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Alternative 3's Base on Mars Discovered?

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posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Azrael75

well when discussing topics of this nature with people who read similar material, it sometimes helps to use examples from that material to draw their attention to the subject. i'm actually more guilty of what you are accusing zorgon of than he is. i have a thread called "stargates are real," which occassionally relies on ideas and images put forth by the movie and tv series, to back up the potential reality of ancient and modern star gates. you'd be more correct to address your skepticism of that approach to my thread than this one, from what i can tell.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:24 PM
Great find, Good Work! Good luck getting another image of the same place!
George Noory and Richard Hoagland should be sent a copy.
By the time NASA gets through with it...there will be "nothing to see here folks"
James Oberg would see nothing..

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by easynow

Oh My Dear God! Talk about twisting words
You've actually just made my day.

Because i never mentioned your name and never actually implied that you labelled the images, i know you didn't.

Mind you, you going "Omg Could this be the other secret base!?!
" was quite laughable.

I actually lost count of the amount of times you used the word 'spin' in that last post.

Still using the whole 'your talking about irrelevent things' is a joke. ANYTHING YOU POST IN THIS THREAD IS COMPLETELY RELEVENT! so don't throw your dummy out the pram when someone disagrees with you.

I'm actually laughing here at just how childish you are

You are the reason this site is quickly going downhill, not because of what you posted, because if you read i actually said it looked interesting (but because your copying and pasting seems to be very selective you probably missed it) but because of the way you talk to anyone who disagrees with you.

I'm actually done in thread, its already done, i cannot be arsed getting dragged into a childish little arguement over something that i didn't actually imply in the first place, so go ahead and post another long winded post to try and protect your credibility and make you look like less of an idiot than you've already came across as, but i won't be replying.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Buddyweiser
Is it me are does it seem like we are getting better pics of Mars it almost seems as if they want us to find things?

Frankly those pictures have been there a long time. This particular one was the first set hence the AB in the image tag, taken 1998-01-06

The problem is that there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of images and only a handful of people willing to take the time to search. The reason more are coming out is simply because more people as a result of these threads are LOOKING

Here is a sample

Spirit: All 110,260 Raw Images
Opportunity: All 108,258 Raw Images

Here is the full collection at Malin... it was updated weekly until the spacecraft lost signal

Phoenix Mars Mission Gallery

ESA/NASA Mars Express Galleries

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Replacement for MOC

HiRISE (this one has the tracks Mike found

Mars Odyssey Missio


Get the picture yet?

Now get to work and find us some anomalies

And this is only the Mars Missions

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Azrael75

well when discussing topics of this nature with people who read similar material, it sometimes helps to use examples from that material to draw their attention to the subject. i'm actually more guilty of what you are accusing zorgon of than he is. i have a thread called "stargates are real," which occassionally relies on ideas and images put forth by the movie and tv series, to back up the potential reality of ancient and modern star gates. you'd be more correct to address your skepticism of that approach to my thread than this one, from what i can tell.

actually i was not accusing anyone of using the tv show, or whatever. i was accusing zorgon of being rude and obnoxious when all i did was ask a question, i did not get an attitude until the third time i asked. i was curious if there was something i did not know. see i did not assume i read anything the same as anyone, i knew what "alternative 3" i was aware of but was not so sure that was the only one. so i thought maybe this was something new. especially since i was interested in the topic and curious when i came here, but see nothing in the pics, so i might as well get at least one answer right? your appologies are unneccesary since you were not rude for no good reason to me.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by bloodcircle
Honestly, they could advertise apartments on Mars in the Martian Hilton and it would NOT impact you one jot.

Well I have nothing on the Martian Hilton but I DO have documents and plans on the LUNAR Hilton... Direct from Barron Hilton himself. John Lear was his personal pilot out of the Flying M Ranch here in Nevada when the plans were drawn up in the 60's
And Bigelow already has two of the Gemini "Hotel in Space: modules up. They were launched from the space port he bought in Russia and I am tracking both modules' location live on my website

Flying M Ranch was also the place where Steve Fossett disappeared from recently... Plane and all... Since he filed no flight plan, told no one where he was going, I bet they offered him New Adventures off world

. They don't need to hide anything from us, especially with people already assuming that they do - you're doing their job for them, mr Guy Incognito.

Well they hide less stuff than you imagine... but as you say the 'sheeple' are too blind to see what is 'hidden in plain sight' and to lazy to follow leads to data

The problem is not that they have to hide stuff... but the military mind that truly believes in the 'Need to Know' culture. Everyone knows the CIA FBI DIA but do you know how many spook agencies we REALLY have? I can link you if you like... and now we have the Space Spooks... the all encompassing (even higher than the NSA and NRO) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA

Notice the clever way they used a hyphen to keep it a Three Letter Club?

The other REALLY big issue is that people still believe that NASA is the ONLY space program
Do you realize how big Space Command is? Did you know that when Shuttle Atlantis was delayed that the OTHER space program reconfigured the launch pad in a record 36 hours to launch a top secret NRO satellite that was supposed to go up on the Shuttle?

They used the OTHER mission control for that... I wonder what the rush was? This record setting mission was even reported in local Florida news... but few know it happened

Also most of the data I get is not found easily on the internet... you need to look at .mil sites... you need to file FOIA requests (watch Cliffs Banner appear below my post
)... you need to click 'accept' when the .mil certificate notice pops up... and many will not tread there...

The above post on the NAVY Cadre comes from a subscription to a publication issued by AF Space Command...

You should see all the documents on Lunar and Martian mining at LPI, Norcat and Colorado School of Mines...

Here is one clipping...

BUCKET WHEEL EXCAVATOR presently engaged in the development and adaptation of existing mining technologies and methodologies for use extra-terrestrially as precursor and enabling technologies for ISRU and for use as ISSE in support of longer term missions.

More specifically, NORCAT, in collaboration with Colorado School of Mines, has developed, constructed, and tested a bucket wheel excavator. The unit is based upon the design developed by CSM’s Mike Duke and Tim Muff.

Okay so burn that term ISRU into your mind... what it means is "What's found on the Moon... Stays on the Moon" Also Tim Muff now works for Lockheed Skunkworks

Other than the CT taint, great pic Zorgon ! very interesting.

Did you read the sign on the door? ATS Biggest CT site on the Planet

And since it is my contention that we are and have been active on the Moon and Mars since the 60's.... well yeah... I 'slant' my posts to reflect this

It is such a shame that only one organisation controls the things we get to see, it'd be great to have a poll which could influence the manner in which we utilise the space program, from a pedestrian perspective.

NASA is NOT the only game in town There is ESA, and JAXA (though they do work with NASA)

But the real space program is the Military... You will NOT see the word NASA in any of the material on the following pages... and THIS info is just what they put in their press releases... it doesn't even cover the good stuff like the OTHER tether that they fired lasers at (which I will show tomorrow as I have the release okay)

Space Command Buildup

Space Command Units

(I check and I check, and still spell martian wrong.. zoinks!)

Try Martian instead of martian

One more note on the Mining thingy... and why NASA won't use the word

Private letter snippet from an insider.."

On the mining-thing. I can only state that in the broadest of senses mining operations have taken place on the lunar surface and are presently being conducted on Mars. Although the use of terminology, 'mining' has been downplayed (by NASA) and there exists an 'internal memo' ...

[[[clipped specific details - you don't have a need to know

Use of terminology, e.g., 'mining', could be considered (by some countries) to constitute a violation of the International Space Treaty. Thus, NASA is real-careful about use of terminology that could be considered a breach of 'Policy and Protocol'. I can give you this stuff as it's 'public information'. You have to look between the spaces/lines for more info and draw your own conclusions.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Azrael75

from my understanding of similar threads in which he has participated (speaking for him now although he's more than capable of responding himself), your response is very typical. he has alot of reference material to support theories he puts forward, and frequently, people who approach the topic as you do, don't really have anything to add to the discussion, won't read the research materials or reference links, and tend to say the same thing "i don't see anything." the natural response is to automatically assume the person posing such a question is doing so (depending on how it is worded) for the express purpose of wasting time and resources of the investigators who actually do want to know.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Azrael75how about you explain your attitude

I explain my attitude simply by having to put up with endless posts from people popping in for no other reason that to make a wise crack or call someone (anyone) an idiot for what they see... we get tired of it after several years.

A few people here do a lot of work for free to present topics that all the rest can enjoy and debate

Then there are thousands of posts from people who react and have never read the thread nor followed the links to check it out themselves.

Hope that helps you understand the 'frustration'

Now the answer to you question... see here...

If you would like further clarification ask... or U2U me so you won't miss the answer... These threads tend to move quickly

i was accusing zorgon of being rude and obnoxious when all i did was ask a question,

Well considering that A) I was not back on the thread between your thrice asked question to have time to respond... and B) you posted THIS in the post just before I replied to you...

on second thought, this thread has officially left earth orbit and take off into the goofysphere, nevermind. thanks to the one person who took the time to isult me for no reason and make no sense and not answer anything i asked. have fun in cloud city y'all.

I find it hardly surprizing that you are not taken seriously. The post that you took insult from was after I had answered you...

Originally posted by Azrael75
could anyone just tell me if the "alternative 3" thing is serious? is this thread purporting pictures of bases on mars created by a fictional telvision special?

No the structures are not created for the TV serious... that is an actual image from Mars.. I linked to the original at Malin space systems

The 'implication' is that we already sent teams to Mars and I used 'Alternative 3' as an example..

Fictional you say? Or a story based on fact?

Well I suppose now you will want proof huh?

The ONLY OTHER post I made to you was after that reply was ignored

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Azrael75 I asked about alternative 3 several times and have since been mocked, derided, and confused, but not answered. thanks all of you.

Your welcome
Perhaps its your attitude... and I suppose you MISSED my answer to you about 8 posts back while you were throwing your tantrum?

Now how is that statement of fact insulting?

i would gladdly appologize.

Apology accepted
Next question?

[edit on 29-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:24 PM
I am still rather baffled on people's take on NASA. That is, there seems to be two seperate ideas that don't really go well together in regards to what NASA releases.

One idea it seems is that NASA is purposely allowing these to be released as a means as a "gentle" method of disclosure. Slowly acclimating folks to the idea of alien civilizations (even extinct ones).

The other is that NASA is not aware of what they are releasing.

I think this is very important to figure out, for if we could figure out WHY they would release these, then we could know if they have substance.

A few personal beliefs about NASA and pictures: I don't think for a moment that NASA would accidently miss photos with critical bits of evidence in them. I think it's ludicrous to assume they are that dense. Some of the finest, sharpest minds in the world are there. If there is evidence, they are purposely allowing it to be seen. I don't believe an 'autofind' program censors out data and then is put out for mass viewing, without going through human control, I find that idea laughable. Do you realize how much scrutiny even the simpliest of messages received during the war by censors? Believe me, if they KNEW there was alien ruins, they'd have those pictures go through multitudes of checks before releasing.

So: If there indeed something there, they know it, and purposely release it. Which means, so does our government. There is no way that they would not know. So the government would also be purposely releasing information to the public. NASA would not step on the toes of their biggest benefactor.

My biggest issues are how on the one hand, we have multiple stories of how the government goes out of their way to hide all details of anything regarding aliens, ufos, etc. They coverup, they ignore, they refuse to pass on information, they feign ignorance at every turn. And yet then they allow release of critical information proving they exist to the public.

Why? I hear constantly about how NASA themselves try to coverup crucial information. But then they release photos of alien structures? Something does not add up.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by fleabit

my personal view on it is, that they know about ETs and ET tech, that they've met some of them, HOWEVER, they are forbidden from disclosing it in its entirety. not by other humans but by the ETs themselves. in short, i don't think they have a choice, so they "accidentally" leave little clues.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Cydonia2012
I dont see how that is clear. In all honesty, with all the hitech cameras we have these days, why cant we actually get a clear picture of these things?


Your job is to find the tracks that Mike found in that image... they are very clear... when you find them come back and report to us...

No I won't give you any hints... the research has been done... search is your friend

[edit on 29-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by spikedmilk
Check the comparison...Internos spotted this similar feature for me sometime back next to this pyramid looking object in the Hale Crater region.

Thanks Spiked
I have one on the Moon as well but I think I will wait on that one

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I'm not sure what others consider definitive evidence, but I consider this 100% definitive, beyond the shadow of a doubt, and explainable in no other way, evidence of at least intelligent past life on Mars, that is humanoid:

I always like that face...

The Second "Face" on Mars
Winding Valley in Libya Montes
MOC Image M02-03051

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
Does anyone have any ideas about size? For instance, the object which has the circle on top of it, how big is that? Are we talking truly huge such as miles long, or are we saying this is a similar size to a building here on Earth. . ?

The size data was posted a while back and the complete data is below the image on the MSSS website... you have to use the pixel data and do a simple count

[edit on 29-8-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Azrael75

from my understanding of similar threads in which he has participated (speaking for him now although he's more than capable of responding himself), your response is very typical. he has alot of reference material to support theories he puts forward, and frequently, people who approach the topic as you do, don't really have anything to add to the discussion, won't read the research materials or reference links, and tend to say the same thing "i don't see anything." the natural response is to automatically assume the person posing such a question is doing so (depending on how it is worded) for the express purpose of wasting time and resources of the investigators who actually do want to know.

actually, i was genuinely curious and that is why i came to this thread. in fact i even stated that. i thought that since someone obviously wanted to share this, then if someone could not see it but wanted to, they might be helpful in pointing out what they are seeing a bit better. apparently i was just supposed to say what a great find it was.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Azrael75

nah, just a defensive response. hey, if you think this is bad, try telling a sitchinite that sitchin is wrong about ANYTHING, even if you offer an alternative explanation, you instantly become ground zero for alot of angry sitchinites.

you can see why they would after having people attack the subject who haven't actually looked at the material, but not everyone fits that criteria. anyway, it was a defensive gesture, methinks.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Vector J
You have to ask yourself, if there was once a civilisation on Mars, why would that be their only evidence that they leave for other races to find?

Okay I asked myself...

And my answer was...

Why did the Easter Islanders only leave huge stone faces behind?

Why did they Build the Sphinx for us to find?

Why did we carve Mt Rushmore?

And WHY did we plan THIS???

The planned Face on Earth, envisaged in 1947

Long before anyone saw a face on Mars looking towards us, there was a plan to build a face on Earth.

After the Second World War an American artist called Isamu Noguchi worked on several huge schemes, including the gardens for the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He was haunted by the idea that nuclear war would destroy humanity, and planned a vast sculpture that would inform extraterrestrials that a civilized life form had once existed on Earth.

The vast set of earthworks – sadly never realized – would have depicted a giant human face centered on a nose that was a pyramid a mile long. Noguchi called it Sculpture To Be Seen From Mars....


THIS is what it was going to look like...

Personally I think the Martians do much better work

And they have their Easter Island Statue as well...

Moai Statue On Mars?
Newton Basin in Sirenum Terra #2
MOC E03-02550

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by zorgon

what a selective memory you have. so you posted pics you wanted people to look at but you dont acknowledge them unless they praise you or get angry? why did you neglect to publish my very first post?

posted on 29-8-2008 @ 01:02 AM single this post "quote"REPLY TO:

i do not see anything but organic shapes. can anyone actually point out a structure and explain it's architecture? i see nothing there.

just curious, alternative 3- you mean that tounge in cheek right?

and how about the really polite response i got back?

reply to post by Azrael75

Have you read through this thread Azrael ???
If I were you, I'd have a second thorough look, THEN post.

see, that was uncalled for and rude for no reason wasnt it? did i start out rude or curious about your pics? yes, i was curious. i did not see a base. i saw shapes and shadows. so i asked. and see what i got in response? so i tried to reply in kind.

Originally posted by crackerjack
reply to post by Azrael75


Have you read through this thread Azrael ???
If I were you, I'd have a second thorough look, THEN post.

as much as i always appreciate empty rude replies, yes. I have read through the entire thread. Care to elaborate as to what exactly that answers? My statement and question still stand.

so then i realized that noone cared to actually help me see what you were seeing. apparently it was praise you or say nothing around here. but i still had a question in relation to the thread title. so not being rude, but no longer polite, i asked -

could anyone just tell me if the "alternative 3" thing is serious? is this thread purporting pictures of bases on mars created by a fictional telvision special?

see and then i was ignored so i said forget it. apparently the OP does not care to share with anyone any information. he just wants to hear how great his pics are. well i hope your ego is stroked. from there, you can then add my posts that apparently you wanted everyone to think came first. this is what happend first. so as much as i would love to give you an appology to go with what you already accepted? i have none to offer. i was not a jerk here, i was a curious onlooker. i did not come here to waste anyones time unless you think being curious about the things you post and say is a waste of your time, then maybe you would be better off not wasting any time posting.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:02 PM


posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Thanks Spiked
I have one on the Moon as well but I think I will wait on that one

Hey, anytime Zorgon!


I think Fleabit brings up a good point here...

Originally posted by fleabit
I am still rather baffled on people's take on NASA. That is, there seems to be two seperate ideas that don't really go well together in regards to what NASA releases.

One idea it seems is that NASA is purposely allowing these to be released as a means as a "gentle" method of disclosure. Slowly acclimating folks to the idea of alien civilizations (even extinct ones).

The other is that NASA is not aware of what they are releasing......

Basically , are they or arent they looking at the images they're releasing. And before I go further, I do like Undo's response right under his post. I can see that as a possability.

I've always wondered myself if they knew what they were releasing and I think a very good example would be the Mars face. Not every person is sold on the idea of the Cydonia face being artificial. With the 'catbox' image in the 90's it was easy to pass off as a nothing image to the public. Even the original from the 70's, to you and I the believer - yes it looks like a face but to a skeptic it wont. Thats what I'd believe NASA is counting on. But then you come across one of these:

And to me the believer, its clear as day. Even better than Cydonia even. And if they are looking at the images gathered, would they really still archive this one online? Seems they did.

Again. very good point Fleabit.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by spikedmilk]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Azrael75
apparently the OP does not care to share with anyone any information. he just wants to hear how great his pics are.

Sigh....... yup I guess you have me figured out Its all just about showing you pretty pictures... I CERTAINLY would not want to share any REAL information


[edit on 29-8-2008 by zorgon]

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