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Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

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posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by UnderTheirRadar
The only way I'd even feel safe going into the tunnels that Sky posted would be with a group of marines all fully decked out with M-16's!!! Who know's what kind of "beings" could be in those long dark caverns!!!

Who knows? Could be like something out of that horror movie Outpost.. The one with Nazi zombie super soldiers.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Tactical-Siege

Who knows? Could be like something out of that horror movie Outpost.. The one with Nazi zombie super soldiers.

I was thinking of that one movie where those group of females go climbing down into some never before explored caves and end up getting attacked by crazy zombies...forgot the name of it but it wasn't too long ago...

Regardless I always think to myself...If I do something crazy like that I'm not gunna end up like the people in the movies and get slaughtered...If It walks on the ceiling it's getting shot!!! lol!

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by UnderTheirRadar

Originally posted by Tactical-Siege

Who knows? Could be like something out of that horror movie Outpost.. The one with Nazi zombie super soldiers.

I was thinking of that one movie where those group of females go climbing down into some never before explored caves and end up getting attacked by crazy zombies...forgot the name of it but it wasn't too long ago...

I think you´re refering to The Descent

Maybe the movie was based in this Untersberg mystery..

[edit on 27-8-2008 by fable]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:11 PM
You have to admit that this whole topic, and other underground worlds is kinda creepy.. All these networks of tunnels and seemingly bottomless pitts, who knows what lives under the ground we walk on?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:25 PM

yeah, who knows? That's exactly the point - we don't. While I agree that going to explore these caves alone is pointless and dangerous, I don't share the view that heavy armaments are required.

After all, if these are beings on a higher technological level, will it matter? Should they want to do you harm, they would. Personally, I'm not banking on zombified Nazis, really.

Anyway, I am interested in exploring things, but I'm not a spelunker. If ever I do go into one of those caves, it will be under the following conditions -

take along some very experienced spelunkers who know the area
take along at least two other people, ideally not all of the same mind (objectivity)
all manner of documentary aids (video/photo camera, also more conventional things like paper and pens to sketch what your equipment may not be able to depict (wouldn't it suck if your digicam suddenly didn't work then...), bring some polaroid cameras for backup
way in advance, inform enough people of what I plan and where and when, not any officials, but family, friends, et al, with the missive to contact whichever authorities if I should end up missing
wireless comms, drop repeaters every 100 metres to keep in contact with someone outside, if contact is broken, immediate emergency measures

I may be insane, but I'm not stupid, you know...

However, that would require quite a bit of resources, read, money and sponsoring, so I don't think that'll happen all too soon.

Any inquisitive-minded millionaires? *polishes halo*

Seriously though, it does warrant further investigation, at least as far as possible without serious funding.

[edit on 27-8-2008 by SETILunatic]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:37 PM
I'd also add glow sticks to that list as a form of beacon so you could light your path and also use them as a way to "record" your trail in order to get back out again.

I wasn't being serious about Nazi zombies, that's that happened in that movie Outpost though

Ever think about what pre-historic creatures may be down there as well? Especially since there is evidence of very deep water down there as well. What types of creatures would have retreated to this underground labrynth to survive the ice age?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:43 PM
Fable - Thank you!! I knew it started with a D...awesome but creepy movie...

Seti - Now don't get me wrong, I was just exaggerating about the Marines & M-16's but I was just making fun of horror movies with scenarios like this...but really at the same time I was being serious...I'd go with some sort of weapons for self defense purposes...not to go with the intention of hurting someone...or something...but that's the point that we dont know what type of creatures truely live in these deep, dark, creepy, old you can never be too prepared!

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:55 PM
Weapons of some sort? Sure - I'd prefer a slingshot and a crossbow, with variable projectiles, personally. Guns are so messy. Plus, I can use both the slingshot and the crossbow without a licence (guns are very much regulated here, which is a good thing, nobody gets shot).

Anyway, zombie nazis were obviously a joke, but as to creatures that evolution (and we) forgot, why do you assume they must be a) huge and b) carnivorous and c) aggressive? Still, I'd be interested in those, as well, though the grey/dwarf/hollow earth theories interest me more, personally. In any case, like you said, you can never be too prepared - except for one thing: don't make up your mind what you will find before you go in.

Deny ignorance, and deny your mind the possibility to fool itself.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 04:58 PM
I agree with you it is best to have a form of defense but i would certainly take a lot of lighting with me.

Then again you see movies like this where they take a lot of lighting and then they see something leap out into the dimly lit area and it's just horrifying and scares the crap out of you. Plus i'm afraid of heights so i don't know if i'd want to walk along these ridges, i have no problem with absaling down them, and i'd probably walk along them with safety ropes or something, especially since the surfices could break away and you're suddenly plummeting to your death.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:28 PM
And back to the topic....

Further ties between Untersberg and Nazi's:

Eichmann worked for Untersberg Mining Company

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 06:46 PM
Did anybody watch my Youtube video where they actuallywent into the mines where the Nazi's did all this stuff?

It's a 4, maybe 5, part video of where they explore these mines..


posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 07:54 PM

I realise many of you cannot read or understand german. However, as most of the "Sagen" (sagas, or folk tales) have not been translated, Googlenglish is your friend.

I've found quite a lot of sites dealing with folk tales in the Salzburg region (the whole county is named Salzburg, not just the city), some even dedicated to the Untersberg.

Has a huge list of tales, including all that I remember reading as a child. It has a section dedicated to the Untersberg. Scroll down. The story with the "Ritter von Tollenstein" is included there as well, it was in the Hartmann book you referenced and included the dwarf king.
However, many of the tales are very abridged, sadly, just checked. Still, some, like the story of Lazarus Gitschner, are there in more detail.

lists quite a bit of info on folk tales as well as general info on Untersberg. also has a lot of info, the home page says "Untersberg" "Heart Chakra", as the Dalai Lama said the Untersberg was Europe's heart chakra, maybe even the world's.

lists some tales with celtic connotations.

Hope I've given you some more sources to cross-reference what you have.

BTW, I cannot reply to U2Us yet, sorry. You know who you are. Won't take long, at this rate - 13 more posts to go.

[edit on 27.8.08 by SETILunatic]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by SETILunatic

I realise many of you cannot read or understand german. However, as most of the "Sagen" (sagas, or folk tales) have not been translated, Googlenglish is your friend.


posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 03:49 AM
This is a great thread and I am enjoying the content very much.

Someone had asked as to why people look up to the sky when praying or talking with God or Jesus. In the bible, if you believe in that stuff, goes into some detail about false prophets and how not to be deceived in Matthew 24. They will say he is in the desert, go not. They will say he is in "secret chambers", go not. Spooky wording there, huh? Anyways, it says "they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven" which I take as him appearing from the sky during the times of tribulation. We always say people go "up" to heaven, so that probably has something to do with it too. I'm not a holy roller or anything, just thought I'd offer insight on that.

Can't wait to read more about this. I just love these mysterious topics that no one has managed to fully explain. The DHT theory seems very likely to be the cause just from what I've read here, but I still want to know more anyways. Very interesting stuff. I'm actually a little disappointed that there was an end to this thread. lol Will definitely be keeping a watch.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:51 AM
If The Descent is based on this sort of thing then i'm definately going to watch it!

It makes me wonder, now that i think about it.. How many Nazi's went into that place and encountered this phenonimon, how many went missing altogether, how many experienced this time lapse? Interesting thought really..

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 05:07 AM
Hmm someone should go to the mountain and play an instrument while walking. After all, music notes have various frequencies. Just a thought.

[edit on 28-8-2008 by Nishe]

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by fable

no ...but it is related to the `ted the caver` story....if you want to know more check out my posts in the ted the caver thread. it is all linked in with a certain British director.


posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:03 AM
For those who are into the Nazi tunnel/bunker system this could be interesting : Obersalzberg tunnel/bunker systems

The Berghof

Found this at

The Untersberg Bloody Mary

2-3 ounces of Smirnoff Vodka (4 ounces if it's before 10 am)
4 ounces of fresh tomato juice
5 dashes of Tabasco
3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
1 slice of lime
1 pinch of oregano
1 pinch of garlic powder
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of ground white pepper

Mix in a tumbler with ice, strain into a tallboy and add a stalk of celery. After a long climb up the highest mountain in Salzburg Austria, my four companions and myself rejoiced upon the appearance of a quaint outdoors bar. The bartender was fairly young, but his experience was unsurpassed. I watched him make my mid-morning appetizer with gleeful exuberance, and made a mental note for each ingredient. I've been to several bloody mary mix contests, and no other mix has come even close to the one in Salzburg, where I learned to love this drink.

happy hunting

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:44 AM
Im done with translating old stories and will leave the ones already posted as being sufficiently representative. But if someone else would like to add more, there are hundreds more on dwarves and missing time.

Something else Im trying to research, but having difficulty with: I would like to compare "missing person" statistics for the area with missing-person statistics for other areas.

Does anybody have an idea how I could go about that? Just spent 30 minuts on google, without success.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
And back to the topic....

Further ties between Untersberg and Nazi's:

Eichmann worked for Untersberg Mining Company

So first he worked for the untersberg mining company, going deep into the subterranean, and then...

In charge of the logistical apparatus of mass deportation and extinction, Adolf Eichmann was at the center of the Nazi genocide against the Jews. He was personally responsible for transporting over two million Jews to their deaths in Auschwitz-Birkenau and other death camps.

Very interesting.

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