Originally posted by groingrinder
mopusvindictus every post you make refutes your statement that you are a conservative. No conservative advocates for an unregulated welfare system
where everyone without any self control gets a ride on the government gravy train.
You would be completely wrong on that issue.
There is a major difference between the things you say running for office and how you actually feel.
The Conservative vote in America has a strong, strong body of Lower Midddle Class and Poor White Males and politicians will go along with the kind
of things they say... and it's a group of... the most ignorant unsuccesful white people with an unwaivering set of ideals...
No politician will challenge a deep set of beliefs no matter how wrong it is
But form that, You have to be Kidding Me, if you think Bush or McCain sit on Millions in their mansions and actually Agree with some redneck
ridiculous Hate against poor minorities, drug addicts and pregnant moms?
LOL why would they care?
It Hurts a guy making 15,000 - 50,000 a year, supporting a family and kids on that kind of salary to pay taxes, that's the income range it HURTS to
pay any taxes at all...
From 51,000 - 100,000 it matters alot less
and above that, you never ever seriously concern yourself ever again unless your a friggin psychotic or greed fiend
Why do you suppose our NeoCon friend GW didn't build a wall across Mexico? That his voters want , he talks the talk to them about illegals, many
of these people get assistance and they aren't even citizens...
Joe wonder bread red neck, owns a house along the border makes 16,000 a year and shells out an extra 400.00 in taxes (lol) for these people to get
treated at hospitals... he votes for Bush (who does have some sympathy and relates to him more than a democrat)
But where is Bush's REAL stance on the issue...
Bush has probably employed hundreds of illegals over time, he has owned all sorts of businesses and farms and before being president he had to know
them, walk out and shake their hands, it doesn't affect GW's income in anyway to help them out or anyone else.
IF GW thinks his taxes are high GW is no dummy, he will if he owes 1 Million in taxes, sink that Million into a charity and some of it into opening a
store somewhere and take the write off because he knows it will loose money for the first couple of years
So is GW going to look Esmerelda and her two bambinos in the eye and throw up a wall so she can't cross the border even though he does kind of feel
some sympathy for joe red neck?
Hell no he isn't going to, because it's mean, and it doesn't directly affect him ever
So what Conservatives advocate these things? Pat Buchanan? How many actually are serious when they talk tough on immigration and welfare
1% of even Republicans at best bro
Your missing the whole point, it only matters to you if your poor
and more importantly matters if your ignornat as well
Because individual by individual your not spending #e, your just blaming your problems on other people.
If you work all day at some crap factory, come home with less than you need and live in a mediocre place and some welfare mom moves in next door and
manages to maintain a similar quality of life without a job because of welfare you are going to hate her?
No be pissed at yourself!
Because your job sucks if you have a reason to resent her crappy quality of life... because your failing to come up in the world and as much as the
welfare recipient you think the world owes you something better
You wouldn't care if you had money, or at least knew you could have money...
and what did the people who care about this tripe do with their lives
"I got me a Jawb"
Big friggin deal, Read it, Know it, WAGE SLAVERY
Your either engaged in commerce as a supplier or your a worker, workers are never well off...ever, in any society anywhere
In fact, on a level I KNOW some Republicans myself included know that, some people on welfare actually are brighter and better citizens than"Joe Bob
I work Hard"
Because "Jo Bob I work hard" Is a Pain in the rear end, The moneys available to go to College But Joe Bob decieded he Just wanted a Jawb, he could
have gotten student loans, Governent and business constantly supply funds for innovation, technical fields education....
and "Joe Bob I work Hard" at 19 behaves like a moron he takes ajob at the Can Plant which...his Congressman would love to ship out to India where
Canning EELs or whatever actual can support a family and replace it with an Internet Company or Hospital or something and revitalize the whole
But nooooo "Joe Bob I work hard"has his Daddies work ethic who got it from his Daddy back in 1906 and back then it was actually a method that
But "Joe Bob I work hard" and 60 of his friends from a town of 12,000 don't believe in student loans so they cling to their jobs packing eels into
friggin cans Rather than take welfare and get student loans and... it's a miserable life because the one manager there F's all there wives and
that's when the inbreeding sets in and it's ridiculous
and "joe bob I work hard" decides to now Hate, Esmerelda the mexican immigrant who shows up, gets on section 8 and gets the house next door for
300.00 a month instead of 800.00, gets food stamps, gets her student loan and...
and Esmerelda in many cases does not trap herself...
shes on the welfare for 5 years and she gets her nursing degree.... when "Joe Bob I work Hard" says "why dontcha git a jawb at the cannery" She
responds "I haint working wit no eels ey ar disgusting"
and he hates her...
and what happens Esmerelda becomes a Nurse and when the congressman finally gets the Eel cannery torn down and a hospital put up Esmerelda is a big
shot and loves when she makes "joe Bob I work hard" sign the promisory to pay the 3,000 for the broken toe his uninsured ass (because he won't take
any state medical aid) that he got when he kicked his Dawg because he lost his Jawb
and you know what... she is smarter than him and she is more of a Genuine Republican than he is and she is a capitalist and "Joe Bob I work hard"
even though it would insult him to death is actually the socialist and the communist
Because Esmerelda, Capitalized on the system and Joe bob Capitalized on Dirt, Jow Bob is concerned with Equality, Esmerelda is concerned with Getting
and that my friend is Capitalism... Esmerelda went to a school for free and runs a f'n hospital and ate free the whole time and she capitalizes the
crap out of Joe Bob who...is in the end...the Damn proletariot bitching about his Job and his wage and in America that person is Pathetic!
I am a pure unapologetic capitalist and republican
I am for the guy who goes out and collects what he can from the man to feed his family and sells weed under the table and pockets the cash and has a
bunch of kids and drives a pimpmobile
That guy is a Republican that man is a capitalist, that man has Bi7ch3$ and is a grade A American Pimp
and the guy who sits and works at the cannery and complains he makes 6.75 an hr is an idiot, because No one that has money wants those polluting
garbage jobs even in this country...and "Joe Bob I work hard" doesn't know a damn thing about real money and he is a failure and he isn't a
capitalist or a Republican in any way shape or form!
He is a wage slave and it's a step down in a capitalist society from welfare recipient, because some of those welfare recipients are on the rise and
he is going nowhere so he Hates them but really needs to look in a mirror...
Votes and who your actually respect are 2 differnt things.
[edit on 20-8-2008 by mopusvindictus]