posted on Mar, 11 2018 @ 12:13 PM
Good =)
You are inaugurated then.
This will be a huge post. So i will try to minimze it:
Part 1.
There have been many times where i "saw" connections or, like i would like to call them, "parallels".
Strangely enough no one, except me, noticed them. So i questioned myself:
"Are people everywhere in this world this blind? This just can't be it. How can i be the only one seeing the very obvious connection?"
That's what i was asking. And now i'm (finally) sharing it with the world.
I've come across many legends and myths where either entire cities disappeared or are underground / submerged.
So we all can consider this a popular topic to be found in folklore. What's more interesting is the fact that somehow
i noticed a pattern. Like Life itself is trying to tell me something. And it wasn't just for the sh1ts and giggles.
It has to mean something.
Now here is what i mean-
Some time ago i found a Video game. At first i disliked it, because the fandom was / still is cancer.
Then, at first glance, i was shocked because the graphics are really bad. But somehow i still watched the walkthrough on YouTube, despite all these
"flaws". But In the end, this game would change me forever. Now let me ask a question:
How can a single Video game have EVERYTHING in common with this particular mountain where the game developer himself doesn't even have a clue about
the said mountain? How is that possible?
I even asked him, if his game was some kind of occult joke, because i assumed he knew everything about it and was
part of the New World Order. Like he is a paid puppet. But that was sadly not the case.
No. It can't be so shallow. It would be too easy then, to find out the "truth".
It goes way deeper then that.
The game is called "UNDERTALE". Look it up. What does all of it remind You guys about? Some people here may already
know what i mean, some might never even have heard about it before. Nevertheless, i'll try to lay out all the connections i "see".
We can already see a connection beginning with the name: UNDERTALE.
Why is it called like that?
Well, for one thing it's a "tale" or a story that plays inside a mountain, namely Mount Ebott.
Second, we, as the protagonist fall down a HOLE inside a cave in the mountain and that's where the game starts.
But why call it like that? Why not INNERTALE. Or Mountainstory? Why exactly like that?
Now let's take a look at our fascinating mountain. UNTERSBERG. If we take the "s" out we get
UNTERBERG. -> Berg (Mountain) 4 letters.
UNDERTALE- -> Tale also 4 letters.
Both have the word UNDER / UNTER in it. So that's funny, eh?
Some might already have a chuckle here and think this means nothing. Sure, i told that myself, too when i started to see these things.
But there's more =)
At the beginning the intro in the game says the following: "Mt. Ebott - 201X. Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return"
Sound familiar?
The lost people of the Untersberg. Some even never to be seen again. Still funny? No? Moving on...
The (almost) very first True "Monster" You encounter in the game (we should call them "beings" or "entities" instead, as the word "monster" isn't very
well-intended in our human society) is called TORIEL.
The game developer Toby Fox knows more then he admits, i'm afraid. He named many beings after angels and spirits known in the Torah or the Bible. So
keep that in mind.
Ok. So she's named Toriel, so what?
Well. Take a look at how she looks like:
(I'm not going to add any pictures here. You have to look everything up on Yourself. Excuse me)
She wears a robe with an very intersting symbol on it. It's the so called "Delta Rune". It reminds me of the Anunnaki. So definitely some hidden
messages implented in this game. Damn Illuminati. Or not..? You decide.
Also, she is barefooted. Somehow understandable as she is part animal, part human. But other "beings" do in fact wear shoes and stuff...
What does this remind You of?
Yes, the monks of the Untersberg!
They are BAREFOOTED, too! And wear robes. What's so interesting about someone being barefooted? Well, either they are an hippie (strong connection and
reasoning with nature) or they are just poor. But they are strangely not poor, despite living in a mountain? (Regarding all the Gold inside our
Untersberg and the fact that TORIEL is the wife of KING ASGORE... And Kings and Queens are ALWAYS rich!) So what's the deal? And why was is noticed
even by Lazarus Gitschner himself?
Because even in medieval times people wore shoes. So that was odd even back then.
Next, we go with Toriel through a Gate.. A gate, you say? An arch? An PORTAL? Because if You enter through some of
these gates some omnious sound is being played and you really start the game (After the "ruins" chapter). Like a Portal.
Alright, things will get even wierder from here on now.
Now we take a look at the location, the cirumstances and the environment of the Underground in UNDERTALE and the
Both are Mountains (duh!), but both have a big city in thier proximity (Namely Salzburg in Untersberg). Both, Mount Ebott and Untersberg are water
sources (Untersberg water is considered holy and healing.)
While Mount Ebott has an entire underground region in it called "Waterfall". It's an damp and swampy area with many waterways, creeks, rivers and
underground seas.
Then there is an area in Mt. Ebott called "Snowdin". As the name already implies, it always snows inside there and everything is covered in snow and
Alright? Ok. What about the Untersberg? Well, it too, got some ICY caves.
The most notable is the Schellenberger Eishöhle and the Kolowratshöhle. Or it was icy, 'til some idiots destroyed the cave a bit. Oh well.
Both mountains have an ENTIRE city in them.
Untersberg has the underground city full of churches and stuff. Lots of religious guys, too.
Mt. Ebott has an underground city called the "capitol" or "New Home" with all the inhabitants being entities or mythical creatures. There is also the
"Judgement Hall" which resembles an old gothic CHURCH. When the player arrives there a church bell is being heard 3 (!) times.
Then we have the ruins in Undertale. Basically the old capitol from the "monsters" left to decay in the beginning of the game. The ruins are inside
the mountain (like everything else in this game).
Untersberg also has some ruins. Most notable the Hallthurm Feste. Now there are only parts of the wall and a single tower left. But these ruins appear
outside the mountain. Maybe our Untersberg has some ruins inside him, too? Who knows...
Now it get's even funnier!
Both, the game and our Untersberg have a KING inside a Mountain! Toby Fox even named an song "BERGENTRÜCKUNG".
Untersberg has Charles the fifth/ Charlemagne/ King Friedrich or King Barbarossa as the King. Or ODIN, according to the celtic/ germanic Druids. Some
"illuminated people" even call the Untersberg not only Mitternachtsberg (even Jesus called it like that in the bible), but also as ODINSBERG.
Mount Ebott in Untertale has KING ASGORE residing inside the mountain.
Because Europe was HEAVILY and forcibly christianized we all can assume that the King inside Untersberg is NOT Charles / Charlemagne.
So both "Stories" have a King inside a mountain. That too, is popular ALL AROUND europe and can be found in Myths,
legends and local folklore. Nothing special you say, as the creater of the game just chose an regular topic!