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T-shirt gets Van Nuys woman kicked out of federal building

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posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:19 AM

So you who are basically wearing a shirt with the aforementioned here at ATS (which many have pointed out already) still do not get how ridiculous and ironic and, yes, IGNORANT, you are in passing judgment about the word lesbian being advertised.

Now I can usually keep my cool pretty well but ignorance such as this needs to be highlighted and shown as an example of the caveman mentality that we as a people need to point out in all it's fecundity.

I hope some bit of you recognizes this and maybe changes your attitude.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by anyone]

[edit on 28-8-2008 by anyone]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by anyone

Nope, not likely I'm afraid.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by bloodcircle

Thank you Bloodcircle.

Go Aussie!

It's been a very interesting display of intolerance from most of the posters here, not to mention some language that I've never seen allowed on this forum before, but I've chosen not to respond to. All for simply stating my opinion that I dislike people promoting their particular sexual orientation in public. It seems like the gay and lesbian community are still a long way from accepting the validity of their own sexuality. Too bad for them.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by ATruGod
reply to post by jackinthebox

Your kidding right? Others Guards, the people at the fed building, and his company said it was out of line even the DOJ said it was out of line.

That is simply abuse of power.

Can you show me exactly where it says security guards are allowed to interpret the laws/rules (or lack there of) to thier own ends?

Yup, it's the small, inoffensive little thing that sits down the front of their pants, between their legs.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
reply to post by bloodcircle

Thank you Bloodcircle.

Go Aussie!

It's been a very interesting display of intolerance from most of the posters here, not to mention some language that I've never seen allowed on this forum before, but I've chosen not to respond to. All for simply stating my opinion that I dislike people promoting their particular sexual orientation in public. It seems like the gay and lesbian community are still a long way from accepting the validity of their own sexuality. Too bad for them.

Wow, the hypocrisy in that statement is absolutely incredible.

Mythatsabigprobe didn't just exclaim, "pardon me old chap, I don't agree with that lifestyle.", (s)he compared homosexuality to paedophilia and Necrophilia.

Did you really think someone would politely exclaim: Fiddle dee dee, I suppose you have a point?

Oh, and let's not forget the fact that (s)he thinks the word lesbian can be a verb.

How many homosexuals have been brutally murdered because someone thought they needed to "protect their children"?

When the threat of physical violence against your person is always a possibility, is it a wonder some people have developed a chip on their shoulder? How can you be comfortable with your sexuality when doing so could mean being spat on, harassed, or even beaten.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:29 AM
I'd just like to point out Mythatsabigprobe has already capitulated with respect to this woman's case.

So I really don't see any reason to continue berating him over it. Moreover, he's entitled to his view in opposition to homosexuality. I'm not saying he is right. I'm saying he has a right to his belief.

At least he was big enough to admit that notwithstanding his view the officer was wrong.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by loam]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

All for simply stating my opinion that I dislike people promoting their particular sexual orientation in public.

I am sorry, but I do not see where you stated you did not like people promoting their sexual orientation. In my opinion you stated you did not like people who were different than you promoting their sexual orientation in public.

Did I hear you claim to dislike people promoting heterosexuality? No, I did not, and by the way I am heterosexual, I just get very irritated at the hypocrisy I see in this world.

Again I think what you are really saying is you don't like people who have a different sexual preference than you promoting their particular sexual orientation in public.

Heterosexuals promote their sexual preferences in public somewhere in the world every second of every day, and I don't hear you complaining about that.

This attitude, is what keeps us in the sandbox as someone else said. Another words, take a step back, review what you think you said compared to what you said, and stop trying to force everyone to live just like you do. I do not see lesbians or gays trying to force you to live their lifestyle, only to accept that they have a right to theirs without bigots crying foul.

I know some seem to think you are getting "picked" on in this "sandbox", but think about this, it is people with attitudes like yours that cause wars, corruption, lies, terrorism etc in this world.

Remember, if you are married and go out to dinner with your husband and hold hands with him, kiss him, dance with him etc you are promoting your sexual preferences in public. Just like I do.

So, I suspect that you promote your sexual preferences quite often in public.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by amazed ouch, as I do not know your sex i added him/her]

[edit on 28-8-2008 by amazed]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by loam

That's true, I do now agree that the guard was wrong to throw her out of the building.

However, I still feel the same about being subjected to material advertising sexual orientations in public.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
reply to post by loam

That's true, I do now agree that the guard was wrong to throw her out of the building.

However, I still feel the same about being subjected to material advertising sexual orientations in public.

If you would have just posted this as your original reply, I would have starred you. This is the kind of discourse I was originally looking for.

Edit: I starred you.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by round_eyed_dog]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
reply to post by bloodcircle

Thank you Bloodcircle.

Go Aussie!

It's been a very interesting display of intolerance from most of the posters here, not to mention some language that I've never seen allowed on this forum before, but I've chosen not to respond to. All for simply stating my opinion that I dislike people promoting their particular sexual orientation in public. It seems like the gay and lesbian community are still a long way from accepting the validity of their own sexuality. Too bad for them.
You talking about intollerance?? You can add hypocrasy to your list

As for the story,many lols. Stupid people are stupid.

What is the difference between someones right to display their sexuality if they choose,and your right to have a blatently sexually orientated username? You bowl in and think your on some moral high ground,when you're doing the EXACT same thing that you're so vehimently protesting about.

Or is that a little too hard for you to see?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by amazed
I am sorry, but I do not see where you stated you did not like people promoting their sexual orientation.

Please see page 1.

In my opinion you stated you did not like people who were different than you promoting their sexual orientation in public.

Again I think what you are really saying is you don't like people who have a different sexual preference than you promoting their particular sexual orientation in public.

It seems that your opinion and what you think I'm saying takes precedence over anything I actually said. Nice work.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by round_eyed_dog


posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 11:12 AM
i think round eye meant that if you had so eloquently stated your position sooner rather than comparing lesbians to criminals, you would have gotten less flak. =)

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Personally If I see a woman wearing a T-Shirt "advertising" her sexual preferences, not in a night club or a night bar, but in a public place, with families kids etc, I would immediately believe and rightly so, that she probably has "issues".

That woman probably has "issues". Its not normal to advertise your sexual habits in places it is not supposed to, since its not the right place to find a "mate" why would you do that?
There are "right" places for this kind of thing. This is how a healthy society works, this is how we "humans" are coded.

Now, it isn't enough that this act alone is bizarre, the act of her "advertising" her sexual preferences to places where minors may frequent, but she also advertised that "she likes to have sex" with other women.

What kind of attention was she trying to attract there? Any young mothers, or any young daughters attention?

Am I the only one who sees that this individual might have psychological problems and might not be so stable mentally speaking, contrary to what the most of you are trying to picture? Am I the only one that I find these things disturbing?

Do you understand that sexually deprived people might often resort to "unusual" tactics in order to "get some"? Will you tell me that gay and lesbian people are not sexually deprived? Why shouldn't I believe that this woman initial thought was that it probably was a good idea to put on a shirt advertising her "habits" and go find some minors in the place they frequent, a shopping center. Why shouldn't I believe this since that was her initial thoughts after all. It is obvious. I do not find that kind of people "normal" in any way, and I am not talking specifically about lesbians or gays but about "weird" people like her, the more intelligent of you will get my meaning.

That security guy probably did a good thing turning her away, like giving a message "We don't welcome weirdos" here. Actually I could feel safer shopping in a place like that.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Now what if I came in to a building wearing a shirt that said
"lesbian in training". Me, being a man would probably get a few chuckles from the same men raising hell on this board. I would still be describing my sexual preference, just not in the way that would offend you.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 12:58 PM
You "assume" that I would find it funny.
I see in general many "assumptions" from threads with same context. While I am not assuming this woman was weird, it is beyond doubt that she was "weird".
Being "weird" belongs to a whole different category from being gay or lesbian. I can respect gay or lesbian but not "weird" people. Although there are lots of "weird" people that are gay or lesbian or at least they are more the most vocal in general in gay or lesbian communities, probably the percentage of "weird" individuals in any given group either it being "heterosexual, gay or lesbian might be the same I don't argue with that.
The problem is that gay or lesbian people took a lot of "weird" peoples advice and even chose them for representing their rights, since the most vocal but "weird" individuals were standing out from the croud for a vote to be cast at them. So now gay or lesbian groups are being represented by "weird" attention seekers, although their sexual preferences might not be the actual problem but their inherited "weirdness" is.

Some other poster said that it was offending to him/her that couples (man and women) are seeing kissing in the mouth or holding hands, and that was perceived or "assumed" that it was a threat to him/her and a way of shoving their way of life to him/her. I would suggest to him/her to go see a doctor because what he/she saw were only humans doing what humans do since the dawn of time and that is trying to ensure the survival of the human race via procreation.
Yes I know after initial procreation and successfully delivering offsprings it shouldn't be legal for couples to hold hands and kssing in the mouth as an epxression of love and well being, but hey, we live in an unjust world!..

I would also want someone to explain to me how a sane individual either gay or lesbian, in his own mind would would have a positive comment about gay or lesbian parades, well, especially gay parades since they most often become a literally a circus. How on earth any individual either gay or lesbian expects for the world to take him/her seriously. Unless they don't like be taken seriously, unless, they are being used to tear the societal fabric down and are so naive they don't realize this. Maybe many posters are unfamiliar with annual "circus" gay parades in Europian cities.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:08 PM
In defense of the guard a little bit, he might just be sick and tired of people wearing all kinds of stupid crap in a federal building. I'm not saying he's right, but maybe he was crabby that day. I have done my share of going before judges in courtrooms and let me tell you, I always dress very nicely, like going to church. But I have seen people going before the judge for somewhat serious offenses, in all sorts of rags and barefoot too. Pretty unbelievable to me that anyone going before a judge that can do anything to them would be so stupid, but they do. The more serious offense, the nicer I dress.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by spacebot

Wow how very ignorant of you.

She was advertising a website, thats all. Her shirt said:

How do you equate that to

the act of her "advertising" her sexual preferences to places where minors may frequent, but she also advertised that "she likes to have sex" with other women.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Ariana9

I am sincerly glad you are acclimated to the court system, but where in the article did it state she was going before a judge?

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I am not of the ingorant type, maybe I missed the detail on her t-shirt. I tend to look the other way when I see types like "hey give me attention", I do exactly the opposite.
Ok she wore a more watered down version of a display of her sexual preference and anything else going on in her "weird" mind was a bit of a watered down version too, since she was only advertising a site, a place where she probably frequents, engage in discussions online with other people, etc etc that (accidentally) my kids would venture in to, while I was looking the other way. (I don't have kids btw, I'm just making an example)
Ok I can accept that, she was a "watered down" weirdo. Maybe her medication has started kicking in. Would I be so lucky to expect that the next time that she has to go out on a public place with kids and families she will be wearing anything not so much "out of the normal". What does her doctor say about this?

[edit on 28-8-2008 by spacebot]

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