posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:25 PM
well think about this;
somone said this;
if humans came back from the future to warn us that a big plague/catastrophe/meteor whatever was going to wipe us out... They would have come back and
told us. Then we would have done something abut it. And the event would never have happened.
So the situation would not occur in the future and the "aliens" would have no reason to be here. So we would never have seen them in the first
that may be true, but what if there ar different strands to life its self [fabrics, or demnsions you could say] then lets say in the future us
"aliens" came back and said hey the worlds gonna blow up on such n such day" ok so now that the "aliens" have altered the future future will
change but only for that strand or demension in which they traveled to, so when the "aliens return to their time, nothing has changed because its
impossibble to change the past/future of the demension in which you originally came from, there for after the "aliens" had told them the world was
going to end they would have to travel to the time they came from but of the new demension they traveled to...... ok heads exploding lol, its a theory
i know theres loose ends that dont connect, so work off it and let me hear your thoughts-