reply to post by umbr45
Again, Thank for your replies. I am a bit more confident now with the robust intellect of our British people.
Firstly a reply to umbr45, you are knowledgeable on your stance on the British isles. I would agree as a North East resident, that the majority of
the population would silence the Muslims and or Chinese, if they was a world war. This is shown in the example from the Bradford riots which started
from Harhills in Leeds.
Even though we Brits do like to find enemies within, we do come together when it comes to a crucial point.
The chavs most defiantly would get involved ( I use to be one lol) and most of the young soldier in the British army are derived from been chavs.
I BELIEVE they is a high patriotism the U.K, however there is also in Iran etc. However, they would be counted out as our armies would concentrate on
their countries while Iran etc try to invade us.
No doubt they will be a few who will try to fight us Brits like immigrants from Russia and middle eastern countries, however, there is a good amount
of loyal British immigrants.
It is a shame the Brits are not as powerful as they use to be.
antar - I believe majority of nations have lost belief in the United States, because Russia and China have gained a great income. Therefore, they fear
them. However, think of this, those who have less money are more brutal, so, United States could be seen as the underdog however this is not true.
slylee - For the benefit of the UK, at the moment we should support the USA however those I have talked to around the UK do not support USA but they
rather USA than any other country.
I believe, the middle east really do underestimate the British and Europeans. The only way to explain how we are, is basically, when we kill, we
don't leave the body, we would eat it and abuse it even when its dead, were animals.
Dermo- Not everyone has a gun however if they was a war what are the possibilities of the UK government giving us guns because really, us youngsters
would have a field day!.
Thank you for everyone for contributing, I do hope the discussion continues, as I believe their is not much recognition of UK on the ATS forums.
[edit on 15-8-2008 by deathpoet69]