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Dream Codes

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:02 PM
Man you really know your stuff, I feel out of my depth lol

Many cultures use various representations of horses to symbolize the metaphysical vehicle of their mystical ascent, it is a very familiar motif in shamanic philosophy as it is often the animal that takes the rider on a soul journey into different realities.

Apparently, when American Indian’s first saw a train they drew them as iron horses, and there is one idea, which suggests, that the drawings of winged horses by ancient civilizations are possibly a depiction of UFOs!

When I had my vision of the spiral staircase, which went upwards, from right to left, I felt totally peaceful and it was a very spiritual experience. At the time I was very curious as to what this vision may have meant or symbolized and I still am to some extent. I eventually discovered that just about all design in nature and in the universe, is designed from right to left e.g. Galaxies, DNA, flowers etc. This design, which can be seen in everything, has been termed “The right hand of God”.

I noticed you did a thread on the tower of Babel, but I didn’t get a chance to read much of it and I was wondering if there was a spiral staircase mentioned in any historical texts in connection to it. The spiral staircase is also a symbol connected to masonry and I think in the bible that Solomon had a spiral staircase in one of his temples.

My friend, who is an architect told me that the old medieval castle’s were all built and designed with defense in mind and he said the reason the spiral staircases were designed from right to left is to help defend the castle when under attack by invaders. If in the worst-case scenario the enemy breaches the castle, they will still have to climbed the spiral staircase. The point of the design is that most people are right handed, so the enemy moving up the steps, will find it an unnatural angle to swing their swords in their right hand. The defenders on the other hand lol will not only have gravity on their side but will be easily able to swing their swords in their right hands at the enemy invaders!

I am not sure I where picked this up from, but apparently we dream every night that we go to sleep but most of the time we don’t remember these dreams. If this is true, I have often wondered why does our subconscious mind not allow the conscious mind to have access to certain dreams?
One thing I have noticed is that if you lie down on your bed during the day or after work sometimes the memory of a dream you had the night before resurfaces in your conscious mind!

Ok here is another dream or waking vision I had.

I was climbing a hill and when I reached the top I could see an open grassy plain for miles around. I think it was somewhere in Africa or even American. In the middle of this huge plain, I could see Jesus on the cross and in pain and it was not a pleasant thing to witness. The next thing I know he is down from the cross and points his right hand out to something in the distance. I looked out into the distance where Jesus was pointing and I could see another land patch that had this yellow texture to it, as did the grass. Then I noticed, where Jesus was pointing to, there was a man running really fast and suddenly out of nowhere he transformed into a cat. I think the cat the man turned into was either a leopard or a jaguar and for the remainder of my vision all I saw was the leopard/jaguar running across the land.

I wanted to mention this because it’s the only other dream/vision I have had of Jesus

I really enjoyed your dream about the staircase and the animals.

I could hardly move one leg in front of the other

I found this part of your dream hilarious lol

I know this is a bit childish but what do you think of my avatar?, I know it keeps changing

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Joecroft]

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Joecroft]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Man you really know your stuff, I feel out of my depth lol

I am really not that confident about anything I write lol that is why I hide on BTS and stick with my own threads as a rule lol - I usually only post on other peoples threads if I am truly passionate about something

Apparently, when American Indian’s first saw a train they drew them as iron horses, and there is one idea, which suggests, that the drawings of winged horses by ancient civilizations are possibly a depiction of UFOs!

That is really interesting I did not know that

I eventually discovered that just about all design in nature and in the universe, is designed from right to left e.g. Galaxies, DNA, flowers etc. This design, which can be seen in everything, has been termed “The right hand of God”.

That is fascinating - so now you have me wondering about my dream in the cave ? Because the tunnel spiralled left to right - clockwise so the fact the four creatures had been covered and hidden was possibly not a good sign. I wondered if the four beasts represented the chariot

"Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out upward; each had two wings, one touching the wing of another creature on either side, and two wings covering its body." Ezekiel 1:4B-11 NIV

I have also seen references of these beasts in Tarot symbology - The World card and The Wheel of Fortune - I really felt the dream had something to do with " Time " Was the dream reflecting a future event - an event that has the potential to destroy the very fabric of life as we know it on our planet ? After having the dream I experienced a few strange synchronicities that made me wonder if these future events had something to do with time travel or the LHC experiment ?

I noticed you did a thread on the tower of Babel, but I didn’t get a chance to read much of it and I was wondering if there was a spiral staircase mentioned in any historical texts in connection to it. The spiral staircase is also a symbol connected to masonry and I think in the bible that Solomon had a spiral staircase in one of his temples.

I found this :

The tower of babel was described as having stairways winding around it all the way to the top which gives the impression of a spiral staircase, this however is not structurally the case. The main stairs went directly to the 2nd stage and started from about 50 meters ( 168 feet) infront (to the south) of the first stage. Each stage had a stair case that then reached to the next stage, these are on alternating sides so that when you have reached the top you have travelled right around the tower, thus a "spiral" staircase is descriptively true.

Solomons Temple

I have always wondered if buildings such as Solomons Temple - The Great Pyramids - Tower of Babel stood for representations of the human mind ? Perhaps representations of our individual or collective journeys on an inner level which in turn manifest as events in our space / time reality ? Almost like an alchemical process .

I am not sure I where picked this up from, but apparently we dream every night that we go to sleep but most of the time we don’t remember these dreams. If this is true, I have often wondered why does our subconscious mind not allow the conscious mind to have access to certain dreams?

How much value do people in modern society place in their dreams
? If a person decides that their dreams are important and makes a conscious effort / decision to remember them - the process of remembering will become automatic. And I just got this really odd sense of De-ja-vu when I wrote that lol ? It was so surreal lol a split second of time fragmenting and a sense that I know you lol that was so weird

I love your Avatar and yes I have noticed it changing you had BTS on there before didn't you ? That was just one of the changes I noticed lol Perhaps your dream about Jesus changing into a leopard represented the fact Jesus was true to his own nature ?

[edit on 20-11-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by destiny-fate

I am really not that confident about anything I write lol that is why I hide on BTS and stick with my own threads as a rule lol - I usually only post on other peoples threads if I am truly passionate about something.

Your writing is excellent you should not be hiding anywhere
I think you should venture out once in a while to the land of ATS lol I believe you will do just fine.

Here is a rough picture of the spiral staircase I ascended in my vision. I’m not sure if this is right-to-left or left-to-right, this can be quite confusing lol

Here is another picture (this is a mirror image of the first): I did not ascend a stairway designed like this in my vision

I have always wondered if buildings such as Solomon’s Temple - The Great Pyramids - Tower of Babel stood for representations of the human mind? Perhaps representations of our individual or collective journeys on an inner level which in turn manifest as events in our space / time reality? Almost like an alchemical process.

I personally believe (and this is only my opinion) that maybe the Tower of Babel is deep in all of our psyches and that the spiral staircase is a symbol that represents a reaching out towards God or a higher power. I think it also may represent a spiritual moving towards a particular goal or destination in our lives. I have to say though that I am the only person I know who has dreamt of a spiral staircase and yourself of course. lol So far it seems fairly unique or at least rare, in my experience.

Perhaps your dream about Jesus changing into a leopard represented the fact Jesus was true to his own nature?

I don’t know if I was very clear in describing my dream but Jesus was pointing to a man in the distance. The man in the distance was running so fast I couldn’t make out who he was, he might have been Jesus, although I’m not sure. When he changed into the leopard/Jaguar the last thing I saw was the cat running across the land. I just thought I would clear that up, although having said that the bible does describe Jesus as a roaring lion or having the face of a lion.

How much value do people in modern society place in their dreams ? If a person decides that their dreams are important and makes a conscious effort / decision to remember them - the process of remembering will become automatic.

I agree with what you are saying about a person who places a high importance on his or her dreams should find the process of remembering easier than someone who does not. The person who does not however still remembers his or her dreams from time to time. I guess to rephrase my question, what makes a person who holds his dreams in little regard, remember any dreams at all?! lol

And I just got this really odd sense of De-ja-vu when I wrote that lol ? It was so surreal lol a split second of time fragmenting and a sense that I know you lol that was so weird.

I think I get that a lot (Don’t I know you from somewhere! lol
) I believe that people can reflect many personalities of people they know or used to know, even if its just in small fragments. We can also see characteristics of people we know, in someone else, who we may have just met or have know for a long time.

Perhaps we have met before, I don’t know for sure, maybe me met in our dreams lol or maybe we met each other somewhere on the spiral staircase

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Joecroft]

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Joecroft]

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Joecroft]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Thank you for the compliment Joe - that was really kind of you to say so.

With regards to that post I did on the Tower of Babel I had an idea in my head lol that I never followed through with - kind of got sidetracked which is not unusual for me
I was going to continue with another post on Jacobs ladder. When mankind built the Tower of Babel in the hopes of reaching the Creator did he choose the wrong path? I wonder if the written emphasis on the “ building blocks “ used to describe the construction of the tower of Babel was a reference to mans obsession with the material world and that ultimately his hope was to ascend to heaven in his physical state - but without the spiritual foundation? Still burdened by the weight of his ego the tower collapses ? I mean I even wonder if the Tower was destroyed by God as such ? Or was mankind as a collective working against the laws of nature which were/ are woven into the very essence and structure of our Universe - in many ways does that not make God impartial ? Is mankind not doing the same thing again trying to build a physical / material / connection to the creator through science and technology instead of bridging the gap through a more spiritual philosophical approach ?

The description of Jacob's ladder appears in the Book of Genesis (28:11-19): Jacob left Beersheba, and went toward Haran. He came to the place and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it [or "beside him"] and said, "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendants; and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and by you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth bless themselves. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." Afterwards, Jacob names the place, “Bethel“" (literally, "House of God"). The name "House of God" and the term "gate of heaven" also allude to the Holy Temple which would be built on that location in the future

Jacob's dream of a meeting place between Heaven and Earth (Genesis 28: 12) points towards Jesus who also reunites heaven and earth Gospel of John 1:51:
"And he said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
In this view, Jesus is seen as being the ladder in that he bridges the gap between Heaven and Earth. Jesus presents himself as the reality to which the stairway points; Jacob saw in a dream the reunion of Heaven and Earth and Jesus brought this reunion, metaphorically the ladder, into reality. Adam Clarke, a Methodist theologian and Bible scholar, elaborates:
"That by the angels of God ascending and descending, is to be understood, that a perpetual intercourse should now be opened between heaven and earth, through the medium of Christ, who was God manifested in the flesh. Our blessed Lord is represented in his mediatorial capacity as the ambassador of God to men; and the angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man, is a metaphor taken from the custom of dispatching couriers or messengers from the prince to his ambassador in a foreign court, and from the ambassador back to the prince.

I have also wondered if stairwells and ladders represent wormholes or possibly even the pineal gland ?

I have to say though that I am the only person I know who has dreamt of a spiral staircase and yourself of course. lol So far it seems fairly unique or at least rare, in my experience

Well that is interesting
and brings me to yet another dream sorry lol this conversation just jogged my memory. My first ever stairwell dream - I was about 12 years old - I found myself trapped in a stairwell - It was pitch black - I remember becoming lucid and aware I was dreaming - I tried to wake up but to no avail. I panicked because I realised if I could not find my way out of the stairwell I would die and that thought terrified me lol so I focused - with sheer will and determination on passing through that wall - I felt this huge pressure build between my eyes - first my hand forced its way through the wall then my body followed. Some years later I was reading a dream book that stated only 1% of the population can actually do that - go through walls etc in dreams ? Don’t know how accurate that is though lol but I do know that on occasion in my own life I have felt and experienced that same pressure - instances where I actually felt I was controlling the outcome of events in my life

I agree with what you are saying about a person who places a high importance on his or her dreams should find the process of remembering easier than someone who does not. The person who does not however still remembers his or her dreams from time to time.I guess to rephrase my question, what makes a person who holds his dreams in little regard, remember any dreams at all?! lol

Yes I see what you mean
Most of the dreams I "remembered" ended up happening in reality.Often the impact of the dream woke me up and that is why I remembered or alternatively something in reality prompted the memory of my dream - so the incident or event acted like a catalyst.

Perhaps we have met before, I don’t know for sure, maybe we met in our dreams lol or maybe we met each other somewhere on the spiral staircase

Lol well maybe we have met in our dreams ? If you have ever been in one of my dreams I am sure you would know - especially lately - my dream world is beyond anything in this reality - no words could describe it. My dreams are so beautiful they TAKE MY BREATH AWAY

[edit on 22-11-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:07 AM
id like to offer an insight in ,something to think about when you climb a spiral satircase you cant see when it end you just ascend until you find a door or meet the top.u at best see 3 or 4 steps ahead after every step.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by capstan

Thanks for the insight capstan - if I am ever in a lucid state whilst dreaming of stairs I will try to remember that advice - maybe see if I can bend those rules a little

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:53 PM
You left me with a lot to think about lol

When mankind built the Tower of Babel in the hopes of reaching the Creator did he choose the wrong path?

In biblical time’s people believed that God existed up above, in the sky and that’s why they tried to reach him by building the tower of Babel. So now the spiral staircase I think, is like a permanent spiritual representation of reaching God in people’s psyche’s/subconscious minds.

Still burdened by the weight of his ego the tower collapses ? I mean I even wonder if the Tower was destroyed by God as such ? Or was mankind as a collective working against the laws of nature which were/ are woven into the very essence and structure of our Universe - in many ways does that not make God impartial ?

Yes I believe that God or a higher power was impartial, but maybe God thought it an important lesson for man to learn on his/her spiritual journey.

Is mankind not doing the same thing again trying to build a physical / material / connection to the creator through science and technology instead of bridging the gap through a more spiritual philosophical approach ?

Most of the scientifically minded don’t know or believe there is something higher than themselves and therefore are not trying to build anything lol, other than an understanding of the universe around them, I even question it myself sometimes.
I would agree though, people need to connect more with the spiritual side of life but maybe science can actually help them do this, in some way.

I felt this huge pressure build between my eyes - first my hand forced its way through the wall then my body followed. Some years later I was reading a dream book that stated only 1% of the population can actually do that - go through walls etc in dreams ? Don’t know how accurate that is though lol but I do know that on occasion in my own life I have felt and experienced that same pressure - instances where I actually felt I was controlling the outcome of events in my life.

You sound like Neo from the Matrix film lol (walking through walls), strangely enough I’ve reading many accounts online about people’s encounter’s with shadow people or the hat man as he has been termed. Many people think that these shadow creatures are like some kind spirit or ghosts and they have been seen walking through walls. There was this one account of a shadow person I read where this guy was sleeping and he walk up and he could actually hear this things footsteps across the floor, he got out of bed to confront it and it ran into the corner of the room knocking something out of the way as it moved. He approach it slowly and it was crouching in the corner of the room, he looked at it for about maybe 30 seconds and wasn’t sure what to do when suddenly it stood up and walked right through the wall.
I’ve also heard of some accounts where aliens were able to walk through walls, maybe they have some kind of technology that changes their metabolic structure or the structure of the thing they wish to pass through!

Speaking of strange power’s I sometimes have these dreams where I can move objects just by looking and concentrating on them lol I normally use my powers to help people in my dreams.

Lol well maybe we have met in our dreams ? If you have ever been in one of my dreams I am sure you would know - especially lately - my dream world is beyond anything in this reality - no words could describe it. My dreams are so beautiful they TAKE MY BREATH AWAY

I hope you can find the words to describe your dreams and that you don’t ever stop dreaming

I thought I would just add this clip! This best descibes what my dreams with the cat’s are a like, but with me being chased instead lol sorry about the music

Strange thing is I actually look a bit like Shaun William Scott, the actor in the clip lol

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 09:10 PM
lol It is important for me to clarify it is only in my dreams I can walk through walls etc
just in case others read that statement the wrong way
see in the dream book they stated that most peoples dream scenes change randomly - automatically - like scenes in a movie - we are just teleported magically without the effort or the need to pass through a door or wall but if you ever find yourself trapped and try to force your way through an object that is blocking your way - the chances are you will wake up in frustration before you will ever pass through it. I believe this experience gave me the tiniest insight into the workings of the human mind and it's potential ? But I can't reproduce the results at will
have not worked out the sequence and probably never will.

It was good you posted that video because the visual actually helped me grasp the extent of fear you must of been feeling in your dream especially if the scene felt that close to reality. I will think a little more about your dream I feel it is quite deep.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:59 AM

Closest I could come to describing some of my dreams is the visual in the vid above and the copy and paste below I just moved across from one of my other threads.

I had an experience just before New Years Eve it was so amazing. I woke up but was only semi conscious ( Lucid Dreaming ) I felt a sense of awareness unlike anything I had ever experienced before - I felt complete. The "Paradise", "Heaven" or, as Christ has called it "The Kingdom of God Within". I felt energy like a sacred river streaming right through my body. I was floating suspended in space - I looked down across my body and noticed my form had changed - I could nolonger define skin etc I had become a semi-translucent glowing energy grid. I sensed that the energy/electricity that was flowing through me was in some way connected to everything else in the universe. I got distracted by a massive wall of beautiful vivid colours - all of a sudden there was this huge explosion of bright white light - in that second I felt my mind and body expand - my body grew to the point I became one with the Universe - still in a lucid state I was too scared to move in case I woke up so as uncomfortable as I was lol I remained perfectly still - in that moment of feeling at one with the whole universe I sensed there was nothing I did not already know the answers to every question lay within this matrix - maze of energy/electricity - all knowledge in that state was accessible but I was in so much awe I did not dare ask anything. The experience was so moving I was humbled beyond words. When I woke I just sat on the edge of the bed for a while in shock disbelief and wonder - and I will be eternally grateful for the experience - No words could ever describe the love I felt - a million times greater than anything I ever experienced prior to this dream.

Reminds me of this tract from the Book of Hymns of the Dead Sea Scrolls:

"I have reached the inner vision and through Thy Spirit in me I have heard Thy wondrous secret, through Thy mystic insight Thou hast caused a spring of knowledge to well up within me, a fountain of power, pouring forth living waters, a flood of love and of all embracing wisdom, like the splendour of eternal light". The "fountain of power", "spring of knowledge", "Living water", "flood of love", "eternal light"

[edit on 26-11-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:34 AM

And some of the pics in the vid above capture the atmosphere of my other dreams - when I am lucid my senses are a millionfold on what I expereince in real life . Even touch ! In the dreams I was shown how everything in the Universe connects - it was so magical and beautiful - breathtaking and awe-inspiring. The words in the song pretty much sum up the wellspring of emotion I feel when dreaming. Alot of my dreams are quite symbolic - too many to mention I could write pages and pages.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by destiny-fate
I lied about not posting anymore of my dreams
Keep waking up same time every night 4 - 4:30 am ? The other night I woke with this tune in my head ?

Hey I like that music in the last clip. I wish I could have dreams like you. Your flying around the universe like a Goddess and here’s me battling it out with tigers and lions hoping to survive, from one dream to the next lol Maybe we could do a dream swap lol just for a couple of nights.

In the future there’ll probably be like some kind of dream shop, where you walk in and say to the shopkeeper.
“I’ll have the romantic comedy tonight please!” lol and as you walk out the door the shopkeeper say’s "sweet dreams" lol

I have never felt trapped in a dream apart from that time I was up a chimney and there was a black puma on the ground looking up at me.
Being able to walk through objects, would be really cool to do, even if it is just a dream and certianly would help with escaping the odd lion or two.

The dream you had before New Years, sounded pretty intense but in a nice way…why do you think you have dreams like that, or is it just something that you have always had?

I noticed
you weren’t going to post any more of your dreams and then you posted your dream about Bob Marley's music playing in your head. If you hadn’t posted that I don’t think I would have posted anything on this thread! Because I had been thinking a lot about the film "I am Legend" and listening to Bob Marley’s music so it was kind of like a synchronous moment for me.

Oh yeah… the vision I had with the spiral staircase was in this church, I went to with a friend where everyone was speaking in a strange language and they were praying, so out of respect, I decided to say a prayer to God in my mind and that’s when the vision hit me lol although later on that day I kind of laughed it of ,as my mind playing tricks on me.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Joecroft]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Joecroft]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Hey I like that music in the last clip. I wish I could have dreams like you. Your flying around the universe like a Goddess and here’s me battling it out with tigers and lions hoping to survive, from one dream to the next lol Maybe we could do a dream swap just for a couple of nights.

lol I wouldn't mind a dream swap - I like adventure
and I love cats

The dream you had before New Years, sounded pretty intense but in a nice way…why do you think you have dreams like that, or is it just something that you have always had?

Yes I always had really intense dreams like that - when I was little I would often wake up and head toward my parents room crying or scared. Often the feelings associated with the dream would linger for days sometimes weeks. As a child I had many precognitive dreams about future events that sometimes happened a day or two later. Something did change during the dream I had before New Years Eve though - a new door was opened that night - something so beautiful that I just feel inept when trying to describe the sensation / feeling - something touched my heart that night - of that I have no doubt - and that something was love. Since that time my dreams have always been more spiritual - emotional and beautiful.

I noticed you weren’t going to post any more of your dreams and then you posted your dream about Bob Marley's music playing in your head. If you hadn’t posted that I don’t think I would have posted anything on this thread! Because I had been thinking a lot about the film "I am Legend" and listening to Bob Marley’s music so it was kind of like a synchronous

Yes that was really strange and funny I guess
I woke up with that song clearly in my head - I had such intense feelings of love during that dream - my heart felt like it was going to explode - I also remembered fields of long gold grass and a tree come to think of it I have seen that same scene recently how weird lol Yes I would say it was definitely synchronicity

I was singing the song all morning to myself - I was so happy - and for some reason just felt compelled to post it - it seemed important ? Funny you have me thinking now !

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:15 PM
All this talk about Jesus - I had another dream about him last night. A huge crowd of people formed a circle around him - he had long brown hair - and his skin was quite tanned - I was watching him from a distance -he looked up and smiled at me - his eyes were beautiful - I could see such kindness and peace in his face - he had such a presence in the dream - you could not mistake who it was.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Had another beautiful dream last night - out of this world. I suppose most dreams are
In this dream I sorted out some differences I had with someone very close to my heart. I woke up on and off all night - awestruck at times and blissfully happy. I remember opening a door and seeing a huge flash of bright white light and spirals of colour.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:26 AM
Now that's really a coincidence...Coming events cast their shadows before. - James Joyce, Ulysses

I posted the above on one of my other threads. The statement seemed so poignant - I kept thinking about it over and over again. It correlated very much with a dream I had a few years ago. A huge earthquake rocked the world. I ran away from the city and into the country - I ran for what felt like an eternity when suddenly I became aware of the fact I was inside a room or box like structure - the scenes of the countryside and our world were an illusion that were projected out of this box or room. Suddenly above me I noticed this huge shadow - I followed the shadow back to it's source - a light which was projecting the shadow of an insect across the ceiling. Light and shadows were creating depth and illusion in our reality.

[edit on 5-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

[edit on 5-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Had a dream a few months ago - woke up thinking about betrayal - at the time I thought the message was trying to convey my betrayal of another.

Then a few weeks ago I had another - In the dream I was communicating with an Angel they said

Betrayal - "Beware of wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing" I was also instructed to sense the unseen.

Then a few nights ago another

Betrayal - "Be as sly as a snake and as simple as a dove."

Ironically last night perusing the internet I discovered something quite by chance - or was I guided ?? But I found some very interesting information out about a few people I know. Hiding truth - why are people deceitful ? Just rambling sorry lol but I was devastated and just wanted to air my grievances- funny thing is I feel I have been guided and warned of approaching danger all my life. Everyday I thank God for my spirit connection.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Inspired by another recent dream - this song has very special meaning to me - it is important to pay close attention to the words - there is a great change coming - soon. If not on a collective level then on a personal one ??? Only time will tell - I pray it is collective. Please ignore the poor visual quality of the video - I chose it for the sound quality.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:38 PM
Dreams - premonitions - intuition and synchronicity are actually one of the closest forms of communication we can get with God /Cosmic Spirit. According to many ancient / biblical texts - dreams have ultimately influenced the course of human history.

"Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking"
- Black Elk -
Holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux

The following is is an account about an event that sparked the worlds first Dream Registry :

In early October 1966, a ten-year-old Welsh schoolgirl named Eryl Mai Jones had something important to tell her mother.

On October 20, Eryl Mai woke up after having a memorable dream.
"Mummy, let me tell you about my dream last night," she said.
"Darling, I've no time now. Tell me again later." "No, Mummy, you must listen," she said. "I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it.,,"You're too young to be talking about dying," her mother said. "Do you want a lollipop?"

Her mother thought nothing more about the dream. After all, they lived in Aberfan, Wales, a poor coal-mining town. Perched high on a hill overlooking Aberfan was a coal tip, where waste from the mining process was dumped. The Aberfan coal tip caused many residents of the town to worry for their safety. So when Eryl Mai's mother heard her dream, she may have concluded that her fear of the ever-present coal tip had provoked it.

Eryl Mai went off to Pantglas Junior School that day as usual. Nothing unusual happened. The next day, Friday, October 21, she did the same. But at 9:15 that morning, the coal tip gave way, sending tons of coal sludge, water, and boulders to the village below. The avalanche mowed down everything in its path, including stone houses and trees, and swept toward the Pantglas School, where it crushed the back of the school.
In all, 144 people were killed, most of them children at the school. Eryl Mai Jones was one of the victims.

Had her dream provided a glimpse of a tragedy in the future? Or was it merely a coincidence? Dr. John Barker, a psychiatrist in a nearby town, was curious to discover if anyone had had a precognitive dream or vision about the Aberfan disaster. He persuaded a newspaper to run an article asking people to send in a written account of any precognitive experience related to Aberfan. Altogether, he received seventy-six letters, but many seemed too vague to have anything to do with Aberfan. He selected the cases that seemed believable. Then he made sure to ask each correspondent to supply him with the names-and addresses of anyone who knew the details of the dream or vision before the disaster had occurred. Only by asking friends and family of the correspondent for confirmation could Barker be sure that the correspondents were telling the truth.

Eryl Mai's experience came to light through Barker's appeal for precognitive cases. Although she was the only schoolchild in Aberfan to have a future vision, she wasn't alone in her precognitive experience. However, most of those who wrote had never heard of Aberfan, didn't live near it, and had no connection to it in any way.

One woman, Carolyn Miller, had a vision of the disaster on the evening of October 20. In her mind she saw an old school house nestling in a valley, then a Welsh miner, then an avalanche of coal hurtling down a Mountainside. At the bottom of this mountain of hurtling coal was a little boy with a long fringe looking absolutely terrified to death. Then for a while I "saw" rescue operations taking place. I had an- impression that the little boy was left behind and saved. He looked so grief-stricken. I could never forget him, and also with him was one of the rescue workers wearing an unusual peaked cap. She met with some women from her church that night and shared her vision with them. She also told a neighbour the next morning at 8:30 what she had seen. She was stunned to hear about the disaster, but even stranger is what she saw while watching television two days later. That night she was watching a program about the Aberfan tragedy when she saw both the terrified boy from her vision and the rescuer.

This raises the question: Did she have a vision of the Aberfan tragedy or of the television program that summarized it? It may well be the latter.
Another precognitive experience related to Aberfan was related by Mary Hennessy. She wrote Dr. Barker to say that she had dreamed about Aberfan the night before the tragedy. In her dream, there were a lot of children in two rooms. Eventually, they moved to a larger room, where they seemed to be playing in small groups. At the end of the room there were long pieces of wood or wooden bars. The children were trying somehow to get over the top or through the bars. I tried to warn someone by calling out, but before I could do so one little child just slipped out of sight. I myself was ... watching from the corridor. The next thing in my dream was hundreds of people all running to the same place. The look on people's faces were terrible. Some were crying and others holding handkerchiefs to their faces. It frightened me so much that it woke me up.
The dream was so vivid and terrifying she was worried that it meant harm would come to her two young grandchildren. Early the next morning, she called her son and daughter-in-law at 8:45 and explained her dream.
"I am very worried because the dream was about children. It makes me think about the girls," she said, referring to her granddaughters. "I know I dreamed about schoolchildren, but just take special care of them, please?"
Despite the large number of precognitive experiences related to the Aberfan disaster, however, no one's vision or dream provided enough details to have prevented the tragedy.

Link to Aberfan disaster

[edit on 26-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by destiny-fate
Inspired by another recent dream - this song has very special meaning to me - it is important to pay close attention to the words

U2 is one of my favourite bands, and I love that song too

I'm intrigued now and I a have to ask lol, what was your dream about, that inspired you to post that song by U2.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:02 AM
Yes I love that song too - stirs the Irish blood in me I think
lol The dream was very similar to all the others - an overwhelming sense of love - but when I woke this time I felt an amazing sense of peace. I felt a ( Separation ) and let go of all my negative feelings - it was such a wonderful release
You know JC I love life so much but at night I can't wait to go to sleep and dream lol its crazy. If I was picking up on something collective I still feel the world has a ways to go yet - Recently I have had forebodings about Russia - a feeling I have not been able to shake now for a few weeks - so only time will tell. It's nice having someone to talk too - instead of me - myself - I lol

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