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Why can't we require drug tests in order to draw welfare?

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posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:23 PM
and Speaking of Geek

That really is in the end a big root of the problem.

People need to get Geek

Everyone wants to blame Dope, but really it's those who lack understanding of dope... I do dope lol, I order dope from germany like various Alzheimers medications that make everything colorful and make me smarter lol

and the Industrial era is just Over, over, over... did I mention the industrial era was over?

Geek shiek is the way to go and schools and college and people are taught to look for Jobs.

But like 40 million Jobs amount to telemarketing and fast food in America because there really aren't very many good jobs because the Industrial era is over...

Welfare is kind of needed because life is kind of hopeless if your not a geek right now, and by that I mean if your not high tech or one of the big three accounting, doctor, lawyer your all but assured of being broke unless you were Ivy leauge and were handed a CEO position

But everything else making money is Geek work

and there is a ouble failure to explain that to our kids or to prepare thier parents for a new world

This is as big as the shift from agriculture to Industry and...

well some geeks reenact what happened last time there was shift like this in virginia every year and some other geeks make money supplying the costumes...

But non Geek income is gone and regular old jobs are never going to return, you have to innovate in technology right now get on welfare and study and get back into school and get those loans for the rest because there isn't much else, it's the new way, we are all in here blabbing for a reason

I, suffered when I quit my job over a decade ago, and lol, I had student loans when I did it... but I haven't made money off the computer really more than 12 weeks in the last 12 years

and, you'd be suprised what you can make money off of... I have my chubby buddy designing clothes for second life all day for me, I run ads... I sell reservations to hotels, web design... all sorts of stuff, now i'm doing Biodiesel which will end up being the highest comission of my life per sale...

But I do it, from my room lol, and I guess I don't mind taxes that much because I can write off part of my rent and keep a great place and employees work from home also, I get dressed honestly beause I had to learn to motivate myself

and honestly, I think that the welfare sect is in the right direction, because they are home not out looking for a horrible job where you have to act all PC all day, can't date, run set hrs, miss your family

and I struggled with self control at first I had a drug phase honestly, being home able to do what I wanted and I got past it so whay should I sssume others won't

lol, ever get paid by paypal and have 6 weeks ahead of you to complete the work? My eyes were so red people thought I was a poltergiest for awhile...

But having the time opened those eyes to possibilities and it gets old, wasting time

and I got started because of student lonas... whic Gets paid back in fairness but, lol not until very recently

Not very different my route than if I wasn't in school and took welfare

and it allowed me to really get to know my inner Geek and I'm glad I remembered him after years of being "cool" in College

Because... veryother guy thought their plans were cool and they are all miserable in the rat race and i'm not

Your home, that computer, publishing, selling, inventing, communicating...that's wherre the money is

learning to control yourself... something no one is ever prepared for

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2
reply to post by eaganthorn

In my OP I was reffering to hard drug use, but I ran out of time to edit that. Later on other people added the alcohol.

I agree that the original intent of your thread has been perverted into a discussion of many other elements in our society.

Education. Nutrition. Personal Finance. Mutliple Dependancy.

While I agree with your original intent, I also feel that it was a good step in the right direction.

Why should those living off of our tax dollars also expect us to support their Drug and Alcohol dependency?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by damurph

I don't honestly care

If the abuses of money are that severe they will lose their home anyway if the drug use is that severe they will go to jail, particulalry under those conditions

frack, the first thing I do if I am having a dry run of money when a check comes in is go to the bar, I used to go for a dube but for many reasons felt the need to calm that

A person, might have waited a week or weeks for that aid... and it's not my business if they take 20.00 out of 100.00 and buy some candles and a bottle of ripple and some epsom salts and soak in the tub in relief

because if you ever have not had any money for survival and you get some, it might not be the most prudent thing financially, but the g0-d I could use a smoke mentality applies... or a beer or whatever

I know, if broke for days a Pack of smokes was once like a gift from g-d himself for me

Do you have any idea the kind of stress that person was under or why? No and frankly if we give a huge 300.00 cash aid to somebody, please by all means get that pack of stoggies, grab yourself a beer and relax for a night

and mostly, we throw around the word Junkie

the biggest payouts out there, are for single moms, they have to pay a few hundred of cash aid to the section 8 housing they have to buy food... and that's the majority of your welfare recipients

Out of the few hundred they have they buy something for the head, but the kids have to eat

Homeless Males that get cash aid get at best a few hundred a month, what percentage of welfare recipients are supporting their drug habit this way and living in the street and don't end up in jail very soon after reachinfg that point?

Just a few percent

It's a really bigotted attitude to welfare recipients to claim they are mostly junkies anyway... they are mostly single moms and Dead beat dads are pursued vigorously, they already eventually get whats coming to them

In this state you don't pay your child support they wille extradite you from another country if they find out where you are your name and pic goes on the website. So these guiys don't get away with it either

what you really have is mostly depressed moms with few options catching a buzz with maybe a small percent of that money

a big joke in this thread is people talking about "all the junkies who collect welfare"

The only way you would know that is IF, you have spent time at the welfare office yourself and I was in there recently, to check and see while going through the process of custody if my ex had placed any medical claims I should pay prior to going to court over children

and it wasn't a line full of junkies, you know I could tell maybe half the people were weekend warrior heads but who's business is that?

It wasn't a line of homeless dudes runing out with their checks to buy crack... I saw, one or 2 people of that nature on line the rest ... weren't glamorous ROFL... but not this line of addicts getting free money your all making it out to be by any means

It was at least 50% moms

and you know what?

There are Over
One Billion Africans
1.5 Billion Chinese
1 Billion Indians
1.5 Muslims

Our sick love affair with money is insane and we are going to be destroyed one day for it.

Please pay these women a few bucks and let them have aggressive sons. I'm not saying who or when, but one day as our population declines we are going to get wiped the heck off this Earth, via immigration, via war, one way or another this insanity of cheapness in regards to lifestyle and women NOT having babies is the end of Western Civilization

Kids don't grow up to be like their parents always...

alot, alot of these kids will get refuge in:

The Military one day

Please, double my bill for moms to sit and have children day and night, all the smart bombs in the world won't stop us from being over run by superior numbers ... the technology to supply the food is there and the technology to supply the energy is there, manpower is everything

[edit on 21-8-2008 by mopusvindictus]

[edit on 21-8-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

Let's not stop at Drug Testing Welfare Recipients .....
Let's also require them to do 40 Hrs a week of Community Service ....
Give them only 6 months to be on Welfare and give them the boot after 6 months and not allow them to get it or to be eligible for it again for 36 months.

If Welfare recipients were forced into working for their freebies, they would at least be productive members of society.

I live by the old creed ...... If you don't work, you don't eat !

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by willywagga
Yeah and then what ??. So they fail and then what, shoot them. If you deny someone welfare what will they live on, fresh air ? Maybe they'll just have to steal the money from you,

This kind of problem can be self solving.

There are many among us willing to defend our lives and livelyhoods from those that have no repsect for our lives.

If they don't repect our lives, why should we respect theirs?

If someone breaks into our homes threatening the well being of our families, they're taking their lives into their own hands.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

How does a single mom do 40 hrs a week of service? Who will take care of the kids you? Maybe you will show them Horror flicks and adopt them when she goes to jail.

The more I think about this, particularly after my last post I think welfare is friggin the best use of my tax dollars there is, beats the heck out of money spent on Nuclear Missiles

What countries makes the world tremble US and Russia with our Nukes and the middle east and China Via numbers

a SERIOUS question? Russia with all it's Nukes, how long will it last if China and Islam keep expanding people into it';s territory? What US will there be if we keep having 2 babies and Mexicans have 5?

The might be called the US but it won't be the US

I like wlefare, it's obviously a better defense than Nukes are, Islam is taking over Europe and Russia, mexico has all but taken the south west and... it wouldn't be an issue if they were going to mix in, but they don;t have to because our culture isn;t having babies

I don;t need things to "look nice" I'm glad that most welfare recipients are White trailer trash,...

I mean absolutely no offense here, but... My son would grow up racially alone the way things are going if it wasn't for Big overweight White trailer trash Broads pumping out babies for welfare money

G-d bless em, because most of her kids (except the one that dies or whatever) will grow up and work and pay taxes and i'll actually have a hope of collecting my social security

and I shell out alot more for my SS than I do for welfare... like 10 x as much as I pay for welfare

and I'll never get SS without babies being born

and I'm not pc, I don;t care if these kids are barefoot and kick the $h17 out of each other all day, we need more white kids that know how to fight anyway, everyone else thinks we are pu$$13$

I have nothing against anyone, but anyone who has ever been in a severe minority position knows it stinks...

I don't even care about being the majority, just not utterly alone, people need to have babies and I don't mind paying for them...

To heel with whats going on in Russia and Europe and Japan

Declining Population?

What the heck does that hold in store for me in old age? To die under attack with no family around me and watch as my country burns?

Frig it let there be drug abuse and hoodlooms loose... I can get high and hang out with them, they are still americans, aren't all bad

But a declining popuulation? I bet welfare is the only reason we don't have a declining population

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by Evisscerator

How does a single mom do 40 hrs a week of service?

Did you not see my post on the previous page? I worked 40 hours a week and went to college 12 hours a week AS A SINGLE MOM. I did what I had to do. My parents helped me a lot with watching my son, but there is also a little thing called DAYCARE that is in just about every city in America.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

Did you post the same question on this forum?

Just wondering, cause I ran across that thread and it sounds almost identical to yours.


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by kdial1
reply to post by asmeone2

Did you post the same question on this forum?

Just wondering, cause I ran across that thread and it sounds almost identical to yours.


The side is asking me for a membership so I can't see what you are talking about, but no, I did not post that.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by quaple_pouge

well, excatly... you applied for welfare and because of 7.00 an hr couldn't even get it

Which is...insane, and my whole point, there should be more welfare not less, you have to be an utter victim to get any, so lol of course the people on it then look like the system is full of freaks..

and why should any mom not get some cash? Maybe she doesn't want the dad around or know who he is...

You know we treat motherhood as an unworthy thing but that's where future taxpayers come from... being a Mom even if you have a job should be something you automatically if under... 24,000 (double the poverty line) get at the least food suplementation... healthy kids are preferable to retarded ones in terms of future gross back into the machine right?

It economicly pays well to invest in human beings, welfare if you ask me seems underfunded especially in light of your experience

and working should not have cut you out, imagine if your parents weren't helpful?

I can just say this China is rocking us, they loan us our money to spend at this point, India once one of the poorest nations on Earth is catching up fast too... every computer programing job is outsourced to India and that's tech, that should be our work force!

And these kids were raised in rice paddies and Opium is a huge problem and when the parents were poor back in the day and on opium it didn't stop them from making kids that grew up to Loan us the moneyn we need to not have our economy colapse

so to me, human investment is paramount and motherhood IS a JOB and should be respected as such and if a MOM doesn't want to work she shouldn't have to...

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Depending on what type of welfare you're on should be a factor in deciding this. I paid into social security for over 20 years, and then needed to collect on disability. I would say bull# to any testing, as it is basically an insurance policy I paid into. Basically, the same goes with other taxx monies also. I know you think that what's right is right, but obviously you haven't been around this country long enough to realize the truth, that the DOLLAR rules, not morals, values, God, or anything else.
This is a stupid thread.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

Ooo sorry here is the Text in the thread since you are not a member:

The Job - Urine Test

I HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB... SO I AGREE 100%. Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don' t have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A**, doing drugs, while I work. . .. . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though . . .. Something has to change in this country -- and soon!


posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

That is exactly why I think welfare recipients should be not only drug tested, but hold down some sort of job, even if it is just flipping patties 20 hours a week. At least then they would be doing something productive and possibly instill a sense of work ethics and pride in her child(ren).

True story: A few years ago I lived next door to a "welfare momma". She had 4 or 5 kids, all stair steps, with multiple baby daddies coming and going. She sold drugs, blatantly, out of her home. And come Christmas time, every one of those kids got a new bike AND a power wheels car. Those are the people that make me sick. She also got money from FEMA claiming to be a victim of Katrina....when we lived about 75 miles west of New Orleans!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
I have an even better question.

Can anyone please show me the Constitutional Amendment (which, for any that are ignorant, merely lays out what is PERMITTED to the federal government, all other rights being limited to the State) which allows food stamps, HUD, Department of Education, etc.?

Thank you.

"Technically" they aren't "Government", they are "Agencies." I know it's ridiculous, but that is why they are allowed.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by quaple_pouge
reply to post by mopusvindictus

That is exactly why I think welfare recipients should be not only drug tested, but hold down some sort of job, even if it is just flipping patties 20 hours a week. At least then they would be doing something productive and possibly instill a sense of work ethics and pride in her child(ren).

True story: A few years ago I lived next door to a "welfare momma". She had 4 or 5 kids, all stair steps, with multiple baby daddies coming and going. She sold drugs, blatantly, out of her home. And come Christmas time, every one of those kids got a new bike AND a power wheels car. Those are the people that make me sick. She also got money from FEMA claiming to be a victim of Katrina....when we lived about 75 miles west of New Orleans!

Some of them do have jobs. A woman I worked with was on welfare and was earning around $18,000 a year. She was always paranoid of getting a raise, though, because it would disqualify her for welfare. That, IMO, is part of the problem. Welfare actually discourages people from becoming successful. It's a perpetuating cycle of nonsense.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by damurph

Enough is a G-d dmaned nuff already

who the hell on earth are you? What Taxes are you paying I have listed the numbers

None of you pay Anything beyond a few bucks for welfare you just people who are poor and miserable just like the people who are scared into giving away other peoples freedom


Who Am I?

I'm an American Taxpayer that's pissed off that so many people seem to think it's alright for people living off of our money to be able to spend that redistributed money on their own vices.

I've heard your spiel on how much taxes you pay compared to the rest of us.

I've heard the numbers you've spouted about just how little of that goes to welfare.

That's not the point. None of us are opposing Welfare.

What some of us are opposing is the use of that welfare money on Drugs and/or Alcohol,

Whether the problem is the lesser of two evils is not the point. We're not argueing it's a tough question with tough answers.

I never claimed to be a saint. I enjoy drinking beer. I used to smoke cigarettes. I used to smoke J's. I used to do drugs.

The difference I wish to point out, is that I paid for them with money I had earned. Not money I had gotten from somebody elses tax dollars.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by DingleberrySmurf

They sure did tell me that since I had a job I did not qualify for benefits.

Also, it may vary by state.

Edit to censor myself

[edit on 21/8/08 by quaple_pouge]

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by kdial1


No, I didn't post that, what I posted was sort of just based off of my own observations, and a bit of conjecture.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by quaple_pouge
reply to post by mopusvindictus

That is exactly why I think welfare recipients should be not only drug tested, but hold down some sort of job, even if it is just flipping patties 20 hours a week. At least then they would be doing something productive and possibly instill a sense of work ethics and pride in her child(ren).

True story: A few years ago I lived next door to a "welfare momma". She had 4 or 5 kids, all stair steps, with multiple baby daddies coming and going. She sold drugs, blatantly, out of her home. And come Christmas time, every one of those kids got a new bike AND a power wheels car. Those are the people that make me sick. She also got money from FEMA claiming to be a victim of Katrina....when we lived about 75 miles west of New Orleans!


I hate to frown on the misfortunate, but some of the Katrina victimes I encountered while I was workign at that grocery store were very arrogant.

The worst examply was a man who called management on me after his debit card came up empty, and said that I should then let him have his entire order for free because he was a Katrina victim.

(People like that were by far the minority, though.)

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by quaple_pouge
reply to post by DingleberrySmurf

They sure did tell me that since I had a job I did not qualify for benefits.

Also, it may vary by state.

Edit to censor myself

[edit on 21/8/08 by quaple_pouge]

While it's not technically welfare, I have heard of people on SS having the exact same problem... it is not enough to live on, but the benefits are revoked if they make enough money at a job to actually command a livible wage.

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