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The Brilliance of Sarah Palin for VP

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posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by ScienceDada

Originally posted by savagediver
Before you guys rip me up too bad I want to say I have been a registered republican ever since 1982... I would like to see how your world would operate without the ones you hate so much and degrade with your comments about working at wendys , walmart, sear's, matter who wins you will still have your money, your guns, and your sense of supioroirty.

Wow... Johny on the spot joins ATS in the last few days pretending to speak for the "old conservatives." You just don't get it, and you quoted mopusvindictus out of context. Go troll somewhere else.

I pretend to speak for no one but myself.Never once did I say I spoke for anyone other than my self.I have been a registered republican since 1982.I changed from democrat to the republican party at college during the Reagan revolution.I made many mistakes back then and in hindsight that was one of them.The only republican presidential candidate I ever voted for was Reagan but have voted fairly loyally in state and local elections for republicans up until the last few elections.I never voted strictly party but rather who I truely believed would be best for the job.Who I thought would be best........not just who the party I have been registered under said was the best choice.This is called having an open mind and thinking for your self.Try it sometime.Be the maverick that McCain claims to be and think for yourself and allow others in the party to have their beliefs instead of being a sheeple.I believe in Ron Paul and was finally going to vote for a republican president again but it didnt happen, we ended up with McCain.

My own personal feelings here again I speak for no one other than myself science wiz......I dont feel good about the republican party any longer , havent for years.I was really hoping I could boost my confidence in the party again with a nomination of Ron Paul, but alas this didnt happen.He stands out against the federal reserve as should any one who cares about our country.This is my opinion.....this is how I feel.I do think that the air of superiority and arrogance have hurt the GOP and attitudes like I see spewing forth recently have made me come to the conclusion I am going to go libertarian.I dont think that McCain/Palin was the best choice, my opinion mr science, not the GOP's that is obvious.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by savagediver
I am going to go libertarian.I dont think that McCain/Palin was the best choice, my opinion mr science, not the GOP's that is obvious.

Yeah, ok. I hear ya. I don't like McCain either. Palin was a Ronulan too (as am I), and I really like her for that reason.

Many can vote for her in good conscience, which I cannot say about the other 3.

I think one big problem is that Bob Barr is no Ron Paul. Before the Palin choice, I consistently said that heads were going to roll at the RNC, and we might even see the party crumble. But this move was brilliant, and it gives people at least one candidate that they can look to and respect.

I apologize if I came on strong. I suppose I was wound up for a mudslinging session, and you seem like a very rational non-neocon. I respect that tremendously

[for some reason I cannot get the link to work in the URL tags]

[edit on 2008-9-4 by ScienceDada]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 11:08 AM

You guys still trying to inflate this dead bat?


The conservative members of the Republican party, are despondent over the choice of Palin.

Its Over!

And this either shows that you are political hacks yourself that you would take something that EVERYONE with a working brain knows is SHALLOW FAKE BULL#!!

Even the Republicans know this.

Shes not a Victim... She is a Wolf..oh wait.. A hypocritical Barracuda!

Barrack Obama has not even fired a single bullet and the Zombie and his Bride are falling to pieces...

So if you need to continue to do this to collect a pay check... at least try not to insult us by signing your future posts with


If not...And you genuinely feel and think this way...

I am sorry,... Its time to head towards the light, take a hand up that we are offering you and joint he rest of the world for a future of humanity worthy to head towards.

Those others are paid to act like that on camera... they fool and deceive you to your face... Then do another thing entirely when they think you cannot see them.

A documentary I hope you will watch is called SPIN.

I will get the link for you.

Google Video Link

It shows how TV works...


Sure they are all fake-- However do you really understand how manhandled you are??

Its easy to see which one is the cheap one...

So join us .. or don't vote for Barack because he is black with a funny name, is secretly muslim, and hates America... Whatever...

Just don't delude yourself and spread around this Crap about Palin that everyone knows is pathetic.


[edit on 4-9-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry
LoL... You guys still trying to inflate this dead bat?... Just don't delude yourself and spread around this Crap about Palin that everyone knows is pathetic

Whatever. SavageHenry you need to take off your rose colored glasses and put your coke bottle glasses back on---so you can see what is clear to everybody. You are in serious denial

Many of us were aware earlier this summer that she was a possibility. And now she is super poplar and energizing the base. The left is jealous because the Republicans have recaptured their base.

Great stickers for those of us who still think McCain sucks:

Watching the liberals panic in the aftermath of last night... priceless!

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry

The conservative members of the Republican party, are despondent over the choice of Palin.
[edit on 4-9-2008 by SavageHenry]

I am sure they are still despondent, especially after 37 million just watched the Palin speech.

I think Chris Matthews aged 10 years lastt night

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ScienceDada

Originally posted by savagediver
I am going to go libertarian.I dont think that McCain/Palin was the best choice, my opinion mr science, not the GOP's that is obvious.

Yeah, ok. I hear ya. I don't like McCain either. Palin was a Ronulan too (as am I), and I really like her for that reason.

Many can vote for her in good conscience, which I cannot say about the other 3.

I think one big problem is that Bob Barr is no Ron Paul. Before the Palin choice, I consistently said that heads were going to roll at the RNC, and we might even see the party crumble. But this move was brilliant, and it gives people at least one candidate that they can look to and respect.

I apologize if I came on strong. I suppose I was wound up for a mudslinging session, and you seem like a very rational non-neocon. I respect that tremendously

[for some reason I cannot get the link to work in the URL tags]

[edit on 2008-9-4 by ScienceDada]

No problem Science I think I have gotten a bit wound up over this too.Reminds me of when the first George selected Dan Q.That was one of the reasons I didnt vote for him.My memory failed me when I posted as well.I was a registered dem. my senior year in high school (1982) and in 1984 is when I switched and registered republican in college.Anyways I have just been venting some personal feelings.Have meant no ill toward any.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by ScienceDada

OK then.

Read your history books..this is nothing like then,and SP is NOTHING like JFK


posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by ScienceDada

Originally posted by SavageHenry
LoL... You guys still trying to inflate this dead bat?... Just don't delude yourself and spread around this Crap about Palin that everyone knows is pathetic

Whatever. SavageHenry you need to take off your rose colored glasses and put your coke bottle glasses back on---so you can see what is clear to everybody. You are in serious denial

Many of us were aware earlier this summer that she was a possibility. And now she is super poplar and energizing the base. The left is jealous because the Republicans have recaptured their base.

Great stickers for those of us who still think McCain sucks:

Watching the liberals panic in the aftermath of last night... priceless!

well whatever you can keep her... shes only doing us good right now

On a serious note now... energizing the base aint ganna give mccain the presidency.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 06:16 AM
its funny reading the OP and some of the responses LoL

Palin has basically cost the republicans the election. She is also incapable of capturing any of the center vote which is what the GOP need to do.

word is she sees herself as future leader of the party. If that happens the republicans will never win the whitehouse.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by yeti101

I disagree strongly. Palin certainly has not cost the Republicans the election. McCain's numbers tanked at the exact same time as the bottom fell out of the financial markets.

The public, always siding somewhat with the Dems on economic issues during this campaign, blamed the Republican party for the mess, at least initially. McCain and Palin were simply in the wrong political party at the wrong time.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by vor78]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by vor78

maybe not cost them but she hasnt helped. I think if the republicans blame the economy they are in denial.

mccain is too closely associated with bush & his failed foreign policy and palins views are at odds with the rest of the nation- or at least the direction the nation is heading. Thats why she is a disaster.

what would you do with palin? send her back to alaska or keep pimping her as potus or vp material? The party has to decide.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by vor78
reply to post by yeti101

I disagree strongly. Palin certainly has not cost the Republicans the election. McCain's numbers tanked at the exact same time as the bottom fell out of the financial markets.

The public, always siding somewhat with the Dems on economic issues during this campaign, blamed the Republican party for the mess, at least initially. McCain and Palin were simply in the wrong political party at the wrong time.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by vor78]

amazing...could one of you brilliant republicans tell me what your conservative leaders have done to help the middle class and poor of this country??? know that small (90% of the population) part of the U.S......the bravado and arrogance of the republican leaders is still alive and well.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by yeti101

I think the reason for Palin's struggles are that a) she was called of from the bench a little too early and b) she was trying too hard to conform to McCain's platform instead of being herself.

I definitely would not stop touting her as a potential 2012 candidate for president. I give both McCain AND Obama about a 90% chance of losing the 2012 election, simply based on my expectations for the next four years. Given that, I think that any candidate that is in sharp contrast to the policies of the incumbent and who can fire up their base of support would have a strong chance at winning. Palin would seem to fit that bill nicely, plus she will have had four years to prepare.

In fact, I think that same scenario is playing out to a large degree this year. I believe this is much more a case of people running away from the Bush administration than it is them running to Obama.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Could you tell me what the Democrats have done? They've had control of Congress for most of the last 80 years. They've also had control of most our cities for about the same period of time, yet our inner cities are also one of the most poverty-stricken areas of the country.

The truth of the matter is that neither political party cares one bit about the poor beyond how they can manipulate them for votes.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by vor78]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by vor78

its not the base support the gop needs to win. Its the center ground, palin turns off everyone except the religous right.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by yeti101

I agree with you, she would need the political center, but as stated, I expect that the environment will be such in 2012 that an incumbent president in either party will lose the political center. As of right now, I don't see either McCain or Obama winning a 2nd term.

As for her views, almost by definition, the political center will be somewhat accepting of far left or far right views. I don't think its a major problem, particularly if, as I expect, there's an anti-incumbent tide in 2012.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by vor78]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by vor78

i dunno americans seem unwilling to oust an incumbent president no matter how bad- see bush in 2004.

to stay in obama just needs to avoid doing anything disastress. If the economy isnt good he just says theyre still recovering from the credit crunch. If palins on the next GOP ticket i think an obama victory is guaranteed. (if he wins this time of course

i think america like britain will increasingly reject far right or far left views. It didnt work in the last election for the conservatives in th UK going further to the right. Theyre now back to center and just avoid subjects like europe they even have their own version of tony blair leading them.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by yeti101]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by yeti101

Incumbent presidents win more often than not, but most are not tested as severely as I expect the next one will be. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, I think, and that's not just on the economic front. Another problem that he'll have will be full Democratic control of government. If they don't right the ship quickly, the public will blame the party in power. That's particularly true if it gets worse.

As for the '04 election, I don't think its so much a case of Bush winning as John Kerry losing it.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by vor78

the other worrying aspect for the GOP is all the new democrat voters registering. Obama has galvanised the base swelling the numbers. If he can keep them voting it might be difficult for the republicans to get back in for a long time.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by yeti101]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by jamie83

Palin set herself up to that one. Who was winging the baby around and passing it for photo ops on during the convention?
It was nothing short of exploiting her family to the crowd.

So if she didn't want the family involved, she should of not had Cindy cart the baby around and pass her on.

The poor child.

As for her abilities for drawing women. I have yet to meet a female who thinks it is great that she is abandoning her family to run for office.
And that she is way to inexperienced to even hold a vp slot.

ANd it is a tacky attempt to attract female voters and men with her good looks, because she doesn't have capabilities.

She hasn't gotten Hilary Clinton's supporters, because she ain't no Hilary Cinton.

And if she has recruited any Hilary supporters, it is only becuase they feel Hilary was slighted and unfairly recruited against Obama.

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