reply to post by SantaClaus
The first thing you have to realize is that Pedophilla while it has always been around, is as a social disease goes... a Plauge on western
civilization right now
The numbers of pedophilles in America is astounding, regular downloaders run in the MILLIONS, this wasn't the case 40 years ago... not that there was
an internet to know, but we can know Ethnographically, it was..not discussed, it was not a fear..our grandparents don't have stories to tell about
Turn 12-13 and start...budding, it was always a different story, but molestation of children pre pubescent, infants even, is something utterly (at
least in wide spread desire) new
This is a Social disease, and we caused it, There is no One cause of it either... the big factors, Males raised without male role models, over
sexualization in youth when sexual patterns are forming with kids being mentally sexualized at ages where they pick up desires way too young that stay
with them forever, drugs that...particularly, all froms of speed, allow for sexual patterns to be laid down fast and easy via the limbic system, ....
Over exposure, desensitization, fear of women and... many other factors
But you say that... "this is why they don't turn themselves in..." Bro, they don't need to, there are a few masters out there that practice and
don't get caught, but by and large no one keeps this hidden for a lifetime...
Your talking about an uncontrolable obsession... no one gets away with it forever.
Social disease is real... it's obviously epidemic in America and probably western civilization as a whole, law enforcement isn't able to handle
these numbers... even in a police state, this is in the Government it's everywhere you look
and the Law is doing a good job, and many of these guys go away... and it's going to get worse on them. But it's not going to stop until we return
to a system of social values where diseases are cured not treated syptomatically...
The biggest problem is...we are in a failure of religion, for centuries, the biggest social diseases were held at bay by faith... fear of g-d... as
religion has failed to be valid or people dioscover falsehoods within religion no reason for morality has existed for a time...
But as social diseases like this one... become epidemic, we are realizing that... there are social and scientific reasons for guidlines to behavior
and society hasn't caught up yet. But I assure you when it does... the only answer there will be is to cut out the cancer...
In a way I sympathize for these people, I say put them down because, lynching in prison is a horror, life in a cage is a horror... and these people
were kids who...saw there moms work as whores maybe, had no dads... maybe just got thier first erection at 7 when they saw a 7 year old girl dressed
like a street walker because our society thinks it's okay to sexualize little girls and fixated on it because they happened to have dope thier
parents were smoking in the air that day...
and many of them.. all of them did nothing but... put on the TV maybe and be exposed to nudity and sex and vice all day or by parents, or... maybe
simply lived without a dad and had a Mother that turned them off and made them fear women by yelling and screaming to contro the kids in a system
where divorce is 80%....
I don't know...the reasons are Myriad... we expose kids to sex way to young and everybody thought Violence would be the media generated issue, but
True horrible violence isn't rageing in our viens, we don't have a system in our brains for laying down permanent violent behavior (at least not an
intense one like sex is)
But be molested...50/50 become a molestor or at the least fail in relationships your whole life and have latch key kids exposed to harms way
so did these guys ask for this? No
Do they deserve this? No
But when..and it will, it always does, society decides to correct the situation out of fear...
Pedophilles will be the first to go, burnt at the stake, by society and society in all likelyhood... created the tendency in the first place and it's
not fair...
But, a rabid dog is a rabid dog no matter how much you love it or how Nice it really was...
It will still kill you...
So, when the time comes and America cleans itself... and again it will, when things get bad enough that there are no police or the money isn't there
to fund this system of vigil, people will police themselves
and for all of human history...maybe people called it the devil or possesion... they knew social disease when they saw it... understood it passes from
person to person and through generations
and until very recently, there was a way a pedophile was dealt with... Death, no one in all history would ever arrest a man for killing another man
who F'd a child
Until now
and trust me... the trend of the last 30 years is already hitting that wall...
This sickness is a blip in the course of things... if it continues there will be no society so society will like an immune system working... will
destroy the social disease
and it wont make sense and it IS uncompassionate and it is the fate of being a pedophille and a system that prevents a society from correcting itself
will never last very long, it's already doomed and everyone in here knows it.
So they won't turn themselves what? LOL, again they suffer from an uncontolable impulse...they don't need to turn themselves in they will be
found out way or another meet a terrible fate
[edit on 17-9-2008 by mopusvindictus]