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Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

This info is from one of my favorite websites.

Only a few crystal skulls have been expertly authenticated as ancient. Many have been carved within the last five years. Presently, the accepted authentication by which a carved skull can be termed ancient is through a complicated process of casting a mold of the skull and placing it under an electron microscope to examine the minute markings left by the carver. These markings are the clues by which the age of the carving is determined. The telltale pattern of the marking will verify what method was used to carve and polish the skull; thereby, the antiquity expert is able to confirm the age based on methods used on other known works which range from the ancient to the very contemporary. By comparing these various methods with those of the crystal skull, a time-line is developed which will place the skull along that line.

It's very interesting you mention the crystal skull. Some have been proven fake, but others are real and estimated to be made 5,000 - 36,000 years ago! There are supposedly 13 of them scattered across the world.

I forget how the entire legend goes (I kinda knew a long time ago, but I'm too lazy to read it right now), but the story hooked me once I found out about the skulls.
Can't wait for the translation on the crystal skull in Unterstberg!!

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Its also known that the Russians found a bunch of dead Tibetans in Nazi Headquarters in Berlin.

Did they give a reason why they died?

Do you have any links on that, I can't find it via

It's very interesting.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 01:34 AM
Not to make this thread any weirder but . . .

What else are associated with gnomes?

Which contain '___'.
Which users claim they make contact with "elfish entities."

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by BlueOrb

I was the "Anonymous" poster of the Berghof orb picture, and have finally registered! (Sorry about the lack of thought in the Username......). I have now sorted the problem with the further two pictures on the web ( Although not as clear as the Berghof Orb, the two photos show Orbs in the roof of the tunnel (leading to the "Eagle's Nest"), between the first and second, and the second and third lights, in particular. The Orb between the first and second is partially obscured by a smoke detector affixed to the roof of the tunnel, and appears in both pictures, whioch were taken at least 30 seconds apart. In fact, i took two further pictures in between these two, but deleted them as they had "anomolies" in which i mean orbs (I wasn't thinking....). These pictures have been uploaded as large files - you can right click and download if you like - if you solarise the Berghof orb on it's own, it goes yellow and black, with a bright yellow circumference - giving a better indication of just what is there....

More relevant to Untersberg, it's popularity took off before Hitler moved there, as a health resort. It was believed the area offered healing properties, It then became the place to be among the society set of Salzburg, etc, before Hitler moved in and took over the whole Obersalzberg area. Interesting regarding the "healing properites" - could this have been influenced by the increased magnetic field in the area? We all know that magnets are used in alternative medicine, healing, and so on...I don't know what type of rock the Untersberg consists of, but i believe that Granite in particular has very magnetic properties.

With regard to Orbs, I don't believe they are Ghosts, or spirits, but i do believe they are "Energy" of some sort, naturally occurring, and assuming it's "natural" shape of a sphere. Perhaps this is a result of the magnetic field? Any physicists out there?!

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by BlueOrb

....sorry.....the link should be with me, I'm new here....(and an idiot!)

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:13 AM
Great thread Skyfloating!

I love mysteries like this.

I did a quick google search, and I'm not sure if this link has been mentioned, but it gives an interesting alternative to why Hitler built the Berghof overlooking the Untersberg;

Isais and The Untersberg

Sorry if this has been mentioned, I have been reading this in parts and my memory is bad

I have copied the text that relates to what I'm referring to. The rest goes on to mention Lords of the Black Stone.

What was the legend of the Untersberg mountain, at which Hitler spent many hours gazing from his study in the Berghof? Historians guess that, like King Arthur, Frederick Barbarossa is buried there, waiting for a call to arise from the dead to come to his country's aid in its hour of need. That is not the legend of the Untersberg, though.

In 1220, Templar Komtur Hubertus Koch, returning with a small party from the Crusades, passed through Mesopotamia, and near the old city of Nineveh in modern Iraq, received an apparition of the goddess Isais (first child of goddess Isis and god Set). She told him to withdraw to the Untersberg mountain, build a house there and await her next apparition. Whether that is true or not, in 1221, Koch erected his first Komturei at the foot of Ettenberg near Markt Schellenberg. A second, larger structure followed. It is believed that over the next few years, underground galleries were excavated into various areas of the Untersberg, and in one of them a temple to Isais was built.

A second apparition occurred in 1226 and were repeated on occasions until 1238. During this period the Templars received "Die Isais Offenbarung", a series of prophesies (recently published) and information concerning the Holy Grail. The Templars at Jerusalem had knowledge of these visitations, over which the Church drew a veil of silence. What follows is only tradition, but may be of interest. It is the German tradition that the Templars were ordered to form a secret scientific sect in southern Germany, Austria and northern Italy to be known as "Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein" - The Lords of the Black Stone - or DHvSS for short, and this is said to be the true, hidden meaning of SS. The Holy Grail ("Ghral" is holy stone, Persian-Arabic) was said to be a black-violet crystal, half quartz, half amethyst, through which Higher Powers communicated with humanity. It was given into the safe-keeping of the Cathars, and smuggled out of the last stronghold at Montsegur, France, and hidden, by four Cathar women on the night of 14 March 1244. There is a Cathar legend that 700 years after the destruction of the Cathar religion the Holy Grail would be returned to its rightful holders, DHvSS, or the SS?

It may be of interest to note in this connection that the Tea House designed by Hitler and built atop the Mooslahnerkopf at Obersalzberg, the stone pavillion still standing today, bears a striking resemblance to Montsegur when viewed at certain angles from the foot of the great rocky outcrop. Whether this was a coincidence remains in the mind of the beholder.

Edited to add: I just looked at the Blogger's profile, is this your site Wotan? Kudos if it is

[edit on 31-8-2008 by Vilyariel]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:47 AM
Sometimes old ‘folklore tales’ handed down have some basis in truth, (more especially if there is no ‘obvious’ moral to the story.

Just a taster from this site:

Old stories

The Heiling Dwarves.
The cavern was once inhabited by small dwarves who were to have been ruled by a prince, an otherwise unknown old man by the name of Heiling.
On one occasion in times gone by a woman born in Taschwitz went out of the village on the evening before Peter's and Paul's Day, making her way into the forest in search of berries. Night overtook her and, seeing a cozy house standing next to the cliff, she opened the door and went inside.
There she saw an old man sitting at a table, writing busily and anxiously. The woman asked for a place to stay and was willingly taken in. Aside from the old man there was no other living thing in the whole room. However, there was a great rumbling in all corners of it.
At this, the woman was dreadfully afraid and she asked the old man: "Where am I then, actually?" The old man replied: "That his name was Heiling; soon, however, would travel away, for 'two-thirds of my dwarves have already fled away.'" This remarkable answer disconcerted the woman even more and she would have continued her questioning had he not bidden her to remain silent, adding: "Had you not come precisely during this unique hour you never would have found shelter for the night."
The frightened woman crawled obediently into a corner and slept sweetly.
When she awoke in the morning, she was lying at the very base of the cliff and thought herself to have dreamed, for there was no building to be seen.
Happy and relieved that no ill had befallen her in that dangerous place, she hurried back to her village.
However, everything there was all so changed and strange. In the village the houses were new and differently built, she did not know the people who confronted her nor did they recognize her.
With much effort she finally found the hut where she had lived, and even it was built better. Only the same oak tree planted there by her grandfather still lent it shade. However, as she attempted to walk inside she was shown again to the door as a stranger.
She ran about the village, crying in great distress. The people thought she was out of her mind. They brought her to the authorities who heard her case and made investigation into it.
Behold, they found in the community annals and church records that precisely a hundred years ago on this very day a woman of her name had gone into the forest in search of berries, never having come home and never having been found. It became clear that she had slept for a full hundred years at the cliff and, during that time, had not grown any older.



posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by entermemo
Not to make this thread any weirder but . . .

What else are associated with gnomes?

Which contain '___'.
Which users claim they make contact with "elfish entities."

Actually, most psychadelic mushrooms contain psilocybin or psilocin which is what causes you to trip. '___' is a powerful psychadelic substance found in things like Ayahuasca and Mimosa bark. Psilocybin and '___' are very different and so are their effects. The "extension of reality" hallucinations, such as seeing things that aren't there and being totally convinced they are real are more charactaristic of '___'. '___' will show you who you really are deep inside. Curiously, the purpose of the low amounts of '___' found naturally in our bodies is unknown. I think I actually referred to '___' as DHT in my previous post, oops. '___' could explain "missing time" and full blown hallucinations though, absolutely.

Wikipedia page on '___'.

I have also read some theories about '___' being what causes one to dream at night. Being awake while dreaming could produce wild hallucinations as I'm sure you can imagine.

“All spiritual disciplines describe quite psychedelic accounts of the transformative experiences, whose attainment motivate their practice. Blinding white light, encounters with demonic and angelic entities, ecstatic emotions, timelessness, heavenly sounds, feelings of having died and being reborn, contacting a powerful and loving presence underlying all of reality—these experiences cut across all denominations. They also are characteristic of fully psychedelic '___' experience. How might meditation evoke the pineal '___' experience?”

Endogenous '___' is described as the source of visionary Light in transpersonal experiences. Its primary source, the pineal, has traditionally been referred to as the Third Eye. Curiously, this gland is light sensitive and actually has a lens, cornea, and retina.


The pineal gland begins to harden with calcified tissue starting at adolescence. These strange calcified deposits between 3-5 mm are called “brain sand”. There are asymmetrical crystals in the pineal gland that are ‘piezo-electric' - that is, they send out electronic voltage creating EM waves. Whenever a person is exposed to an EMF (electro-magnetic field) such as that of the earth the gland vibrates, sending out EM signals to the rest of the body. When the pineal gland is stimulated geomagnetically it produces alkaloids similar to plant psychedelics. Any strong change in the earth's EMF will produce a rush of psychedelics in our bodies enabling us to be more psychically active in shamanic states (earth/ land receptive). The pineal gland is effected by coherent EM fields and it changes its hormone production when exposed to EM at low levels.


It sure sounds like '___' could play a significant role in all of this, but I'm not sure it explains everything either.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 05:39 AM
One further question - The Allies secured the Area around the Obersalzberg in May 1945, after a considerable aerial bombardment. Hitler's Berghof, along with many other buildings were significantly damaged. The Bergoh was finally blown up in 1952, seven years later, and all traces of it removed (supposedly, although bits remain), to avoid it becoming a shrine.
The Americans then held on to the Obersalzberg area (which is basically the side of a hill/mountain), using some of the remainign buildings for "leisure facilities" for US troops, finally handing it back to the local authorities in 1995. This possession, of course, also includes the underground network of bunkers and tunnels, many of which are still not open to the public.

The question therefore, would be: "What was so special about this area that the US held onto it for 50 years after the end of WWII? Surely not just so that troops had somewhere to go skiing......

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:17 AM

I'll have to visit some of my relatives and acquaintances who lived and fought during the WWII era and ask them about the Untersberg and Obersalzberg, specifically.

My grandfather, especially, has hiked on and all over the Untersberg all of his life (he's over 80 now, but mentally still pretty acute, his last hiking trip up it was at about 70), so he may have at least some stories to tell, even if he hasn't witnessed anything out of the ordinary.

My great-aunt lives in Grossgmain and is a refreshingly openminded lady, even at ~70. She always has old stories to tell, as well.

So when I next go back there, I'll try to visit them as well as going to Königssee to take some photos there and get a "feel" of the place.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Hi Skyfloating,

I have lurked around ATS for a year or so and never been interested in posting so I had not registered.

BUT DUDE, you have me hooked.

S+F from me, keep it comming, best thread here IMHO.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Why has this thread received so many stars and flags? I have not yet seen a single piece of solid evidence. This is a waste of time, although interesting from a science fiction standpoint. It is loch ness, bigfoot, yeti esque.

Are you saying that this thread contains no evidence of Hitler being interested in this mountain, a long tradition of legends about dwarfs and time anomalies surrounding the mountain and mysterious appearances around the mountain and also no evidence of subterranean tunnels in the area? Is that what you´re saying?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by BlueOrb

Thanks for resposting the rest of the Orb pictures

The Orb I saw didnt give me any obvious feeling of being a self-aware intelligence (though I could be wrong). What impression did you get of yours?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Kratos1220

Its known that certain alterations in brain chemistry is often accompanied by new perceptions - in the case of '___' its the realm of sci-fi-like dwarfs and elves. What does it all mean? I have no idea. But its worth looking into.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by SETILunatic

I'll have to visit some of my relatives and acquaintances who lived and fought during the WWII era and ask them about the Untersberg and Obersalzberg, specifically.

My grandfather, especially, has hiked on and all over the Untersberg all of his life (he's over 80 now, but mentally still pretty acute, his last hiking trip up it was at about 70), so he may have at least some stories to tell, even if he hasn't witnessed anything out of the ordinary.

My great-aunt lives in Grossgmain and is a refreshingly openminded lady, even at ~70. She always has old stories to tell, as well.

So when I next go back there, I'll try to visit them as well as going to Königssee to take some photos there and get a "feel" of the place.

Sounds like a good Field-trip. Having hiked all over the place for more than half a century he certainly must have something to tell.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by BlueOrb

The question therefore, would be: "What was so special about this area that the US held onto it for 50 years after the end of WWII? Surely not just so that troops had somewhere to go skiing......

Wow...thats NEWS to me.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:56 AM
Hi again all,

I was doing some serches on google and google video and came across this video,Video Link I know this is a TV show but it has some very interesting ideas. Wonder why I never saw this show before?

Isis, lights, mountains, UFO`s. FAR OUT, someone knows something!!!!

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 12:19 PM
It took me longer than I was expecting (and I lost three hours with a post for another thread), but here is a text from a book I have.

The book is the fifth (and last) volume of a small series about UFOs and Aliens, and this last book has Portuguese cases.

The place, Malcata, is one of the less populated places in Portugal, and some years ago was the last place (and I hope it still is) in Portugal where still lived some Iberian Lynx.

Although it's not a high mountain (we don't have really high mountains in Portugal), it is a mountainous region, what we call a Serra.

This is the part that may be related to this thread.

8. Alien manifestations. We go back to the past century (19th), near Malcata, specifically a kilometre from the village on the banks of the Coa River and near the Chapel of St. Domingos, near the river Fogueira, to see the unusual activities of various beings of short stature that the people called 'moirinhos' jumping near the water or throwing themselves from a small wall to the ground and vice versa. The beings were of small size, according to local reports, a 'charm' and their presence there was sign of wealth underground. Local people said said that there "was gold". An inhabitant, more enthusiastic, still tried to capture one of the "moirinhos" to be christened, but none of them let himself be caught. People from Malcata said that those strange "boys" used to appear on the morning of S. John's day or end of the year.
The other case makes us enter the field of licantropy, if we give account of frequent allusions to "werewolves". The great-great-granddad of Mr. Fernando Nabais Marques was one of those who experienced an encounter of the third degree when, in his role as blacksmith, went on a day of the last (19th) century to Meimão. At night, at the top of a slope, heard a noise and witnessed the run of an animal-like being. Scared, he threw himself to the ground and lifting the head saw a man dressed in a white shirt. The metamorphosis can be said that was almost immediate. No one can say that everything has finished in the region of Malcata, because there were still about nine years ago in Espiguinha our already known pastor Manuel Augusto Santos felt like a "horse running". In the morning he noticed a long trail in the land, along with footprints absolutely unknown that he could not attribute to the animals of the region. Marked were five fingers as a hand, with small nails, making the witness conclude that the animal was an unknown quadruped. One last detail, reported by people still alive, shows us that the type of sound caused by the alleged werewolf was like a "prolonged cow mooing", a somewhat random effect as we shall see below. In conclusion, the explanation of this series, it appears that in 44% of the cases psychophysical effects, such as paralysis, loss of the senses, nervousness and agitation of the animals were noticed. Specifically, the "blast", "wind" or "howling" cause panic and turmoil in dogs, the "shadow" or black globe, detention or paralysis, while the "good hour" produces a siren like sound or howl and the alleged "werewolf" a prolonged cow-like mooing.

From "Os O.V.N.I e os estraterrestres na história", Amigos do Livro Editores, Lda.

[edit on 31/8/2008 by ArMaP]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Even if the entire thing were not true, its always interesting to see what world leaders such as Putin, Bush, Hussein, Marx...and now in this case, Hitler & Co. believe about the world.

It is indeed interesting what they might be thinking as I noticed on page 4 (took me bloody ages to find again!) the post where mopusvindictus added this little tidbit that, with the current activity in the area, aroused my interest further. Although South Ossetia is the region that has been at the centre of things in Georgia, I did find it interesting that more than one nation wants Abkazhia under it's wing with the aforementioned Putin very much involved.

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

worlds deepest caves

4 of the top 10 deepest caves in the world including the Top 2

Are in Georgia

Specifically Abkhazia

and where 4 of the deepest caves on earth are, there are many more

here's the one we are told is deepest

Krubera Veronga

I would be surprised if these were more than just really big caves as a brief Google search failed to find any folk stories in the region, but it was the first thought that popped inside my head. Perhaps some of our posters from Russia/Georgia has knowledge on old tales. I don't think we'll have as many volunteers to go exploring over there right now though!

Great thread and big thumbs up to all involved for keeping it clean and clear throughout the thread!

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