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Thank you, President Bush

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by mabus325

George Bush likes to present himself as a straight-talking, regular guy. But it's an act -- regular guys don't go to Andover Prep, Yale and Harvard Business School, and straight-talking guys don't pretend to be regular guys after growing up in one of the most privileged homes in world history. Not only was Bush's dad president, his grandpa was a U.S. Senator and wealthy Wall Street banker, and his mom's blueblood family owned (among other things) the estate in Maine that Bush still hangs out at.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
Good post.

George Bush is the only president not to allow video news coverage of our dead soldiers coming home nor will he greet them as tradition in honoring them.

So many of our homeless are wounded war veterans. This is the thanks they get. Of all the presidents GWB has shown himself to be the least empathetic. Why? He's a spoiled rich kid that in private probably says, "let them eat cake". Anyone not realizing this is either stupid or one of "his haves or have mores".

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:55 PM
Sure are alot of kool-aid drinkers in here. I see people calling the war so? congress declared the war...seems pretty legal to me. A murder? again how and who? he hasnt killed anyone because to murder u have to do it with ur own hands. No privicy? lol wut? Nothing changed for me and millions of others. BUSH DID 9/11!!! Prove it, and dont give me all the same stuff thats been debunked. Bush did an ok job a prez. Whether u like him or not and seeing how many of u have neve met the man most of u sure seem to jump on the hate bush banwagon. You know because being a capitalist is evil right? Also fat cats are fat because when they got started they worked hard and used capitalism to get were they are, i say let them be fat. if i start a company and it becomes hugh people will call me evil be i worked hard to get were i am and im not giving them a hand out. Obama is going to cause a depression with his tax increase on the corperations because were does the tax go people? to the consumer. Called cause and effect. Get over yourselves thinking you know the truth because you have a different bias on something. geeze what are you 3? Come on people give me a logical debate, I got and IQ of 139 and im only 17 bring it on! I read and watch as much news as the nest guy, but every debate iv been in ive won because i outsmart the weaker guy.. CALLED NATURE you know SURVIAL OF THE FITTEST!? People need War its in out blood. Prove me wrong. Do it or go back to /b/ and troll some some more. I gave the OP a star because thats what history will remember W for.

I support the Repulic of Zeon.... err the GOP either way. HAIL ZEON!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:55 PM
the only thing George W Bush deserves is eternity in Hell! Burn
you evil s.o.b

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by mabus325

Yes, and thank you Mr. President for:

Taking away my rights systematically

Showing the world how big America can be by lowering ourselves to the level of terrorists and torturing them

Making me feel safe by knowing you and your cronies are most likely reading this very post or will be listening to my phone calls, reading my emails

getting people to go along with your war by lying to them about WMD's and anthrax

for showing us that being President means you and your people don't have to answer to such silliness as supeonas and court orders like us minions do

For being an example to all the Americans who, just like America itself, are in serious debt but that it doesn't really mean anything. Spend, spend, spend, that's your motto

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:15 PM
I think you forgot to

Thank him for the Largest National Debt in US History.

Thank him for starting a war over oil

Thank him for Not Catching Bin Laden

Thank him for stealing the 2000 election

Thank him for giving the largest contracts to Halliburton.

Thank for making a fool of himself and our country with misquotes.

Thank him for the American Dollar dropping in value.

Thank him for the largest Mortgage Meltdown.

Thank him for putting unqualified candidates in charge of FEMA.

Thank him for rushing to the aide of the People of New Orleans.

Thank for crapping on the environment and lowering the Emission Standards.

Thank him for invading our privacy through the so called Freedom of Information act.

Thank him for giving the telecoms companies a free pass of breaking the law.

Thank him for firing Federal Attorneys because they refused to press charges on Democrats with no validity.

Thank him for dividing the country even worse.

Thank him for announcing Mission Accomplished in Iraq 5 years ago.

Thank him Ruining the Credibility of the United States of American.

Thank him for looking out of Mobile Exxon so they profit from the little guy during an war economy.

Thank him for the Job Losses and sending jobs over seas with no oversight on fair market trading.

Thank him for looking out for India and Their job markets.



posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by RX83GP02
Sure are alot of kool-aid drinkers in here. I see people calling the war so?

President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney knowingly lied to Congress and the public about the threat that Iraq posed to the United States in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion, according to a long-awaited report from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Separately, a second report said former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld set up an intelligence office within the Defense Department known as the Office of Special Plans "without the knowledge of the Intelligence Community or the State Department" to promote alleged links between Iraq and al-Qaeda and cooked intelligence about Iraq's weapons cache.

congress declared the war...seems pretty legal to me.

Based on the faked evidence provided to them.

A murder? again how and who? he hasnt killed anyone because to murder u have to do it with ur own hands.

Nope, not true. Just ask charlie manson.

No privicy? lol wut? Nothing changed for me and millions of others.

Really? You see AT&T has nodes set up by the government to intercept phone conversations and internet traffic without a warrant which by the way is ILLEGAL.

BUSH DID 9/11!!! Prove it, and dont give me all the same stuff thats been debunked.

I personally don't believe he or anyone else in his adminstration is smart enough to pull off a conspiracy of that magnitude. They're just thugs.

Bush did an ok job a prez.

Really? When?

Whether u like him or not and seeing how many of u have neve met the man most of u sure seem to jump on the hate bush banwagon.

I don't need to meet hitler to know he's not a good guy, his record speaks for itself. Same for bush.

You know because being a capitalist is evil right? Also fat cats are fat because when they got started they worked hard and used capitalism to get were they are, i say let them be fat.

Did you know that in more then one instance and over a long period of time, over 70% of companies operating in the US did not pay taxes? When was the last time you just got to SKIP paying taxes without consequences?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by mabus325

I would to thank the President for his 7 1/2 years of service to this country.
I don't agree with the President 100% of the time, but here are my thanks to the President. History will treat you kind, Mr President. Your detractors will fade from memory.

Thank you for liberating Afghanistan.

Thank you for standing strong in Iraq, when others wanted to surrender.

Thank you for putting a dictator on trial for war crimes and receiving the final justice he deserves.

Thank you for not treating the White House as a brothel.

Thank you for putting the fear into Libya so that they gave up they nuclear weapons program.

Thank you for standing up to North Korea.

Thank you for doing actually something about Al Qaida other than firing missiles that take so long to get there the camps are empty by the time the missiles hit.

Thank you Mr President for working hard to get the economy going after 9/11.

Thank you for standing up for tax cuts.

Thank you for trying to make this country energy independent.

Thank you for trying to combat AIDS in Africa.

Thank you for trying to give the people who empty our trash and pick our vegetables some dignity, although I disagree with you about Amnesty.

Thank you for appointing justices to Supreme Court who believe in the US Constitution.

Thank you for trying to protect us against an enemy who wants to harm us while others would let it happen for political reasons.

Thank you for standing up for the unborn.

Thank you for resisting the pseudo science of global warming.

Thank you for your humility in office Mr President.

Thank you for your love of country and the love of the men and women who protect this country.

Thank you, Mr President.

President Bush is one the greatest presidents this nation has ever had.
I wish President McCain good luck.
I think his age and health will limit him to 4 years.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

President Bush is one the greatest presidents this nation has ever had.
I wish President McCain good luck.
I think his age and health will limit him to 4 years.

oh come on ! Are you serious?
You support torture, extraordinary rendition, illegal imprisonment without due process, destruction of the Constitution, lying to start a war that killed 4000+ US soldiers, illegal wiretapping program, terrorists watch lists, which by the way are incredibly inaccurate and hurt innocent people, etc.... Do you really support this?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by mabus325

Wow you are in a big dreamy state.... I hope you could wake up some day!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Yeh thanks for nothing you nazi scum. Thanks for 9/11, thanks for destroying all our freedoms, thanks for FEMA, thanks for not crushing the UN and the Fed, thanks for expressing signs of allegiance to british royalty, thanks to swearing an oath to an occult order before your country, thanks for all the war crimes and eugenics, thanks for always sticking behind zionist israel (those huggable love bugs), thanks for stealing all our money and planning our death (doing what bloodthirsty, nazis sympathizers do baby), thanks for paving the way for our new Uber Illuminazi president, thanks for killing everybody for oil, thanks for funding the "terrorists", thanks for all the horrors you've given humanity.

Bush, the Best of the Worst
35 Reasons Why I Still Love Him

Thanks for nothing... but I still cross my fingers, and wait patiently for the day I get to watch you hang... Mr. President
and if you're really just a puppet (of the MKUltra variety?!) then it would be a shame, we'll get to the core of it soon enough.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by jfj123
When Georgie was young they gave him companies to play with. He kept breaking them. They gave him a state to play with and it survived (Texas has a 'weak executive' system, so the damage he could do was limited) So they let him play with countries. He's breaking them too.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by mabus325

You are being factitious right?

I thank him for all the DU, the illnesses from vaccines, the dumbing down of our schools, the torture on people without a trial, the murder of innocent people, the lies, lies and more lies, for saber rattling with Russia, and the lies about Georgia, our client state you are using to provoke Russia so you can have your military coup and dictatorial police state, for wire tapping all Americans, for secretly signing the North American Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada that is stealing our nation, the profits for Halliburton to build concentration (detention) camps in this country, the militarization of our police departments, the Nazi Document aka the US Patriot Act, the shrinking of the value of the dollar, for your drunkenness displayed at the Olympics (I saw those sick pictures of you unable to walk), and for your families continued profits in their illegal drug business, for your boyfriends in the white house, are you a pedophile like your father? .... Yes and thank you for showing us your support and participation of the oldest profession.... You have screwed Americans and the Global community big time.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:48 PM
The only explanation for this thread is that good old George wrote it himself to himself. Here's my version...

Thank you Mr. Bush for being such a dumb inbred twat that you have completely messed up the 6,000 year old Babylonian plan for the New World Order just in time for us to save ourselves. Your idiocy is an inspiration to all of us who will not be enslaved. How you must feel knowing that millenia of planning, manipulation and deceit have crumbled to dust in your hands as you overplayed your hand and completely underestimated the good citizens of the world. I would really love to play you at poker. Bless you. Dickhead.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:31 PM
Finally, Governor Bush is leaving office!!! I just hope he doesn't go on to steal some other high profile position. Look at it this way, the service he gave this country is equal to that of a chickenhawk touting war,but never really going themselves. Goodbye and bring on the next garbage president.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Thank you Mr President for changing our (ex) Prime Ministers nappy when he soiled himself.

Thank you for breast feeding him when he was hungry.

Thank you for holding his hand when he needed to cross the road.

Thank you.

On a more positive note, at least Bush and Blair did put an end to Saddam Husseins reign, although i dont see this improved stability in the Middle East.

To be fair to him, i think any future President / Prime Minister of both our countries are going to be faced with an international crisis of some sorts, only time will tell how they deal with them.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Bush would not sign the Kyoto Treaty (America and Australia were the only two not to sign).

You do know that Clinton was president when Kyoto was being ratified, and he was the one not wanting to sign it? I know it kind of slips people's mind when they're writing their hate lists.

And I back Clinton 100% for his decision not to sign.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Dubya took 8 days to respond and send help to the area. Oh yes and George had to cut his vacation short.

You know, I have to agree with you on this. Bush should have been down there the first minute that the levees were breached. The people of New Orleans sure weren't helped having Nagin behind the wheel of that train wreck. N.O. had been turned into a welfare city with everyone automatically expecting the government to bail them out every time something happens. Bush should have been there driving the buses that Nagin left behind.

Well, that's OK. The US Government is still pouring money into that city. I wonder how much the people of Iowa, etc, received after the flooding there this year? Does anyone even remember that?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:10 PM
The op made some excellent points, but of course the haters can't think objectively to even consider these points.
I don't agree with everything Bush has done but I really think time will reveal many things we are currently not aware of, only then will people have a better understanding of why Bush did what he did.

I know many people think Bush is evil, but I bet they don't know about this.

September 19, 1999
FORT WORTH, Texas (CNN) -- Thousands of mourners, including Texas Gov. George W. Bush, attended a community-wide memorial service Sunday for the victims of last week's shooting at a Fort Worth church.

Even the haters should give him credit for that fact that he welcomes criticsm and jokes at his expense, I doubt the next President will do the same.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by mabus325

Thank you President Bush, for aloowing the destruction of the twin towers, and that 3rd building, that wasn't even hit by anything. It used to be, that countries could do these things and no one would be the wiser. But, with todays tech, these things are revealed.
I don't know how 9-11 came about, however, I suspect it was because of a few things. The towers were laden with asbestos, and had many problems, all extremely costly. We were looking for control of oil in the mid east. Downing the towers was a great way to cover the cost of having to rehabilitate the towers, plus, it gave the war call, to respond to a supposed attack, to which most any sane American, knows was false.
Research most all scientist response to the collasps of the buildings. All buildings fell at free fall speeds, which isn't possible, with the kind of "jet attack".
Yes, thank President Bush for 911.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Thanks Mr. President for furthering your father's "idealism" of a New World Order. He is either the idiot he seems to be or he is one of the most evil people in the world today or both. He could be a pawn but I doubt it.
You need to watch this video and then you will understand what the war in Iraq is really about and the soon to be war in Iran unless we stop him and the NWO now.

Thanks also, in the guise of terrorism and security, of taking away our rights under the constitution.

We need to force Congress to abolish the Federal Reserve System and issue our own currency.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by theyareoutthere]

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