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Gustav is coming , but i gotta stay

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Gustav is coming , but i gotta stay

Like i said in the other gustav thread, I\'m staying, though i don\'t really want to. I\'m staying at a travelodge on the 2nd floor next to the Harvey canal, and i\'m scarred out of my wits
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:47 PM
Like i said in the other gustav thread, I'm staying, though i don't really want to. I'm staying at a travelodge on the 2nd floor next to the Harvey canal, and i'm scarred out of my wits

I got 2 roomates who will not budge from the apartment we live in, my best friends, and there just being difficult

the travelodge will be housing all of waste management , Entergy ( our power company, & rescue squads, i dont have a car , and i'm piling my room with as much stuff as i can to avoid losing it due to flooding

the hotel is pretty sturdy, and first responders will be here as a drop point for supplies and food

but now one roomate is drunk and not wanting to do anything, and my other roomate ( the first ones boyfriend) dosen't want to deal with anything

so what do i do!?

i can't leave them, and there car has a busted radiator

taking the buses to go to a place to get raped and robbed is not an option, but like i said , i\'m probly in the only place i can think of that will hold steady and have supplies until evryone can leave

I\'m really freaked out, and making no progress

but.....If i survive this, i don\'t think i\'m gonna stay, New Orleans went to hell after Katrina, Mayor Nagan is a Joke, Crime is at a national high, and the hurricane scare is gonna keep happening every year

So i just don\'t know what to do, at this moment, i\'m just at work venting my frustration on ATS

probly boring everyone with my personal problems

so if you have prayers, a leftover birthday wish, or even a quantum thought , i can use all the help i can get!!

show some quantum love

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by goukilock

I so did not mean to put that news snippit up

i'm just really nervous right now

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Keep a sharp watch on the path. I don't want to mislead you, and God knows I'm not a meteorologist. Look toward OZ and see if he has any insight. We just had Gustav as a Cat 2, morphing into Cat 3 as he passed to our NW. It was a wolly ride, and we just got power back an hour ago.

Please, if you are determined to stay, get lots of water stored. I don't mean a case of bottled water, I mean gallons. many gallons. People say 1 gallon per person per day. I think that is minimal, and doesn't allow for flushing of toilets or general hygiene or cooking. I would consider 50 gallons to be a bare minimum.

Now, as I said, I'm not a met, but the shear tendancy looks to me, at this moment, to tend toward Gus getting sheared. IF that's true, that's good for you. Also steering currents might possibly lead Gustav east of you. Assume the worst, don't panic, and prepare for yourself.

I understand your desire to not evacuate, but only if you don't have someplace safe to go. The reality is, we cannot just "go away" without resources.

You say the 2nd floor structure is pretty sound. Is it concrete? I hear how you don't want to abandon your roommates, but you might have to be on your own if they don't want to participate or take responsibility for their own safety. I know that's not a comfort. Consider that you might be able to stay stocked on goods, water, until things blow over -- keeping a low profile. If you can engage your roommates in assisting with their own survival, then that is a plus, of course.

Please feel free to U2U me, if you want to talk or have questions about hurricane survival. I don't want you to take my words as gospel, but if I can share any information with you or research routes or whatever, please post here or U2U.

PLease be safe; we're watching Gustav over Cuba now, and keeping them in our prayers, and the NOLA area as well.

Happy Belated Birthday Goukilok...... I'll help you if I can.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Harsh reality alert ahead:

You don't *have* to stay. You're choosing to stay. I can't be any more clear than I was in the existing thread: everyone should be getting the hell out of Dodge. The city/state is providing transportation to those who don't have cars or financial resources to evac on their own at no cost to you.

Just because this hotel is sturdy doesn't mean everything will be wine & roses. How will you get out of the city after the storm has passed? How will you eat? How will you move about? How long were people stuck after Katrina? Is that something you really want to go through?

I don't know how I can be more clear. You are in danger. Gustav is a very large, very powerful, very dangerous storm and he's bearing down on the LA coast. He's going to "you know what" up wherever he lands and tens or hundreds of miles around the direct landfall point. Storm surge, winds, torrents of rain for know what's coming. You saw Katrina.

I wish you the best, gouki, I really do. I think you're making a stupid mistake by staying, though.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Tie yuor one friend up until he's sober, push your other friend until she starts getting ready. if you have to sit the storm out, fine, but it's no time for kids goves. It's a ******' big storm headed your way, and you need to get ready and they need to be prepared.
Seriously, if you need to sober him up, toss the beer, it won't help you much in any case.

I remeber back when Ivan hit we had folks holding hurricane parties, or deciding not to lleave their homes. They are currently playing recording from some of the folks who called 911 looking for help from people who couldn't respond.
Myself, I found polaroids of this one person who stayed in her house while it was flooding. Dead seriouse, dunno the name of the person, or the house, but the polaroids were all over the beach.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:06 PM
I live on the space coast in florida, certainly incomparable to your location regarding this storm, but I've been hit by the cane many times you could say.
The stuff around you might not fare so well, (trees, ..everything) but you will be fine in the long run. Just dont get too wasted! Giant kites are not the best thing in hurricanes.. you know you can hang on but.. do you really wanna make that choice? The answer is yes, everytime.

Just stay cool and ride out the storm.

WWAD(what would Akuma do)?. Good luck brother.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by depth om]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by anachryon

I agree with anachryon. You need to leave. Things are different than last time. You will be fine if you get out. You cannot beat nature!!! get out!!! Was Katrina not proof enough that man does not have a chance against nature. Those levies aren't going to hold. Help may not come. Cat 5 hitting Cuba now. This SOB means business!!!
Please for the love of GOD and all that is holy, GET OUT!!!
If the others choose to stay that's their big mistake!!!
Please I've been through a F5 tornado and we almost died, please don't put yourself through that, you will never get over it.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by sickofitall2012]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by goukilock

Hang in there goukilock.
My prayers are with you.

Please listen to the advice of anachryon and try to get out of town.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:15 PM
You need to get out now, This is turning in to a monster storm, The levvys and canals are not fixed there are holes in them, If you stay you may get caught up.

Really you got to find away,

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Agree with Rhunespider and anachronysm..... I just suffer from terminal soft-speak. I assumed when you said you couldn't go, that that was correct. Even if Gustav ramps down and goes elsewhere, it's not going to be any easy ride there. Leave if you can. I'll check back when I wake up from de long-overdue sleep.

Be safe!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:20 PM

I got 2 roomates who will not budge from the apartment we live in, my best friends, and there just being difficult

So, they are at an apartment and you are at a motel? If they want to stay ... then let them. That's their choice, isn't it? Unless they are brain washed or something, if they won't go because you ask ... then YOU go and save yourself.

but now one roomate is drunk and not wanting to do anything

That was a bit confusing. You said just a moment before that they were in an apartment and not wanting to leave. Now they are drunk and not wanting to leave? ( What changed or did I miss it?? )

taking the buses to go to a place to get raped and robbed is not an option

I guess I missed that news article. Take the bus outta town. Then get a greyhound, amtrak, Pan-Am, whatever ticket and leave that area. Then no rape / robbery will happen.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by goukilock


Get your ass to the buses or trains. GET OUT!

Your chances are much better dealing with that CHAOS, then the chaos of the storm.

Use your head. If your friends see you taking it seriously, they might too.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Take a moment and feel what is right in your heart. The hard part is leaving your friends behind. If you want to stay with your friends. You must all stick and work together to figure something out to survive together.

But first off, think what is worse. Staying when a large devastating hurricane that can come across and wipe out hundreds if not thousands of people. Afterwards you would then be in the middle of a flooded, shreded scrap motel from the strong gusty winds. Surviving off of clean water and food. With no available source of transportation, for perhaps weeks even months on end. That's the worst case scenario.

Or you can go onto the bus and follow the others that already have food, water, shelter, medical supplies, etc. Yes it may be uncomforting to think of what can go down in a big sheltered place (rape or whatever)

But you have to realize of what you are getting into. I understand that a lot of people (including yourself) make the wrong decisions when they are in a state of shock or panicing. I make the same mistake, and then the only thing you can do is hope.

So I send my prayers to you and everybody that is around you that you will make it through this. Good luck!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:57 PM
There was a conference on earlier, but was cut off for poiltcal stuff. The LA governer said to expect worse than katrina's flooding, if New Orleans gets hit from the eastern side of the storm, because that means more surges of water and flooding. It looks like this may be the case. Hopefully not.

It's a Cat 4 now, and going to be Cat 5 over the Gulf, then back to 4 on landfall. It's a very dangerous storm.

You really need to get out as other suggest here. Find out about the free transport, if you can. If you can't, you should vertically evacuate, to the highest point possible. Superdome isn't being used this time.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by goukilock

I would stay if you think the travelodge will be able to endure a hurricane. I would have the maximum amount of fun as possible and enjoy yourself. stay positive and enjoy the experience, because I have a strong feeling that you will live through it.

You have three people with you and I believe that you would be better off.

If # does hit the fan, depending on the response window and other variables, you have to imagine how many less fortunate people will seek out food and water. Do you have a gun? Does someone in the travelodge have a gun? I would be more worried about people than anything else, but that is all dependent on the magnitude of the damage.

I will send some positive energy your way, and hell, everybody's way.

Keep a light heart and try to make the most of your time. I would think that you will have a great story to tell!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:01 PM
Get out! Leave because you can always come back. If you don't leave, then this is what you do; you and your friends find a permanent marker and write you SS and/or name on the inside of you thigh so when they pull your body out of the ditch, they know who you are. Morbid? YES! So, get out. It's better to leave and be wrong than stay and "hope" for the best.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Pamie
Get out! Leave because you can always come back. If you don't leave, then this is what you do; you and your friends find a permanent marker and write you SS and/or name on the inside of you thigh so when they pull your body out of the ditch, they know who you are. Morbid? YES! So, get out. It's better to leave and be wrong than stay and "hope" for the best.

Actually, this is an honest suggestion. It's recommended you use permanent marker to write your SS# on each arm and on your torso if you elect to remain in a situation like this.

If the worst happens and one's current locale winds up under 20' of water, one's body is at the mercy of debris and gators. Three locations for your identification is ideal in the case a body is damaged by debris or, ehm, snacked upon.

Morbid, but true.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:14 PM
Dude, you have just been ordered out.

There is a mandatory evacuation by Sunday morning.

Get moving.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:16 PM
You better start packing.

I'm glad they are forcing you out of there- ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Now, get moving. We want you ALIVE AND NOT DEAD.

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