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The Brilliance of Sarah Palin for VP

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by jamie83
From your source...

"I think John McCain is basically what Obama says he is and what Obama is not," Coale said. "McCain brings people together, he has an incredible record of integrity."

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking since Friday. McCain really IS what Obama tried to position himself as.

I think this is just the beginning. There will be a LOT more Dems going for McCain publicly. And privately, when it comes time to vote, is when millions of Hillary supporters will go with McCain.

That is a spot on analysis.

Remember McCains 2000 campaign slogan. Reform and change.

Obamas rhetoric stole it for a while, but McCains strategy of letting Obama snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on his own is working.

Not picking HRC was too big a blunder to call just a bonus, once again we see a lack of judgement displayed by Obama.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by mhc_70
That is a spot on analysis.

Remember McCains 2000 campaign slogan. Reform and change.

Obamas rhetoric stole it for a while, but McCains strategy of letting Obama snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on his own is working.

Not picking HRC was too big a blunder to call just a bonus, once again we see a lack of judgement displayed by Obama.

This whole story is so ironic.

I have no doubt that when Obama started his campaign he relied on focus groups to see what America wanted. This is what Plouffe and his company do.

So they determine that the #1 thing people want is "change." Obama then creates an entire campaign based on branding himself as "change,' even though he's really just another Ivy League lawyer trying to become POTUS and using the Washington establishment to do so.

But what he didn't count on was McCain being the real thing. McCain isn't a campaign slogan like Obama -he's truly somebody who is an independent thinker willing to buck his own party.

And you're right. Obama picking Biden instead of Hillary will go down in history as the biggest gaffe in recent U.S. political history. I'm amazed at all the talking heads referring to Palin as a "risky" pick, but nobody talked about how picking Biden instead of Hillary was 10x riskier.

Obama/Clinton could not lose.

Obama/Biden cannot win when the entire campaign is based on "change" and on running away from politics as usual and corporate lobbyists.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack I have been saying over and over again on many is:

McCain vs Obama on Experience, this is for the PRESIDENCY...!

Thank you for conceding that Obama could not even come close to matching McCain's experience to be PRES...the mere fact you libs keep doing this Obama vs Palin should be a red flag that Obama is a weak candidate. Why because you cannot match the experience to be PRES of someone that has 23+ years vs 3 years in the senate...

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 12:36 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Are you equally ashamed at the 90%+ horde of blacks flocking to Obama?

Black folks generally vote along party lines. Can you blame them, with a man like Jessie Helms acting as the vanguard of the Republican party image? In any case, is that the issue here?

How about the fact that you are now crossing the line and just making sh*t up? Curious how you came to this conclusion. Based on what?

One word - Monegan.

She's currently under investigation for abuse of power/misuse of office, is she not? Personally, I agree with her motives, but not her actions. Even the appearance of impropriety is too much. A politician using his or her influence in matters relating to family or friends is clearly a conflict of interest, no matter how noble their intentions might be.

Of course this is par for the course when it comes to mainstream politicians - and I'm not just talking about Republicans.

Are we done here?

(Edited: David Duke isn't technically a Republican, he's one of the old timey racist democrats, I forget.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
....35 year Senate fossil as a veep, Sarah Palin is truly a beacon of change.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jsobecky]

Ah, excuse me, but that's two beacons of change or didn't you notice. Like Mother like daughter.
With a rack like that no wonder she's knocked up. Bet the guy's were lined up around the block.
Just think the women in that family alone can feed a whole third world country.


posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

Are you equally ashamed at the 90%+ horde of blacks flocking to Obama?

Black folks generally vote along party lines. Can you blame them, with a man like Jessie Helms acting as the vanguard of the Republican party image? In any case, is that the issue here?

Don't try to hide it.

Why is it that when a democrat runs against a democrat, the black democrat gets nearly all the black votes?

Isn't that within party lines?

Why would a democrat that is the wife of the first "black" president totally shunned by the black community?

One would think that the wife of the first "black" president would have the credentials and history to serve the black community more but yet the black community elects someone that appears out of no where.

I wonder why?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by merky

Originally posted by jsobecky
....35 year Senate fossil as a veep, Sarah Palin is truly a beacon of change.

[edit on 2-9-2008 by jsobecky]

Ah, excuse me, but that's two beacons of change or didn't you notice. Like Mother like daughter.
With a rack like that no wonder she's knocked up. Bet the guy's were lined up around the block.
Just think the women in that family alone can feed a whole third world country.


This is a perfect example of why Obama wants to leave Palin's family alone.

If Obama supporters keep this up, there will be a lot of pissed women.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:23 AM
Lets go back to the point of this post.The Op claims that McCain's camp ran around spreading rumors about who would be his VP pick only to announce on Friday morning that it would be the moose skinner from Alaska so as to take away the thunder from Obama's speech the previous night.The Op claims this as a strategy of brilliance on the part of McCain because everyone is now talking about Palin and has forgotten about Obama's speech.I call that more of an act of desperation than brilliance.If you have to do something so off the wall as spread rumors then drop an unknown for most of the country in the mix just to try to distract from an opponents speech, that to me would seem desparate.

Now before you go and get your super hero neocon undies in a wad let me tell you I am not an Obama man either.I am one who is sitting back in disbelief that out of all the country all we have with any chance of being the next potus is Obama or McCain.It really is quite a sad choice to try and make.

I never vote a straight party ticket and never will.......I am a registered republican but do not adhere to that as my mind set at all.Havent voted for a republican president since I voted for Reagan the first time.

I would have voted for Ron Paul and would have been very happy and enthusiastic about it.

But back to your main topic about McCains tactics as brilliance, if it is true that he picked and announced palin on Friday just to take away from Obama's speech the night before I would say that is a sign of mental weakness and desperation.If this is what McCains camp has to resort to in order to detract from Obama's speech the debates are going to be rough for him and his moose skinner

Note: In Freddie Thompson's "inspired" speech he said palin was the only candidate in the countries history who could skin a moose.What another great gift this woman has.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:30 AM
I agree with the thread. I think the GOP is pulling off some amazing stuff here. The DNC is looking like a bunch of evil nuts right now. The sad part is I really believe that Obama is disgusted with the way the attacks on Palin are being used by the far left and the media. He is at the core a good man. I think that one day he will be a great leader, he just needs more time to get tough. Palin as a VP pick won the election for McCain. Mark my words on that. The people that vote are going to make this a real landslide. Which I don't think Obama deserves. The DNC is out of control right now. They need a old salty, middle ground leader to put them back on track. These burnt out hippies and marxist lunatics are destroying the party.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:38 AM
So far, the decision to pick Palin, and the timing of the announcement was a good example of the political savvy that goes through McCain's mind.

Everyone is talking about Palin. The historic speech that made Kayne West and Oprah Winfrey cry, is now but an afterthought.

The republican base is energized. This is the biggest thing of them all. The republicans had no energy on Thursday and are on fire now.

But we will have to wait and see Palin speak at the convention and wait for her performance against Biden before America knows that Palin is the real deal and not just pretty face.

And personally, I do like Palin, she is a reformer, has the best executive experience, and is a big gun rights person, but.................

The republicans seem to be cheering her in what reminds me of how the democrats cheer Obama. Come on, shouldn't people wait and see how she performs on a national stage in the face of fierce opposition before she is anointed as the conservative savior-ess.

Much of my opposition to Obama is because of his built up and untouchable cult image but lack of real substance. I already can smell the cult with Palin, I hope I am wrong. I hope she is real but if she isn't dang we are gonna have a religious war with shallow messiahs between the parties.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by savagediver
But back to your main topic about McCains tactics as brilliance, if it is true that he picked and announced palin on Friday just to take away from Obama's speech the night before I would say that is a sign of mental weakness and desperation.If this is what McCains camp has to resort to in order to detract from Obama's speech the debates are going to be rough for him and his moose skinner

And yet this act alone took out the thunder in what is Obama's historic speech. The first convention speech of a non-white male with a serious shot at the Presidency taken out of the news cycle in less than 24 hours.

Exactly how is this a sign of mental weakness.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 02:54 AM
OP, you sadly see the spotlight on Palin as a good thing

1. This decision to try and get all the votes that were going to Hilary by choosing a female VP is a DIRECT INSULT to women all across america. Read any article written by women with intelligence and they have all stated "this is an outrage, there is no other reason for the VP pick of Palin other than to try and persuade women to vote for McCain. Women across america should be very very angry"
and thats coming from a lot of smart woman all over. The only women that will actually vote for Palin are the ignorant ones and feminists. Any lady with a straight head on her shoulders has seen this as a sad pick for a VP. Any lady that see's it otherwise, obviously doesn't have their head on right.

2. A large number of Republicans have changed their side to vote for the democratic nominee's because of this move, they know that her true background is a series of flip flops topped off with very little involvement in anything regarding the national guard.

3. Your logic seems to be that any publicity is good publicity. You must realize this is not the "paris hilton sex tape scandal" we are talking about; this is bad publicity regarding a serious decision on a candidate. And the spotlight didn't fall on Palin because of her stances on any of the issues.
THE ONLY reasons that Palin has been in the media so much since she was chosen is because:

A: she is a woman(that choice was never expected to come from McCain, it was a major shock which is no wonder why everyone was talking about it).

B: She has no experience whatsoever in National Politics and is from a State that is so far disconnected that she doesn't even know what the rest of the country is going through.

Tell me, have you heard of any information regarding Palin's experience which the media has "praised" that we don't already know is false? (she does not command the national guard in alaska, she is merely a puppet for the General in Alaska who will supply her with information regarding the situation so she can announce it to the public ONLY during state emergencies(aka a friendly face to tell the people everything is ok and to be calm). She has no connection to national security in any way, and the General of the National Guard in Alaska is quoted as saying that Palin has nothing to do with the national guard in relation to defense or security.)

Or maybe you think that being Governor of a state that has less than a million people is experience? She has been governor for 18months. This is nothing.... There is not one bit of National Experience in her body.

Though no doubt hunters and fur lovers will vote for her, but there are twice as many who will vote against her because of her love for hunting and fur

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:04 AM
Could someone please, please explain to me how Mccain choosing a female VP is a "direct insult to women" and yet somehow Obama choosing Biden, who got his ass kicked in the primaries by hillary, is not?

Since when is choosing a woman for a position no woman has ever held an insult?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
I agree with the thread. I think the GOP is pulling off some amazing stuff here. The DNC is looking like a bunch of evil nuts right now. The sad part is I really believe that Obama is disgusted with the way the attacks on Palin are being used by the far left and the media. He is at the core a good man. I think that one day he will be a great leader, he just needs more time to get tough. Palin as a VP pick won the election for McCain. Mark my words on that. The people that vote are going to make this a real landslide. Which I don't think Obama deserves. The DNC is out of control right now. They need a old salty, middle ground leader to put them back on track. These burnt out hippies and marxist lunatics are destroying the party.

Well YOU MAY BE right...

BUT I think you forget one word...BUSH

If your think the RNC is energized you have not been called a liberal, liberal terrorist lover, unpatriotic AMERICAN, LIBERAL TERRORIST UNPATRIOTIC AMERICAN, TERRORIST LOVING UNPATRIOTIC AMERICAN for the past five years...

I think this was a very wise move for Mccain, however I think it was knee jerk.

I am not here to argue this but the truly independent voter is going to see undertones in Mccains pick. Experience now is not off the table, ( but to Mccains detriment they are pressing on with this).

The truly INDY is not going to buy all the spin... The word "executive" inserted in ever sentence that has the word PALIN in it. These people are going to see through it and they are already a bit suspicious of a female pick.

On the female side, and if you have ever met a women, you should know that they tend to read into things more than the typical male. I believe for many women this choice is/has appeared as manipulation, pandering and opportunism. Using the women sex as a tool of political gain. (weather or not that is true)
BIG BIG NO NO to even let this perception propagate.

BACK to the key word... BUSH -

OBAMA and BIDEN have been on message every single day since the convention (ala Clinton ala ROVE)


MCCAIN is getting painted on with four big bold letters.

I believe a hatred for BUSH will be a stronger Motivating factor than sympathy or identifying with the VP choice.

This is my opinion, but I think the GOP base in its excitement over PALIN is going to drive right past the money. I can see the excitement and I believe it does not serve the
party to become overly confident or cocky for one minute.

AS I have watched Obama in the past couple of days and he has his eye on the prize.

I have also watch Mccain Palin stumps and I think the focus needs to be gathered.

The people want to hear that they are being heard, understood and considered.
Obama's rhetoric is so much more deep and inclusive than the very generalized
logic Mccain has been using.

Obama talks as if he has been in your kitchen, read your bills and felt your pain.
Mccain is on a whole other trip that is frankly not so compelling.

YES I am a flaming liberal, however I do not like to dilute myself with unreality.
I admit I might be, but I am usually pretty objective in analysis.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator

If your think the RNC is energized you have not been called a liberal, liberal terrorist lover, unpatriotic AMERICAN, LIBERAL TERRORIST UNPATRIOTIC AMERICAN, TERRORIST LOVING UNPATRIOTIC AMERICAN for the past five years...

Apparently you havent been called a neo-con, a neo con warmonger, a neocon baby eating warmonger, a conservative, a racist, sexist, reactionary conservative, an fascist, racist, sexist, homophobic, neocon warmongering conservative, or a fascist, neonazi, KKK, uncaring, black hating, brown people bombing, warmongering, porfiteering, anti-woman, anti-child, anti-peace, blood drinking, baby seal clubbing, animal torturing, environment hating, gas guzzling, redneck, bubba, conservative.

The difference of course being, I really am all those things.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by MaynardisGod
OP, you sadly see the spotlight on Palin as a good thing

1. This decision to try and get all the votes that were going to Hilary by choosing a female VP is a DIRECT INSULT to women all across america. Read any article written by women with intelligence and they have all stated "this is an outrage, there is no other reason for the VP pick of Palin other than to try and persuade women to vote for McCain. Women across america should be very very angry"
and thats coming from a lot of smart woman all over. The only women that will actually vote for Palin are the ignorant ones and feminists. Any lady with a straight head on her shoulders has seen this as a sad pick for a VP. Any lady that see's it otherwise, obviously doesn't have their head on right.

2. A large number of Republicans have changed their side to vote for the democratic nominee's because of this move, they know that her true background is a series of flip flops topped off with very little involvement in anything regarding the national guard.

3. Your logic seems to be that any publicity is good publicity. You must realize this is not the "paris hilton sex tape scandal" we are talking about; this is bad publicity regarding a serious decision on a candidate. And the spotlight didn't fall on Palin because of her stances on any of the issues.
THE ONLY reasons that Palin has been in the media so much since she was chosen is because:

A: she is a woman(that choice was never expected to come from McCain, it was a major shock which is no wonder why everyone was talking about it).

B: She has no experience whatsoever in National Politics and is from a State that is so far disconnected that she doesn't even know what the rest of the country is going through.

Tell me, have you heard of any information regarding Palin's experience which the media has "praised" that we don't already know is false? (she does not command the national guard in alaska, she is merely a puppet for the General in Alaska who will supply her with information regarding the situation so she can announce it to the public ONLY during state emergencies(aka a friendly face to tell the people everything is ok and to be calm). She has no connection to national security in any way, and the General of the National Guard in Alaska is quoted as saying that Palin has nothing to do with the national guard in relation to defense or security.)

Or maybe you think that being Governor of a state that has less than a million people is experience? She has been governor for 18months. This is nothing.... There is not one bit of National Experience in her body.

Though no doubt hunters and fur lovers will vote for her, but there are twice as many who will vote against her because of her love for hunting and fur

1. The Palin decision was not based on the Hilary voter although it was seen as a side benefit. Palin and McCain are both people that like to take on their own party corruption.

2 A large number of republicans that were not going to vote for McCain at all are now super energized and are donating money in masse to the McCain campaign.

3. The only reasons why Palin has been in the media spotlight at all is because

A. She is the VP contender and will be in the VP spotlight anyways.

B. She isn't the typical rich white guy that the democrats expected and can't be hit with the "politics as usual" charge that was waiting for Romney and the like.

C. She has experience as a reformer (unlike Obama and Biden) and has executive experience (unlike Obama and Biden) and took on her own party (unlike Obama and Biden).

D. Palin is a real danger to Obama. Palin is shaping up to be the counter cult-figure to what Obama is. But unlike Obama, Palin doesn't need Chriss Matthew's tingling legs in order to be politically viable. The Obama loving media got taken for a surprise, are pissed, and are worried about their man.

Oh and the thing with Palin's "inexperience" with national politics or issues of national security, she is highly experienced on the issue of oil and energy. If oil issues aren't national security and national political issues of immense and immediate importance, than I don't know what is.

And if you think that being the governor of Alaska for 2 years doesn't mean much, how about being a senator for three years but being absent for 2 of them?

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Could someone please, please explain to me how Mccain choosing a female VP is a "direct insult to women" and yet somehow Obama choosing Biden, who got his ass kicked in the primaries by hillary, is not?

Since when is choosing a woman for a position no woman has ever held an insult?

HAVE you ever dated a woman???

If you do not think that WOMEN are going to read into this, wrongly or rightly so you
are nuts.

It is on par with asking the friend of a girl who just slapped you to dance with her because she looks lonely...

believe what you want... OUR concepts or subjectivity is not going to effect things.

But I think your view in this regard is mighty short sided,,, THE gals are complicated,
and Mccain thinks he can stick it in with no foreplay???

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

I think the reasoning behind saying it is an insult to women is the fact that she was pulled out from underneath the hat seemingly from nowhere in an attempt to get the disgruntled Hillary supporters.This would make anyone with any reasoning skills whatsoever ask........does he think women are so stupid that they are gonna vote for him just because he threw a woman on the ticket??? It seems fairly transparent , especially when there are more experienced females and males out there in the republican pool to have picked from.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
HERE HERE! I couldn't agree more!

NOTHING in politics is done by accident. McCain has played an awsome campaign.

This is very much like the Foreman VS Moorer fight. All the old man had to do was let the young buck spend his energy.....then WHAM...In for the knockout!

Yes!Thats how ive been reading it but didnt have the words.Thank you!

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

erm, i don't want to pop your balloon but there's alot of ladies out there who are messaging each other via the net, that had been complaining about mccain till they heard about sarah palin, now they are getting excited. this is gonna be one heck of an interesting race.

[edit on 3-9-2008 by undo]

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