire teachers. Both want a secure Country. Both want to repair our military so
it isn't so spread out and warn out from all of the fighting. BUT they have different ideas on how to achieve that. Debate that!
My opinion is that the United States of America, the Country I use to get choked up everytime our flag would go up during the National Anthem, but
since Reagan has been as blatently hypocritcal as its been arrogant in its dealings with the rest of the world, that I would want to kick our ass too
if I was our enemies.
Who do you want to blame for that? You who believe the Rush's, the Hannities, the O'Reilly's and the rest of the PTB in this current
administration. You let them do this and you believe some how that the best way to deal with an enemy is to wipe them out.
I don't even disagree with that, other than the fact that it has never worked, and there is no chance of that working in this modern age. So, lets
piss them off because we are the toughest on the block right now, but don't go blaming anyone but yourself when they figure out some way to attack us
again here at home. No, it won't be Bush's fault. It is you, the voter, the people that think giving up our liberties is a fine trade off for
safety and security. Fine, but only if that were true. You have given it up but gotten nothing but the illusion that you are safer.
....some of you are going to say, "we haven't been attacked since 9/11, so its working" and when we do, then the other people are going to say
"see, we were attacked there" Both sides are wrong of course. We could turn a new direction and we still are going to have crazy
people being born and bred in this world. They are going to do horrible stuff and politicians are going to use and abuse it for their advantage.
They always have and always will.
So wake up. If you care, listen to both sides of the lies and somewhere in between you might find some truth.
If just one person would realize how retarded it is or was to say, "Iran wants Obama which means that Obama must want Iran to have nukes, which means
that Obama must want Iran to use them on us, which means that Obama must be a terrorist working with them, which means that he must be a Muslim, which
means all Muslims are terrorists, which means...."
I don't even care about arguing about what "I" believe or my political views...I just want people to have "their" own and it be based on
"rational" or some common sense......its just when you are told that the Giants just beat the Redskins Thursday night and you have some die hard
Redskin fan say..."No they didn' was pre-season...they didn't finish the game...they didn't count..." That is when I get so
annoyed and sad about the collective intelligence of Our Country.
Please some of you.....The Redskins with it.... Obama doesn't want to destroy the United with it.