Originally posted by spitefulgod
As badmedia has stated, programmed response doesn't mean actual intelligence
I believe you guys are missing the key point of this entire video and machine... As its been posted before, we as a living being are programmed from
the day we are born. This machine is taking the basic concepts behind why and how our mind works and applying it to a computer.
Two things are required in cognitive thinking(aka intelligence):
1. Sensory Input (the sound of a car thats about to run you over))
Which is then rationalized into:
2. Desired Outputs (realizing your about to get run over and jumping out of the way if you realize before its too late, aka sending a signal to your
legs to start moving)
Our brain is really nothing more than a really amazing biological computer thats taken a very long time to perfect. Our body is merely a
vehicle/system that is utilized for collecting information. Think of it like a computer, the hard drive is for storage much like the brain, the CPU
could be considered our hypothalamus, the video card much like our eyes, the fans much like our sweat abilities, the speakers are our vocal chords etc
For example:
Legs allow us to move our body to search for desired information or resources, just like a search engine that scours data for a desired result. Arms
also can be used for travel and help us maintain balance, but they also provide us with the ability to manipulate external matter(such as lifting up a
rock to look at it from a different angle or the simple act of accuiring the required energy sources needed for the body to aka food).
Eyes are for observing light wave information so we can even use our legs and arms, we use this information to perform the majority of our actions.
Ears/hearing provide a sense of direction via interpretation of sound waves, aka sonar, just like a submarine sonar screen with a blip on it you are
merely seeing a visual interpretation of a device that is "hearing" an object by pinging it with sound, we just have no need for advanced sonar like
that but we definitely use sound to try and at least "estimate" what an object is and where it is by using predetermined factors we have gathered in
our life such as what it sounds like when a hammer hits steel or car driving by the house outside.
Our bodies also have built-in temperature sensors and touch sensors, allowing us to properly gauge how hot an object is or what type of object it may
be based on its structure and texture.
We are able to taste things as well as smell them, giving us even more insight into the properties of things in our environment.
We rationalize all those inputs through the hypothalamus(aka our conscious) which will analyze the inputs and send the most desired output where it is
needed based on both the current situation and based on previously stored information(aka memories) which are kept in the brain.
As much as we really think we are not programmed and have free will, the fact remains that we are easily subjected to the inputs around us whether we
think we are or aren't. This is why advertising and marketing can be so effective.
I mean really, the only reason sex feels so good is because its so important in order for our species to survive, if sex felt as bad as getting kicked
in the balls then I bet you there would be a lot less people on this planet
So really this is intelligent, but in a limited format. You just need to provide it with the proper inputs and it would be able to learn, improve,
and advance itself. I mean didn't you guys see the part where the machine taught a 6 legged robot how to walk in 5 minutes? How is that any
different from a baby learning how to walk based on observing other humans do it?
[edit on 1-9-2008 by MaynardisGod]