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Dream Codes

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:01 AM
ok.. this is a dream I had last night but first I want to give a bit more info into why this might of happened. Yesterday I had a pretty awful day, everything I did went wrong and by the time I got home I was really angry, annoyed, stressed, etc. This was how I went to sleep.

The first part of the night was fine, but I woke up about 3.30 to 4am and then went back to sleep, this is what i dreamt:

In my dream I saw a piano in the darkness, I pressed a note at the top of the scale and I heard the sound the note would make. The sound then changed into voices, hundreds of people crying "Help me" and at that point I saw many hands reaching out of the darkness.

I released the note and pressed another one a bit lower down on the scale, the note played a musical sound and then changed into people screaming, again I quickly released the note.

You would think at this point I would of stopped pressing the piano keys lol but no I carried on..

I then pressed a note below middle C it played a musical sound and a male voice started to speak, I dont know what he said. But then the dream slowed down, the music, the speaking just slowed so i couldnt understand what he was saying anyway and the whole thing became background noise, it stayed like this for a while.

Then another voice came rushing forward from the background noise and said very loudly (and very deeply) "Who are you?"

At this point I woke up, dont know if this was a lucid dream or not.

So, how much do our emotions affect the way we dream, the fact that I went to sleep in a bad mood does it automatically mean i will have a bad dream.

Is there a deeper side to this, does negative thought open a gateway to a darker side or even dark spirits? this may sound obvious to some people but ive never really experienced this before, i never have nightmares.



posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by John Q

In my dream I saw a piano in the darkness, I pressed a note at the top of the scale and I heard the sound the note would make. The sound then changed into voices, hundreds of people crying "Help me" and at that point I saw many hands reaching out of the darkness.

To dream that you are playing a piano, indicates your quest for harmony in life. I think it is strange that in your dream you equated a high note with ( hands reaching out from the darkness) only because I would always equate high with light - so is the dream indicating a bit of confusion surrounding some of the relationships in your life ? Could you be picking up on negative feelings coming from those within your immediate community ? Funny but for some reason I feel you pick up on collective atmospheres I could be wrong but the same pattern has occured in some of your other dreams you don't just hear one voice or sound you hear many ?

I then pressed a note below middle C it played a musical sound and a male voice started to speak, I don't know what he said. But then the dream slowed down, the music, the speaking just slowed so i couldn't understand what he was saying anyway and the whole thing became background noise, it stayed like this for a while. Then another voice came rushing forward from the background noise and said very loudly (and very deeply) "Who are you?"

This was interesting because I would equate speed with high notes and in this instance you hit a low note which could represent everything slowing down.

So, how much do our emotions affect the way we dream, the fact that I went to sleep in a bad mood does it automatically mean i will have a bad dream.

I think our emotions do affect our dreams enormously. If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.

Is there a deeper side to this, does negative thought open a gateway to a darker side or even dark spirits? this may sound obvious to some people but Ive never really experienced this before, i never have nightmares.

Some people do believe negative emotions can open up a gateway to the darker side sometimes you don't even need to be in a negative frame of mind - well at least that is what I have gleaned from other peoples personal experiences. I don't look at the dark side as something external I look at it as something internal something that lies buried within ourselves - but that's not to say I am right lol I have argued with my mother for years on this point lol and I must admit I have experienced some very strange phenomena over the years that could be deemed negative / evil - depending on ones perception.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 01:23 PM
Had the strangest vision on waking this morning - three swords became one of cobalt blue when they touched my right hand ? This imagery really made no sense to me - so I went searching and found this.

Could this represent the spiritual trinity’ - the triune or trident concept. One such reflection of the triune is Shiva’s trident (pitchfork). It is symbolic of the Hindu trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (creator, preserver, destroyer – respectively). Another symbolic representation of the triune is the Chrismon of Christian descent indicating the trine combination of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In this light, these swords hint to our ability to balance core and supporting beliefs leading to heartfelt breakthroughs in our lives. More succinctly, the veil of obscurity is pierced, and the heart of our desire is made manifest through our practice of living an observed, aware, and balanced life.

In my dream/vision I was shown the true secret and power of words - a lost knowledge that lies beyond the veil - but I will keep that knowledge to myself for the time being - I want to do a little experimenting first lol

[edit on 13-2-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:54 PM
This will be the last dream I post on this thread - well that is if / when or until one or two of my other dreams come to fruition lol

Had a vision there would be many catastrophic incidents and accidents occurring as a direct result of strange electrical anomalies - these incidents will include anything airborne - military facilites / equipment - power grids.

I will still be checking in on this thread to see if anyone has added anything cause as you all know I love to chat lol its just I am spending more and more time in the video / media section these days

A Dream Within A Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Edgar Allan Poe

[edit on 28-2-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 06:54 PM
This will be last post…

…On this thread…lol

I just want to say it’s been great talking about dreams…even though I hardly ever seem to have dreams lol very often. As for my cat dreams, like I said I only have about two of those types a dream every year…without fail lol As soon I have another one I will be back!

Originally posted by Destiny-Fate
I lied about not posting anymore of my dreams Keep waking up same time every night 4 - 4:30 am ? The other night I woke with this tune in my head ?

You posted the Bob Marley song ages back, which kind of made me make my first post on this thread because I had been listening to Bob Marley a lot at that time.

I would like to leave this thread the same way I entered…

Quite a while ago, I had this song on my mind a lot when I would make up in the morning…

- JC

[edit on 14-3-2009 by Joecroft]

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:09 AM

This will be last post…

…On this thread…lol


I just want to say it’s been great talking about dreams…even though I hardly ever seem to have dreams lol very often. As for my cat dreams, like I said I only have about two of those types a dream every year…without fail lol As soon I have another one I will be back!

I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing our dream experiences as well
and I would love you to add as many dreams as you can to this thread and then we 'CAN KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE " so to speak lol
and that goes for any other dreamers out there lol

Originally posted by Destiny-Fate
I lied about not posting anymore of my dreams Keep waking up same time every night 4 - 4:30 am ? The other night I woke with this tune in my head ?

I still get those 4 - 4-30 stirrings lol - sometimes it feels like they last all night

You posted the Bob Marley song ages back, which kind of made me make my first post on this thread because I had been listening to Bob Marley a lot at that time.

That was quite a synchronous moment for both of us I think ? Especially when you added that video that correlated with your dream - that scene felt very familiar to me in fact it was identical to my Bob Marley dream ?

I would like to leave this thread the same way I entered…

Quite a while ago, I had this song on my mind a lot when I would make up in the morning…

As you might remember from my profile page on the other site that song just happens to be one of my all time favourites - although I must admit I change the songs every day depending on my mood lol - strange that we were probably both drawn to the same song at around about the same time again - so perhaps the message is quite significant ? It might represent there is a collective struggle for change looming ?

[edit on 15-3-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:37 PM
why the last dream posts?
I have bowls of snake egg dreams... but destiny already told me what they mean.
Ok destiny when you get back from writing poetry... I would like to know what you think of lions in dreams again. Lions in real life too. Lots o lions....
Lioness to be exact. Hiding in outdoor bathrooms, strolling around on my deck... etc. They are never bothering me, just there unexpectedly. I am not usually afraid of them either.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by seagrass

I have been burying myself in poetry and blogs on the other site lol when I finish the one I am currently working on I will post it here for you Seagrass although I am sure it won't be anywhere near as wonderful as the poem you wrote (which I just adored) So did I read your comment correctly ? You have REAL lions roaming around your house ? What country did you say you live in ? lol

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by destiny-fate

Seen any lion’s lately…lol

SO much for the last dream post lol I had to make another post on this thread, especially after the hilarious comment “we CAN KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE " LOL

It’s seems I am definitely not the only one having big cat dreams…first me, then John Q and now you Seagrass…I guess you’ll be next Destiny lol

Hi Seagrass…I’ve noticed you around the boards…
I’m not sure I could handle lions roaming around my house in real life, it’s tough enough in my dreams, never mind real life lol Luckily I only have about two of these recurring cat dreams a year. Actually I don’t seem to be dreaming much at all lately about anything, my dreams seem to have completely dried up lol

- JC

PS – Destiny…I can’t wait to read your poetry…

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:58 AM

SO much for the last dream post lol I had to make another post on this thread, especially after the hilarious comment “we CAN KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE " LOL


It’s seems I am definitely not the only one having big cat dreams…first me, then John Q and now you Seagrass…I guess you’ll be next Destiny lol

No I don't dream of cats - but I am seeing quite a few on my friends avatars lately
and while I am on the subject of avatars just wanted to say what an amazing artist John Q is - I love all his new creations - they are all breathtaking.

Actually I don’t seem to be dreaming much at all lately about anything, my dreams seem to have completely dried up lol

I am still getting dreams just not as spiritual in nature - they are coming more in the form of messages and warnings. I always follow them they are too powerful to ignore.

PS – Destiny…I can’t wait to read your poetry…

lol Don't expect too much - you are only allowed to grade me at kindergarten level lol

[edit on 5-4-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Sorry had to post one more lol you were right Joe
but this will DEFINATELY be my last one

I felt this dream was very special because after having it I felt " A LIGHT GO ON " LOL
" I found myself in this building with a small group of people that were all gifted with psychic abilities - I felt we were all coming together for a specific reason or event - and that many more would be joining us - after meeting up we all vacated the premises via these narrow stairs - when I got to the bottom of the stairs I met up with another two people ( males ) that told me they had been instructed to show me the whereabouts of a secret location lol they then led me to a huge boulevard. In the boulevard I was directed towards a shop and inside met a woman who told me everything in the shop had been gifted to me. I was told it was full of ancient natural secrets and remedies for healing . I then found myself inside a house - I started to fill a bath full of water and then went off to do something else - when I came back into the bathroom I was shocked to find a huge wall of water that rose from the ground to the ceiling - but I could not turn off the water. I ran to get help - I found a woman and told her what had occurred ( I felt I knew her ) - I told her it was as if the wall of water was being manipulated and I felt it had something to do with a magnetic force ? In reality I know this would be impossible but after dwelling on the dream for a few hours on waking I think I understood the deeper implications of this message. The woman was very excited about the water phenomena and said it represented the emotions - mystical connections and the subconscious mind she said all I had to do was find the switch and turn it off so I did and the water came tumbling back down onto the floor.

[edit on 16-5-2009 by destiny-fate]

[edit on 16-5-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:52 AM

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 08:26 PM

I'm gonna break with all traditions
I'm gonna re-write all the rules

Because I can

[edit on 24-5-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by destiny-fate

Alot of my posts might become quite cryptic now lol as if they weren't already. I have been finding myself in great states of conflict whilst dreaming lately I am not going to expand on this but I do understand where those conflicts are coming from and why. I feel I do have a purpose in my dreams - a blueprint or map to follow. I recently came to the conclusion I was going to change my course and forge my own path break with tradition so to speak but last night was shown in a dream this was not possible - my heart chakra opened and I had a Vision of an arrow in flight . Two become one, which is perfection. The arrow is soaring beyond, piercing the rainbow. There is no goal, only the dynamic of light. The flight is towards perfection. The house of God is smitten by the lightning flash of illumination. The impact of the Holy Guardian Angel and the Flaming Sword of the Energy that proceeds from Kether to Malkuth.

While dozing this evening I had a vision of dead livestock - on a massive scale - I also saw a haze / mist and wondered if it had something to do with a toxic spill or accident.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Why is dreaming and all the subconscious functions associated with that experience so often deemed insignificant - if so insignificant why do we "waste" one third of our life, sleeping?

There is definitely a link between psychic phenomena and the dream state - I think the key factor that sets people with psychic abilities apart from others is their ability to walk between the two worlds ( between the subconscious and conscious realms ). Psychologically, both the shamanic initiation experience and that of an acute psychotic breakdown share many similarities with the dream state. It appears that the normal every night experience of all human beings is connected with the more extreme experiences of psychosis and shamanism through the same neurochemical pathways that underlie all these experiences.

Just as there is an absolute need for sleep in all but the most primitive of animals, all animals must dream because dreams are an essential part of the sleep cycle. Dreams are just as essential as sleep because dreams prevent regular sleep, with its ready accessibility to wakefulness, from slipping into a comatose state. Dreams are the mechanism to keep our physiological perception machinery in a state of semi-alertness, while remaining safe and quiet and while restoring our physiological and mental resources.

In the past, a shroud of mystery has covered the subject of sleep and dreams. Little objective knowledge about the nature of sleep and dreams was available. What information about sleep was accessible, represented a murky mixture of facts and mystified conclusions, mired in superstition. Sleep, this condition of semi-consciousness, causes anxiety because sleep reduces our environmental perceptions and degrades our ability to respond to danger. We are concerned because we realize that we are very vulnerable while we are asleep.

Sleep involves the cessation of most of our sensory input and a reduction in most of our physiological processes: We are not aware of ordinary sounds; we close our eyes in order to eliminate visual input. On the physiological level, our limbic nervous system slows down our breathing rate and our heartbeat; it even reduces our blood pressure. Our autonomic nervous system curtails the production of waste products in order to prevent disruptions to our sleep. While our physiological functions operate at a minimal level, our brain also adjusts itself to reduced sensory input and operates on a very primitive level.

Research at Maimonides (Ullman et al, 1975) and since has shown, the dream state is a psychic state of consciousness par excellence. This suggests that the anthropological reports of psychic abilities being exhibited by shamans may have some foundation, and suggests that some people who have experienced a psychotic breakdown could be seen in other cultures as people with a particular and highly valued gift - the gift of walking between the worlds.

Until now the main theorising concerning psi and distressing mental states has been centred around the folk lore concerning epilepsy being the "holy disease." Epileptics report experiences which are very similar to psychic experiences. 70% of people suffering temporal lobe epilepsy report psi experiences. Roll (1977) noticed that many people who have experienced poltergeist phenomena have suffered epilepsy. His theory was later linked with the temporal lobes (Roll & Montagno, 1985).
A large part of this research has been by Neppe (1980). He has noted that many parapsycholgists have found that:

a) ASCs are psi-conducive, eg. Ganzfeld, dreaming, meditation;

b) Psi experiences appear almost as if there are deficits in brain functioning . Various focal brain dysfunctions, such as frontal, parietal, or temporal dysfunctions may be accentuated under certain circumstances, such as epilepsy, and produce what appears to be a psi event. An alternative understanding of this is that psi experiences are subliminal events and are processed in a manner equivalent to subliminal perceptions. Here, we understand the psi information to have a very weak trace and it is this which results in the distortions which make them appear as if there are deficits in brain functioning.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Dreams have influenced mighty kings, given insights to world-changing scientists and inspired many artists. The importance and power of dreams is well documented and we can't forget how many millions of less well known dreamers have been warned throughout their lives of encroaching danger.


As the first president of the United States, the entire future of the nation lay before him. Washington, in fact, had a prophetic vision of America's fate during the harsh winter of 1777 after retreating to Valley Forge. The prophecy was eventually written down by writer Wesley Bradshaw and is said to foretell of three great perils that would befall the republic. Here are excerpts from that published vision as Washington related it:

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln reported a dream to his friend, Ward Hill Lamon, which predicted the circumstances of Lincoln's own death: " About ten days ago, I retired very late. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room. No living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds met me as I passed alone. I was puzzled and alarmed. Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room. Before me was a ... corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng or people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. "Who is dead in the White House?" I demanded of one of the soldiers. "The president," was his answer. "He was killed by an assassin."

Fredrich August von Kekule (German chemist) said that he discovered the ring-shaped chemical structure of benzene because of a strange, reptilian dream he had in 1865: "I turned my chair to the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. ... My mental eye... could not distinguish larger structures, of manifold conformation; long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lighting I awoke... "

Guiseppe Tartini (Italian violinist & composer) composed one of his greatest works, "The Devil's Trill", as a result of a dream he had in 1713. In the dream, he handed his violin to the devil himself, who began to "play with consummate skill a sonata of such exquisite beauty as surpassed the boldest flights of my imagination. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted; my breath was taken away, and I awoke. Seizing my violin I tried to retain the sounds I had heard. But it was in vain. The piece I then composed ... was the best I ever wrote, but how far below the one I heard in my dream

[edit on 25-5-2009 by destiny-fate]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:05 AM
In each of these lives a dream made a difference. Or more accurately, the dreaming mind is credited with being the source of the ideas, insights, revelations and guidance. History is replete with examples. The Bible operates on dreams and visions. Great inventions have been attributed to dreams. The dream mind is a font of insight.

Julius Ceasar's decision to cross the Rubicon is attributed to a dream in which he saw himself in bed with his mother (Mother Rome, the seers told him) His assassination was foretold in his wife's Calpurnia's dream. "She held him in her arms, bleeding and stabbed." Another Ceasar, Ceasar Agustus, is said to have walked the streets as a beggar because of instructions he received in a dream.

Constantine was in Trier Germany in 312 AD when he had a dream of Jesus Christ on the Cross with the sign In Hoc Signum (By this sign.) He issued the Edict of Milan that established tolerance for the Christians.

Homer reports on Agamemnon's dream from Zeus carried by Hermes. It was the battle plan that came from the Demios Oneiron, the village of dreams on the way to Hades.

The father of medicine was an early practitioner at the temples of Æ sculapius. The Hippocrates developed the idea that the dream was a window on illness, reflecting the body's state. Bizarre dream content was indicative of illness, normal content bode for wellness.

Hannibal attributed the battle plan to attack Rome over the Alps with Elephants as something that came to him in a dream. Figures. What a crazy idea!

St. Frances of Assisi
St Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan Order because of a dream in which Jesus Christ spoke from the cross telling him to "go set my house in order"

Dante Alligeheri
Dante relates that the whole story of the Divine Comedy was related to him in dream on Good Friday in 1300. When he died in 1321, part of the manuscript was lost. His son Jocojso found the manuscript after a dream in which his father showed him where to look.

Genghis Khan
The great Khan is reported to have received his battle plans from his dreams. He is also reported to have been told in a dream that he was a chosen one.

Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette had a dream on Dec 12 1793 of a red sun and pillar. The sun rose and then suddenly set. This just preceded her beheading.

Rene Descartes
On November 10, 1619, Descartes has three dreams. two of them full of violence sex and religion. In the third the Spirit of Truth showed him the Treasury of Science from which he developed his ideas for the Cartesian plain and the geometry of the coordinates.

Robert Louis Stephenson
Stephenson believed that his best stories came from his dreams. He reported that the theme for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was derived from a dream. He also reported other breakthroughs in his writing that came from his dreams. He suffered as a child from nightmares and learned to control his dreams to change the nightmares. He says he used his dreams to revise plays and stories while asleep.

General George McClelland
General McClelland had a dream of George Washington who said,"George do you sleep at your post? Rouse yourself and ere the sun of tomorrow had set, the Confederate flag would have waved above the Capitol and your grave, but, note what you see, your time is short." Washington rolled out a living map of the troop positions of the confederates for a march on Washington. McClelland is reported to have taken notes on the presentation and won the battle.

Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz
Kekule was a chemist working on the chemical structure of Benzene. He reports that he got fed up with his data which made no sense as a "long string" molecule. He was dozing in his comfy chair when we was startled by the image of a snake biting its own tail. He woke and worked out the mathematics the Benzene molecule as a ring rather than a long string.

General George Patton
General George Patton, when at the battlefield on Langres France, said to his driver that he already knew the place. He told his driver where to go and said it was as if someone were whispering directions in his ear. He correctly went to the Ancient Roman Amphitheater, The Drill Grounds, The Forum and even correctly went to the spot where Caesar had pitched his tent. "You see, I've been here before"

Adolph Hitler
Hitler was sleeping in a fox hole during the first war, when her was awakened by a nightmare of his mouth full of dirt. Choking, he got up and walked away from the fox hole to "get some air." Then a shell made a direct hit on his foxhole. All hands were killed except Hitler. He concluded that he had been spared by divine intervention. The rest is history!

Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon is reported to have had a dream of a black cat on the night before the battle of Waterloo.

Elias Howe
Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, wrote that he got the core idea, the breakthrough concept, from a dream. It was a nightmare. He had been captured by cannibals. They were preparing to cook him and they were dancing around the fire waving their spears. Howe noticed at the head of each spear there was a small hole through the shaft and the up and down motion of the spears and the hole remained with him when he woke. The idea of passing the thread through the needle close to the point, not at the other end was a major innovation in making mechanical sewing possible.

Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr reports that he developed the model of the atom based on a dream of sitting on the sun with all the planets hissing around on tiny cords.

Dreams deliver battle plans, new ideas, creative solutions, fearsome premonitions. The dreaming mind is an extraordinary repository of information. It is a place from which revelations come. It is a remarkable synthesizing tool that operates on the edges of creativity.

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.
Carl Jung

The structure of the chemical benzene was revealed in a dream to the German chemist F.A. Keule in 1890] "Again the atoms were juggling before my eyes…my mind's eye, sharpened by repeated sights of a similar kind., could now distinguish larger structures of different forms and in long chains, many of them close together; everything was moving in a snake-like and twisting manner. Suddenly…one of the snakes got hold of its own tail and the whole structure was mockingly twisting in front of my eyes. As if struck by lightning, I awoke…Let us learn to dream, gentlemen, and then we may perhaps find the truth." F.A. Keule, as reported during a convention, 1890

Glimpses of the future are far more common than most people realize, and seem most often (although not exclusively) to come in dreams.

For instance, J. W. Dunne's book "An Experiment with Time" was written in 1927 about his own dreams about the future (precognitive dreams), and his informal experiments with his friends to see if everyone might have these future glimpses, which he called "future day residue" after Freud's term "day residue". Dunne found that dreams about future events were common in the dreams of people who wrote their dreams down and looked for future correspondences. He hypothesized that there was usually emotional resistance in people to the concept of seeing the future that tended to prevent the recognition of the relationship between dreams and future events. In some other cultures, the idea that dreams might foretell the future is more accepted than it is in our society, although the interpretation of the meaning of these instances may vary

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Google Video Link

I feel this message is really pertinent to my life / dreams / synchronicities - based on a dream I had last night - when the time comes and we are TRULY called we all BOW to the greater - personal WILL evaporates instantaneously - be it dark or be it light - you are given no opportunity to question - this is the reality of DESTINY

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 03:40 AM
Synchronicity are warnings.
When people dream living instead of waking up, they hardly use there reasoning and common sense.
That leads to this.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.


[edit on 9-6-2009 by chephzibah]

[edit on 9-6-2009 by chephzibah]

[edit on 9-6-2009 by chephzibah]

[edit on 9-6-2009 by chephzibah]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 04:44 PM
I have heeded the WARNINGS - I am just a speck in the great scheme of things - subdued by the will of giants - and as it stands I have pretty much disappeared into the void and am hoping to become completely invisible to all radar / trackers in the near future .
If synchronicity is the direct result of a natural phenomena it will rarely impact in a negative way but forces can be manipulated in an attempt to alter this reality or manifest an outcome and therein lies the real danger - but I am AWAKE to the difference . Thank you for sharing your wisdom

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