posted on Mar, 12 2018 @ 04:06 AM
I am not done yet. Not by a long shot.
Part 3
Our little beloved Mountain also has a tree, namely the Walser Birnbaum (It is a real tree, search for it!).
What's so special about said tree? According to the ancient Druids, it was regarded as the "Weltenesche Yggdrasil" (World Tree) or the "Irminsul".
It is an Pear tree that somehow strangely never fully dies, despite being cut down a couple of times back then. Yet it always grew back. Not only
that, but it doesn't sprout, like EVER. And the king will hang his shield on the tree after the battle to declare a new Age. (I hope this won't be the
New World Order...)
SO, that truly is strange. People say that if the tree is going to sprout some flowers, then the end of the world is nigh.
If it finally grows fruits, then the king will emerge and all hell breaks loose.
Cute little side-story, i know. But what about the game, You 'might' ask?
Undertale has got a tree like that, too!
It's an old oak, that NEVER has any leaves on it.
Strangely it references even that! How so?
Here's a Quote from the game: "Every time this old tree grows any leaves, they fall right off."
Also this game mentions a "War of Humans and Monsters".
in older Medieval menuscripts there are thousands of drawings of the so called "Monsters". Can be seen as Hybrids, if You will. Also, back in the
days, we got jobs like "Dragon Slayers" or "Monster Hunters". Another reference in this darn game.
But wait- Where is the evidence?
If the so called monsters really existed back then, where are thier bodies / skeletons?
Shouldn't we be able to find anything about them?
Back then there was something like this: "The Beast of Gévaudan" (As an example)
Basically some kind of CREATURE terrorizing humans some time ago in france.
No one really knew what kind of animal this was and where it came from.
And many other cases, but i really don't want to go on this any further. These posts are already big as they are.
Anyway, why mention this?
Well, the game says that monsters don't have enough physical matter to leave a body behind after they die.
This means that, if they bite the dust (Literally!) they turn into ashes. They basically DISSOLVE.
Some time ago my father explained this to me almost exactly like that. And no, he has never heard about that game before. He was just researching in
some russian forums and found out that monsters and vampires dissolve, because they are almost spiritual beings and all thier 7 (!) chakras are open
and aligned. With that, thier bodies are fused with thier soul. Unlike humans, who have lost thier way and they "loose" thier body after death. They
leave it behind.
That's a funny coincidence for me... He just had to say something about that to me.
Then there is a story (and many other cultures recite something similiar) about the Anunnaki gods creating humans / mankind. After they have finally
created Adam and later this Wife, Eve (after some failed attempts before), they created HYBRIDS out of amusement. Fairy creatures, mythological
beings, etc. Stuff like that.
Why mention the Anunnaki? Because Delta Rune, that's why. Look it up, already! And compare it to the Nibiru sign.
Might be all far-fetched, but i got a point.
So what does all of this mean?
Because the Matrix explains it all perfectly: "Everythings connected"
But... But!
Yes, i know: What does the matrix have anything to do with this?!
I'll try to explain it (somehow):
A legend about the Untersberg mentions the mountain as the ENTRANCE TO THE MIRROR WORLD (Spiegelwelt).
What is a mirror World?
Think about it.
It describes a PARALLEL UNIVERSE. A world like ours, but different! Some aspects might be changed.
Think about the possibilities! Everything is possible! Even MAINSTREAM SCIENCE supports that!
Not even that, they even say that Parallel Universes EXIST and they INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER!
Multiverse Theory kicks in.
But what really supports this idea? Well, one thing is CERN. Back in 2007-ish or something like that, where i was ignorant and REALLY stupid i saw a
news report about CERN being able to create a BLACK HOLE, a PORTAL.
Some even say that it almost destroyed the World on 23rd September, 2015. But nothing happend (hooray?).
Then, people are creating QUANTUM COMPUTERS:
A Computer so powerful, it revolutionizes every other computing machine on this planet.
And these things exist and are even running today.
But what's so special about them?
In one interview some guy (I can't find the video anymore. If someone would be so kind and post it here, that'll be sweet!) said that they need
Quantum computers to ACCESS parallel universes. Wait... What?
That's right: Stargates. Or even Time Travel!
For example they can just outright steal the technology of our mankind in an mirror world where everything is perfect and take it back here.
THEY, the eggheads, say this not me!
How crazy is that?
Nevertheless, a parallel Universe can also be destroyed. ERASED.
And that's what i think really happend.
You see, our current world, where we all suffer together is not the master-simulation. Because it is already destroyed, someone made a back-up: Our
But why make a copy of a doomed world? Because our current World is perfectly fine!
Yes, it is, after some changes where made beforehand.
Imagine a Parallel Universe where, for example Hitler was a woman. Or even Stalin!
No Third Reich. No Gulag-ridden Soviet Union. The possibilities are endless!
A whole new World! No World War II. Maybe an even better world. Who knows...
Can You imagine the Führer as a woman? No chance! It HAS to be a MAN.
Some might now say: But we had a World War II!
Yes, but we didn't get a third one. Things could be WAY WORSE then they are now.
Just think about that a little more.
ALl right. But why didn't our World end in for example the 80's / 2012 / 2014 / 2015, etc. etc.?
Because i think these are echoing resoances of dying Parallel Universes. Glitches in the Matrix. The message has spread all around other Multiverse,
but only one gets Doomsday. Like an false-alarm.
Well, that's how i explain it to myself. (I can't really explain it THIS short, so i get back on this again later)
I'm just sharing this info... Because i can. I'm not forced to do this or anything. I just think the world deserves to know better.
I'm still not done
Just wait =)