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Thank you, President Bush

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

That's a two thumbs up and a big Hoorah. We may be a big financier of the UN but our opinion seems to matter less and less. In addition they don't back up what they say and then condemn us for doing the job they refused to do in the first place.

I agree with you that we are not the world's police. Why should we worry about protecting Europe, when Europe doesn't even stand up to protect itself.

My apologies for previous post. Didn't see the other post.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by sn00daard
May history judge you fair, like it did with Stalin and Hitler

I love how everyone compares Bush to Hitler and Stalin.

Have you ever cracked a book on these two guys; or just know them from what you read on the "internets"?

I believe Stalin killed about 20 million of his own people. Hitler killed about 12 million in the camps???

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by mabus325
The problem is, the OP's willful ignorance of the facts affects everyone, because, it was on the backs on people like the OP, and some very friendly electronic voting machines, that bush has managed to stay in power. This ignorance affects everyone, not just the OP himself. And, I'm sick of "rising above"..time to drop the hammer on ignorance, with some truth.

This is how the left responds to people they disagree with. Elections are always lost because they are either stolen or people are just too dumb to see their way.

read, and thee shall learn..

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by mabus325

Tell me if I am wrong but is Pres Bush the Pres of United States or of the World although he probably fancy's himself being just that. He has done so much for other country's, except leave them alone, the people of Iraq have lived just fine without this Idiot sending our young people over there to full fill his fantasy, Toy Soldier game, maybe someone forgot to explain that once a person is dead they do not come back even if you shake there bodies out. As for not
making the White House a Brothel, you might want to ask his wife about the abuse and the drinking binges.
Does anyone have any idea how many businesses have gone under, how high the price of gas has gone it was $1.38 when Bush came into office.I found this in blogging stocks"Bush is right -- and the high price of debt and gas is causing America to use less of both -- creating withdrawal pangs for the U.S. economy. How high? We've borrowed $12 trillion in mortgages and $2.4 trillion in installment debt -- such as credit cards. And since banks lack sufficient capital, they are raising rates and tightening credit standards. And $4 a gallon gasoline is forcing America to use less -- demand has fallen by 300,000 barrels a day." Theres probably more but 2 large Banks have closed and several more are in trouble. Furthermore we might not have had the tragedy of 9/11 if it were not his smart idea to, bomb them in February.
I am not so ignorant as to remark on the tax cuts, like my belief in ghost I never met one that I didn't like, likewise I have not seen these tax cuts.
HOW is he trying to combat AIDS in Africa, we can not even concur it here ion our own land.I refuse to respond to the remark about trash collectors as the remark is just plain racist.This war is killing thousands but yet he stands for the unborn.Wikipedia" Increasing global temperature is expected to cause sea level to rise, an increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, and significant changes to the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely leading to an expanse of tropical areas and increased pace of desertification. Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. I guess somebody forgot to tell the Earth about this Pseudo Science cause unless you are blind, deaf, and mute or a complete recluse, these changes are happening.
I do have to thank him for the Humor in office without it the Bush years would have been intolerable.
We need Barak Obama in the White House, we need change and Mr Obama will set the standard for all minorities.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by mabus325

You found out about this too huh? Very nice! Similar to the letter I sent to the White House. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by cpdaman

Haha sorry if I stole anything from your post, but I couldn't read through 17 pages hehe.

I just don't understand how all these intelligent people, who have all these great, stimulating things to say, could think picking between TWO men (esp. after an election was PROVED to have been rigged) will have any effect on day to day living enough to spout celebrity bumper sticker redundant insults towards Bush...But I feel like I'm repeating myself.

So to stay on topic, I thank George Bush for the many chuckles I've gotten at his expense. Here's my favorite, from back before he was Pres.

Pwned. By a Newfie, no less!

P.S. I'm also from Newfoundland, so it's ok.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Thanks for destroying our constitution.
Thanks for the long, unnessary, expensive war.
Thanks for destroying the educational system.
Thanks for letting 911 happen.
Thanks for forgetting about New Orleans.
I bet Bush dosen't believe in karma...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:03 PM
OMG thread OP you have one purpose and one purpose only and that is to incite a war on this site. Heres what I want to thank Bush for....

Thanks for sending the national debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion

Thanks for the 4000+ soldiers and 100k + citizens killed

Thanks for eroding the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments away

Thanks for keeping the military complex full of funds that we dont have

Thanks for keeping the big oil funded well

Thanks for fixing all the collapsing roads and bridges

Thanks for the increase in income for the middle class (or lack there of)

Thanks for bringing all the millions of jobs from over seas to back over here

Thanks for letting Russia and Iran rise to a much greater power than they were 10 years ago

Thanks for the energy independence (or lack there of)

Thanks for the great infrastructure enhancements you have made

Thanks for allowing North Korea to create nuclear weapons and pass that technology to Syria

Thanks for the great speech articulation

Thanks for $142 oil from $30

Hell thanks for the huge inflation in general

Thanks for getting rid of the secret prisons

Thanks for fixing the border and immigration

Thanks for fixing healthcare and social security and not robbing the last bit of the money that is left in the accounts

Wow so much to thank Bush for Op you are right. Star for you.....

[edit on 14-8-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:06 PM
And last but not least, thank you for making it clear that Russia will not be allowed to behave as we have, invading a soverign nation is not allowed in the 21st century. After all, we had to invade & occupy Iraq to protect our oil interests half way around the world. Russia must not be allowed to do the same to it's next door neighbor. (I think this is what is meant by our invasion taking away our moral authority & influence around the world. Kind of a "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality).

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Everyone makes mistakes. Bush made many, but you can tell hes a good person at heart when you see him off the job.

I think in the long run a lot of what he did that's considered bad will probably end up in the good arena.

I'm thankful. Being president isn't an easy job. People think it is though. People also seem to think the president is in charge of everything when in fact he isn't.

People blame Bush for how our country is doing, but there plenty of people both republican and democratic that play a GIGANTIC factor.

Heck look at our current congress. A bunch of ingrates!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Beautiful. Now THAT'S fair and balanced.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Dang. I didn't realize the President had that much power to fix so many things.

I was sure that on many of these Congress had to pass legislation before the President gets the opportunity to sign off on them. Guess I was wrong. I knew I shouldn't have slept so much in history class.

Seriously, you make some good points but you should also thank the US Congress (both parties) for their failures too. While your at it go back some administrations and congresses and thank them as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by AndrewTB
Everyone makes mistakes. Bush made many, but you can tell hes a good person at heart when you see him off the job.

I think in the long run a lot of what he did that's considered bad will probably end up in the good arena.

I'm thankful. Being president isn't an easy job. People think it is though. People also seem to think the president is in charge of everything when in fact he isn't.

People blame Bush for how our country is doing, but there plenty of people both republican and democratic that play a GIGANTIC factor.

Heck look at our current congress. A bunch of ingrates!

Totally agree. this is why I call it a 2 party dictatorship. Because ALL of them are screw ups. But As a president he has the power to veto the crap they bring out.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by mybigunit

Dang. I didn't realize the President had that much power to fix so many things.

I was sure that on many of these Congress had to pass legislation before the President gets the opportunity to sign off on them. Guess I was wrong. I knew I shouldn't have slept so much in history class.

Seriously, you make some good points but you should also thank the US Congress (both parties) for their failures too. While your at it go back some administrations and congresses and thank them as well.

Once again totally agree. Its a 2 party crime family but like I posted above. the president has the power to reign in the congressional scum and spending. he didnt do it. he failed as a president. If the thread was I want to thank congress I would of pointed this out.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:35 PM
Greetings to in ATW, this is my first post , but I've been lurking here for years. This is a topic that finally got me outta lazy mode.
As a Canadian born and raised, I've been a duo citizen (USA) from birth and have always held an interest in the US. This being said, my view, from the outside about this thread is that it's really nice to see and refreshing. As stated in some earlier posts, Bush has done some good things and IMO he deserves some credit for these.
Besides being one of the funniest politicians I've ever seen (whether purposely or accidental) , I think he's definately created a 'kingmaker' legacy that'll be remembered for years to come. Whomever Bush wants in power, he gets. A good example is Canada!!! An entire liberal part of the country voting Conservative is pretty amazing.
As I have a love for America, I think it's imparitive that we back the Commander and Chief and hold fast to one nation. Together we stand...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by jerico65

I know fullwell that Bush is nowhere near the dictator Stalin or Hitler were. In fact, I don't think he's a dictator at all, a dictator has power, Bush is a mere puppet.

All I'm saying is that history has a way of bringing to light all those obscure facts we know nothing/little about at the present.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by sn00daard
reply to post by jerico65

I know fullwell that Bush is nowhere near the dictator Stalin or Hitler were. In fact, I don't think he's a dictator at all, a dictator has power, Bush is a mere puppet.

All I'm saying is that history has a way of bringing to light all those obscure facts we know nothing/little about at the present.

Yea, but he is a WILLING puppet which makes him totally evil my eyes, no matter WHAT good he has done.

Didn't Hitler do some good on his way to perdition?

One thing I have to laugh about:

"Thank you for trying to make this country energy independent. "

Give me a break.. this president has thrown a couple of token bones on the ground concerning energy independence while facilitating an unprecedented increase in power and perks for the oil and gas conglomerate and it's NWO handlers who are desperately and pathetically trying to protect their little empire.

Sorry but Bush only get's my prayers. As far as respect and thanks? Nah.. I'll give that to the Lord.


Romans 3:8

And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.

Translated for those who are clueless.

"To do a little evil for a greater good will have it's JUST condemnation"

You reading this Mr. Bush?

[edit on 14-8-2008 by ViewFromTheStars]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:26 PM
Good riddance to a liar, a thief and that moronic smirk.

GWB has spent 499 days on vacation so far during his almost two terms as president.

Tax cuts and spending increases turned a $236 billion federal surplus in fiscal 2000 into a deficit of more than $400 billion.

Our foreign policy which was pretty good during the Clinton years has disappeared.

Today we are the most hated country on the planet.

We are a country that now condons and uses torture.

The war in Iraq has become a disaster because of unbelievably poor planning on this administrations part. Should we mention that the American people were out and out lied to and manipulated into this war which Bush finished up for dear old dad.

Possibly 911 was orchestrated by the Bush Administration.

Under Bush, a huge corporate strangle hold was formed. Now lobbyists seem to control the actions of Congress. Which means that corporations own everyone's sorry arses now as they dictate the policies in DC and not the people.

Freedom of speech has been limited by the Patriot Act. Dan Rather was forced to retire for reporting something which was true but unverifiable about Bush's embarrassing war record (he got out of duty because he is one of the rich elite families in America).

Our news media no longer gives us the "real news" we are fed sugar coated propaganda. Our government has a throat hold on the media.

We still don't have a energy plan. We are dependent on oil and even though we consume 20 million barrels of oil a day. We are 5% of the planet's population yet we consume 23% of the planet's oil. HELLO WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE SUV OWNERS??????

Bush would not sign the Kyoto Treaty (America and Australia were the only two not to sign).

When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Dubya took 8 days to respond and send help to the area. Oh yes and George had to cut his vacation short.

The number of job cuts (millions) for American workers has been higher under Bush then any other president in history. Now lose your job, you lose your house. How many foreclosures are happening all over.

bush's illegal invasion of Iraq has cost 655,000 Iraqis their lives.

the poor go to war and the rich get more tax breaks.

We are discussing a man who has added to his family fortune by shady business deals in the past. Google Bush Harken or Bush Arbusto.

We still have no health plan. If you are an American and you get sick you might as well sign your house over to the "health care professionals", pack your bags and live out the rest of your life on the street. Provided you could afford a $300,000 median price home in America to begin with on your 35,000 year salary.

How dumb do you have to be to not connect the dots? This man has no ethics, no leadership skills, low intellegence and is just plain sleezy.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by jfj123

Obviously you are one of the many that lacks the ability to respect a different opinion. You sit in no seat of judgement over MY opinion. It is not right or wrong, just my individual thoughts. The audacity some have to
think their particulary dogma is the only one that matters.

Everyone has the right to their opinion including you and I support that right.
I also have the right to my opinion which you are dismissing.

You can like whomever you want. Heck some people still think hitler is a great guy!

I'm sure you have griped throughout this thread because your God given
liberties are being stripped away one by one; yet you have exemplified, in your reply to me, "Bush deserves to be bashed duh!" that which you have taken issue with, i.e. loss of freedoms.

Someone who does something illegal does indeed deserve to be "bashed". I fail to understand why you would disagree with that. Do you think rapists deserve to be bashed?

Well as a tax paying American, and glad to be one, I also have the right of freedom of speech, just as you do.

You absolutely do and that is one of the reasons I love this country. I have never said you couldn't exercise your freedom of speech. Even the KKK has the right to express their opinions no matter how awful they are.

So sad, that you are so blinded by your antipathy that you cannot even let another citizen pay gratitude to the very ones who fought to secure Your freedoms.

huh? The ones that fought to secure our freedoms ??? Oh you mean US soldiers??? If you're referring to US soldiers, I consider every one of them hero's as they're willing to die for our freedoms.

Maybe instead of typing on this forum, you should take some time and self evaluate to find when exactly your anger turned your heart to stone

I'm not in need of self evaluation and like you have have every right to express my opinion here. Sorry it conflicts with yours

As to my anger, it is rather simple. The current administration has systematically dismantled the Constitution of the United States. Many have suffered and died to ensure that document lives on and when someone attempts to destroy it, they spit in the faces of all who have given everything to protect it.
Does that help you understand my position???

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by sn00daard
May history judge you fair, like it did with Stalin and Hitler

I love how everyone compares Bush to Hitler and Stalin.

Have you ever cracked a book on these two guys; or just know them from what you read on the "internets"?

I believe Stalin killed about 20 million of his own people. Hitler killed about 12 million in the camps???

Yeah bush isn't even close, he's only killed 4000+ of his own people.

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