posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:49 PM
I'll try to take this analogy a little further.
Person X says: "So and so came to me on the beach in a shiny metallic object from the direction of the big dipper constellation on the night of - at
very high altitude and very quickly... He looked like (insert any description you like, most often grey guy with big eyes)."
Person Y says: "So and so came to me on the beach in a shiny metallic object from the direction of the big dipper constellation on the night of - at
very high altitude and very quickly... He looked like (insert any description you like, most often grey guy with big eyes)."
Person Z says: "So and so came to me on the beach in a shiny metallic object from the direction of the big dipper constellation on the night of - at
very high altitude and very quickly... He looked like (insert any description you like, most often grey guy with big eyes)."
Another way to put this is.. Liquor store is robbed.
Person X says: "So and so came out of the liquor store with a gun in his hand and he was running minutes after such and such happened. He looked
liked (insert description of yourself)." you have no alibi
Person Y says: "So and so came out of the liquor store with a gun in his hand and he was running minutes after such and such happened. He looked
liked (insert description of yourself)." you have no alibi
Person Z says: "So and so came out of the liquor store with a gun in his hand and he was running minutes after such and such happened. He looked
liked (insert description of yourself)." you have no alibi
In a court of law you are guilty - period. That is simply the way it works unless you are O.J.