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Photos that support, cutting charges and thermate/Thermite usage on WTC Complex

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

For once, I agree with Swampfox.

To be of use, we need a time-stamped photo of those columns to verify if they were cut during cleanup or not. But, as there was cutting going on a day or two after 9/11, it would be pretty hard to verify such information IMO.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:42 PM

Reference this link - dated 12/15/2001 showing workers cutting some
columns with torch

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by thedman

Hi Thedman....

Here is a video during the clean-up at ground zero notice at about 27 second into it you can see a man using a cutting torch.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Griff

who said I didn't agree with him also, what the thread intention was exactly to decipher when and what time the COLUMNS were in fact touched so that maybe a time line could be established!!!

maybe I am trying to compile a complex clean-up time line so that the rough ends of the issues could be resolved.

As for the whole 9/11 thing goes, I still haven't had one answer for any question, I just know something isn't right.

So again, anyone want to help me with figuring this out?

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:07 PM
the beam in the very first pic was not cutt with a torch .

Look at the slag on the front of the beam a torch will never ever leave slag like that with a torch. For the simple reason air is what actualy cutts the steel after the torch flame heats it up.

after its glow red u hit the extra oxy lever and a blast of air blows the molten steel out the other side .

in that pic there is alot of slag hangging down on the front , so it would have to have been from somthing that could have generated that much heat across the whole beam and istantaniously melt it , somthing a torch tip just cant do.

and the rubble around them in that pic and the height of that beam , is just to high and the top of the beam that was cutt off is no where around .

there is no cutting torch rigs sitting there no boom trucks no fire blankets ,tanks ,hoses,ect ect,.

that pic just dosent look like a clean up , that beam in that pic would have had to been cutt from a boom truck or ladder dought it was done from a ladder and no boom truck , so looks to odd to been have done as part of clean up

[edit on 18-8-2008 by plasmacutter]

[edit on 18-8-2008 by plasmacutter]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 12:11 AM
I believe thermite was used, however those pictures don't really hold much weight to the argument unless we can get the time and dates they were taken or samples for analysis.

However I wouldn't rule out the possibility and also consider that it is also possible the perps went to work with blow torches inside the towers pre 9/11 to soften up the infrastructure.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 06:13 AM
I have been trying for quite sometime to establish a time-line when the recovery workers begun cutting columns, which would be assumed even by me to be very quickly while looking for survivors.

There is to much confusion without a proper timeline during the search and recovery process. To know what happened when, maybe someday the dots can be connected.

Now for me to speculate, the first pic I'd guess at being a few hours to a couple of days, the last ones, 6 months.

Thats quite along time for metal workers to have at it, literally.

..still looking for the answers.....

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by theability
I have been trying for quite sometime to establish a time-line when the recovery workers begun cutting columns, which would be assumed even by me to be very quickly while looking for survivors.

I believe they started the day of. As you say, looking for survivors and clearing the way and all.

There is to much confusion without a proper timeline during the search and recovery process. To know what happened when, maybe someday the dots can be connected.

Does anyone know the source of the first photo in the OP? It would be nice to get a statement from the source.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:20 AM

this pic shows a time line .

it was taken min. after the colapse .

and the molten metal should have solidifed, unless a chemical reaction was used to generate the heat.

steel can only stay molten if heat is beeing applyed .

and lying on a big pile of rubble next to some other huge beams , with the capability to absorb great amount of heat from their realitive suroundins.

thier should be no i mean no molten steel of anykind that day, given all the cumbustable items .

Btu is BTU and ever item known to man has a BTU factor.

no flame recorded or any item burning that day could have maintained 2800 f , much less stay that temp for long enough to have made a huge pile of molten steel.

the energy to make that pile of molten steel is huge, dont forget molten steel still wieghs the same as its solid state.

so that pile is tons in wieght those beams next to it are huge and weigh around 20,000 pounds .
this pic shows metric tons of molten steel . look at the scale of the building and the size of the dripping steel

same with this one metric tons of dripping steel

we should see nothing of this in any building fire ever, unless somthing hotter then 2800f and jsut about any build has nothing in it that reaches much hotter then 1800 f and exspecialy not beeing a controlled burn.

the hottest controlled burn in most builds would be gas stoves and ovens , and furnaces and boilers. and none can even remotely reach 2800 f.

the hottest temp is a 1000 f cooler then molten steel temp .

there just should not have been any molten steel that day under the proposed conditions.

all these photos shows a timeline where some kind of chemical reaction going on

[edit on 19-8-2008 by plasmacutter]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:44 AM
That was not molten steel. It was molten lead, pouring out of the room that housed arrays of lead batteries used by Fuji Bank as a power backup for its computers. An ex-employee of Fuji Bank informed journalist Christopher Bollyn of this.
Bollyn hypothesized that thermate was secretly stored in empty lead batteries. This is an ad hoc assumption. The metal was simply just the lead that had melted. Thermate was not needed.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 04:29 PM
i see several anonamus post but they dont show up why?

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 01:41 PM
Look you want to debate this so call theory?
Then get MIT to do a chemical analysis of the debris, there's tons of this stuff still around, a simple arson test is all that is needed.
Until that test checks out then there is nothing to debate

(being sarcastic MIT, Cornell U, and BYU have already found thermate. There is nothing to debate CD.)

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:03 PM
well maybe those pictures were caused by cutting torch but what about this one?

The steel has been attacked and partially vaporised and corroded away to razor sharp edges , look closely and you can see where it has liquified and run from the sockets. Fire did this? Yeah right!

[edit on 21-9-2008 by Insolubrious]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:31 PM
wow this is a hell of a debate. but you all seem to be missing the point. the point is that if the government did this then without a doubt they have the technology to build an explosive or incendiary to make precise cuts.
im not saying that the firefighters didn't cut the beams im just saying that perhaps the beams above them were cut. and as far as i remember there was work being done in wtc for 2 months prior to the "attack"

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:43 PM
The university tests that the powers that be were hellbent on preventing pretty much gave me the smoking gun as far as I'm concerned

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by plasmacutter

this pic shows a time line .

it was taken min. after the colapse .

and the molten metal should have solidifed, unless a chemical reaction was used to generate the heat.

steel can only stay molten if heat is beeing applyed .

and lying on a big pile of rubble next to some other huge beams , with the capability to absorb great amount of heat from their realitive suroundins.

thier should be no i mean no molten steel of anykind that day, given all the cumbustable items .

Btu is BTU and ever item known to man has a BTU factor.

no flame recorded or any item burning that day could have maintained 2800 f , much less stay that temp for long enough to have made a huge pile of molten steel.

the energy to make that pile of molten steel is huge, dont forget molten steel still wieghs the same as its solid state.

so that pile is tons in wieght those beams next to it are huge and weigh around 20,000 pounds .
this pic shows metric tons of molten steel . look at the scale of the building and the size of the dripping steel

same with this one metric tons of dripping steel

we should see nothing of this in any building fire ever, unless somthing hotter then 2800f and jsut about any build has nothing in it that reaches much hotter then 1800 f and exspecialy not beeing a controlled burn.

the hottest controlled burn in most builds would be gas stoves and ovens , and furnaces and boilers. and none can even remotely reach 2800 f.

the hottest temp is a 1000 f cooler then molten steel temp .

there just should not have been any molten steel that day under the proposed conditions.

all these photos shows a timeline where some kind of chemical reaction going on

[edit on 19-8-2008 by plasmacutter]

I have used a cutting torch many times and never has if left motlen steel " flowing" as in the first picture taken a few min after , has to be a chemical reaction of some type no doubt about it. Plus the fact no one was there at that time cutting anything... nice find.

As to the OP and his pictures ,those sure look like the work of a cutting torch, sorry to disapoint ya. Not sure of the angled one though , would depend on the time line I guess.

[edit on 21-9-2008 by Reevster]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 07:16 PM
This looks pretty bloody hot, taken not long after the collapse by the looks of things.

What would cause this heat ?

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by theability

I have to agree with this statement. I have seen plenty of people say that this is part of the cleanup method and it is old news but I never saw any proof that they were cut as part of the cleanup method. I am not supporting the thermite theory either, I am just saying, that all I have ever seen is repetition of this story but no source material for it.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

How many firefighters have been involved with the clean up of a building demo? answer: very few. So no they aren't in on it, so quit peddling that B.S. shill argument.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:44 AM
WMD (chemical, biological and nuclear weapons) took the towers down, thermite (chemical weapon) on the steel, c4 and mini nukes in the towers and
biological weapons were used on the planes. Thus completes the whole collection of WMD on 9/11.

WTC dust contains steel, ABC, 19:35, 9/13

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