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Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

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posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Lunica

Whose caves are really HUGE !!! so many great images. Thank's so much for you're efforts...

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by BlueOrb

Thanks for clearing this out LOL

However, there are people that say the whole CERN LHT experiment is aimed at Time you see, magnetism, time travel.....I wonder if the CERN experiments are trying to recreate something that they believe happens naturally that they haven't managed to crack...........something like Untersberg?

For the record, 450 GeV is 450 BILLION Volts.......Maybe September 10th will be an interesting day on the Swiss / French border?

That's a great way of thinking.... With you're knowledge it seems you're got a good instinct about this...

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 02:01 PM
You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job contributing to this thread...ALL OF YOU. Im learning more than I hoped for. Thanks!

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:30 PM

"Maniken" refers to "little mechanical people"? That reminds me of the '___'-induced dwarves and elves sightings where they are described as "mechanical beings".

I am sure the anonymous poster meant to write MANNEKEN. And yes, it means "little men"... as in homunculus. Enough said.

There were all kind of mechanical devices, including "little men", from the time of the Renaissance on. But the original notion of homunculus is much more "esoteric" and does not refer to mechanical devices.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by jfj123

The cave story was fascinating and I couldn't tear
my eyes from it a moment...really great! And
considering our topic, apropos! Thanks...


posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 07:24 AM
Hi there

Because I am intreaged with the depths reached in caves I send an email to Arge_Bad. They did decent to 1000 meter in the Untersberg.
Because they mentioned they could probably go another 150 meters deeper into the mountain I asked why exactly not further?

This was their replay:

Sehr geehrter Herr,

Im Untersberg wird mit dieser Tiefe eine Zone erreicht sein, in der es aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nur noch wassererfüllte Hohlräume gibt.

Schauen Sie sich einmal die Grafiken zum Thema Endokarst auf unserer Homepage an: translated link

In weiteren 150 Metern Tiefe wird voraussichtlich die phreatische Zone erreicht. Dies kann dadurch bestimmt werden, dass auf diesem Niveau die Karstquellen am Untersberg abfließen.
(siehe z.B. auch Fürstenbrunnquelle: Translated link)

Christoph Reiser

ARGE Bad Cannstatt

In the mountain with this depth reached, a zone where in all likelihood only waterfilled caves will be found.

Take a look at the graphics on Endo karst on our website: translated link

In the next 150 meters its expected to be the phreatische (translation?) zone. It can be determined that at this level sources in the karstcreek flow of into the Untersberg.
(see for example, the Fürstenbrunnquelle: Translated link))

Christoph Reiser

ARGE Bad Cannstatt

Its interesting, also for other caves. We dont even know how deep caves go WITHOUTH all the water in it! I havent read about little submarines yet.

Greetings Lunica

[edit on 7-9-2008 by Lunica]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Lunica

Caves are almost a different world, even with different fauna and flora, so it's no surprise that people in the past (and even now) considered them as entrances to other worlds, even without any esoteric thinking, they almost are other worlds.

PS: the word is phreatic.

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Lunica

You are the first person in this thread to actually contact some of the figures involved. Great work

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:36 PM
1000 meter descent in the Untersberg and nothing supernatural observed? That does put a different slant on things.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by SteveR
1000 meter descent in the Untersberg and nothing supernatural observed? That does put a different slant on things.

Actually the cave descent was already mentioned in the opening post of this thread.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 04:55 PM
By the way folks...

if you do some digging, these "little people out of caves and mountains" who abduct people and are also related to time-jumps can be found all over the planet if you do just a little bit of digging.

Some of the legends have been turned into fairy tales...such as snow white and the seven dwarfs.

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Caves are almost a different world, even with different fauna and flora, so it's no surprise that people in the past (and even now) considered them as entrances to other worlds, even without any esoteric thinking, they almost are other worlds.


I guarantee you its another world...

Below a certain depth in the ground you will reach water... effectively bottomless because even the bravest diver will only go so far into a hole where his lights and sonar do not touch bottom

[edit on 8-9-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Check out this news article from the BBC Website today (9/8/08). It's getting ready for tomorrow, when the Large Hadron Collider fires up in CERN.

It's a fairly long article, so i won't attach it here in full, but before you think it won't be relevant, can i just say that the section entitled "Other Dimensions" is EXTREMELY relevant to what is being discussed here!!!!!

To a certain extent my previous thoughts about this were perhaps conjecture, based on strining certain pieces of evidence together and coming up with a possibility. Now i think that there is definitely some link between the experiments at CERN and the phenomeon related for centuries surrounding Untersberg.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 02:59 AM
One, great thread. Two, anyone who hasn't read the cave story should. Awesome read, had me freaked out!

On the CERN thing, wouldn't it be funny if the first time they tried for a black hole, it sucked up their entire 80 billion dollar machine! lol!

Next day headlines would read something like "Oops, we found it"! Ha!

Well, I like old folklore, legends, people's names that are associated with the past etc. You know, like "Bob Blacksmith". There is sometime a lot of truth in that stuff. The way history was once passed on was through stories. One of the things that interests me in reading this thread is the part about the one location being open just once a year. Kinda crazy, but there may be a good reason for it so who knows. Nonetheless, WEIRD!!

I go up to the Shasta area here and there, but no weird lights, no little green men as yet. Some pretty cool Country though. Hadn't heard about any weird things up there until just recently on this site. Oh, one more thing about the CERN.

Once upon a time there was this old run down hotel. Became obsessed with it, and later took some pictures after weird "ghost" stuff started happening. In the pictures you could see people. So, maybe science is hell bent on this other world, or worlds? Heck, I'm a small town guy, yet I snapped pix of ghosts. The guy from Berkeley, Lloyde Auerbach even sent a team out (before he was a TV personality guy) and they were all like, "ooh, this rooms cold, this ones hot, I feel this and that". The government must have much more real knowledge on stuff like that I would assume. But, the question still remains "why", that is if any of their goals are seeing into different realities. For all we know, it's just boys with their toys, but unlike when we were testing Hydrogen bombs all over the Pacific Ocean (some taking out entire islands!) now they are going the extreme opposite. Going into the particle world. I don't like it, mostly because I don't understand it, but partly because it just gives me a weird feeling.

signed, "Lurking" ;-)

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt
One, great thread. Two, anyone who hasn't read the cave story should. Awesome read, had me freaked out!

Dont forget its very probably a fake story.
There are more versions of that story available with different names in it. Also the year of writing is different. Try google it.
BTW: Its indeed a good story though.

Whats the story about the first picture of the onyxlion you provide?
tnxx in advance.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 04:54 AM
Since the OP is talking about parts of the hollow earth theory, has anybody of you ever heard about the 1947 north pole expedition of vice admiral Richard Byrd?

In 1947 Vice-Admiral of the US Navy Richard Bird went for a research flight over the North Pole. Near the Pole he noticed an unusual spot colored in mixture of yellow, red and violet. On approaching the spot the pilot could see something like a mountain chain. Bird flew over it and saw (this was his first impression) a mirage – forests, rivers, meadows with animals resembling mammoths.

and here's a supposedly "deleted" logs on his diary

1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth!

not only an interesting read, it also seems plausible.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by BlueOrb

I read that article. Nice. Its known that we will have the ability for dimensional and time-travel. Therefore it follows that we have always had the ability for dimensional and time-travel. Therefore it follows that we have always conducted dimensional and time-travel. Make sense?

Its likely that all this is a normal part of the universe and we´ve just been cut off from it.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Lunica

I can vouch for the fact that the story is not fake in the sense that it was reported and investigated by "normal" newspapers. Thats been shown in this thread.

The dissappearance was also investigated by the police for 3 months. This is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by knows_but_doesnt

Any old legends surrounding Mt. Shasta? What do the native americans say?

(I know all the new-agey stuff about it...Im asking about the actual old native accounts)

posted on Sep, 9 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Lunica

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt
One, great thread. Two, anyone who hasn't read the cave story should. Awesome read, had me freaked out!

Dont forget its very probably a fake story.
There are more versions of that story available with different names in it. Also the year of writing is different. Try google it.
BTW: Its indeed a good story though.

I have come to the conclusion it is fake, simply because of the way he wrote the ending. When he met Joe at the city view, and they didn't have a "real" conversation about why they needed to go back(reads like a movie script). Also the fact that he hit is head on the first crawl with Joe so he didn't see what Joe saw was convenient , and then his crawl was the first time there was a smell... and...he tells you every detail about chipping at rocks, but barely anything about his thoughts on what was down there or why he would need to go back.

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