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U.S. Has Spent $100 Billion On Private Contractors Since Iraq Invasion

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:00 PM

U.S. Has Spent $100 Billion On Private Contractors Since Iraq Invasion

The United States this year will have spent $100 billion on contractors in Iraq since the invasion in 2003, a milestone that reflects the Bush administration's unprecedented level of dependence on private firms for help in the war, according to a government report to be released Tuesday.

The report, by the Congressional Budget Office, according to people with knowledge of its contents, will say that one out of every five dollars spent on the war in Iraq has gone to contractors for the United States military and other government agencies, in a war zone where employees of private contractors now outnumber American troops.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Oh, but remember!---This is all being done for such a noble cause! We're liberating these people...And our wallets are being liberated month after month as KBR, Blackwater, GE, and the Oil execs milk the taxpayer base dry, with their loan-shark collection agency---The U.S. Government.

Welcome to the United States of Corporations, bringing unending war-profiteering and debacles to a neighborhood near you. More on the way folks! Have your wallets out, even though they're already empty!

The Pentagon's reliance on outside contractors in Iraq is proportionately far larger than in any previous conflict, and it has fueled charges that this outsourcing has led to overbilling, fraud and shoddy and unsafe work that has endangered and even killed American troops. The role of armed security contractors has also raised new legal and political questions about whether the United States has become too dependent on private armed forces on the 21st-century battlefield.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 12-8-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Let's not forget Halliburton, who got the contract no-one else was allowed to bid for, and whose stock cheney lied about owning - yes he sold SOME, but still kept millions of dollars worth, knowing full well the stock would rise in value thanks to the invasion he helped intiate.

This is the real reason why the US had no plans in place for re-building the infrastructure before they went in, because it meant they could milk so much more money from the taxpayers.

edit to add - S&F

[edit on 12/8/2008 by budski]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Did anyone hear about the Iraqi oil money surplus??? 79 billion???
With all the problems here at home I was thinkin.....
Maybe they can help us reconstruct OUR country when we get rid of OUR brutal dictator!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:36 PM
Starred and flagged. Don't forget that some congressmen and senators also have stock in the companies that have profited considerably from the war in Iraq. It is sad the the monetary profits of a few are more important than the lives of many thousands of middle easterners and allies.

It would be great if there were some kind of back lash against the lawmakers who profit from sending us to war. I wish I would have paid more attention when the names were being mentioned, but I am sure that one of the crackerjack investigators here will be able to come up with names.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Don't forget that some congressmen and senators also have stock in the companies that have profited considerably from the war in Iraq.

We need to dig on this. I am VERY interested in WHO is making a proverbial "killing" on this war. I know Cheney and his buddies, but congress and senators??

CONFLICT OF INTEREST??!???!!!?!?!???

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:04 PM
Guess who's got millions invested in Private Contractors and their employers back in America?

Just about anybody and everybody in Congress....
Put 2 and 2 together. More contractors on the ground, more money in the bank....

Simple as it can be boiled down to really.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:24 PM
Wow, another vast conspiracy...LMAO. Boy you guys really need help. The contractors are a huge saving compared to having soldiers do those jobs and we benefit from them immensely. The Private sector has really changed the way we fight wars and believe me it's is better. The role of contractors will no doubt continue to grow. I'm glad I got to see this first hand.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by DarthAmerica

I hope you are being sarcastic and not supporting mercenaries sent by your govt. to kill innocent people and have 0 responsibility!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:50 PM




I'm not implying that economics was the only reason for going to war, but the power structure of American society is so that a war tends to benefit certain people. In fact, war is perhaps the ultimate in any economic activity.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by DarthAmerica
Wow, another vast conspiracy...LMAO. Boy you guys really need help. The contractors are a huge saving compared to having soldiers do those jobs and we benefit from them immensely. The Private sector has really changed the way we fight wars and believe me it's is better. The role of contractors will no doubt continue to grow. I'm glad I got to see this first hand.

Which of those companies do YOU work for? Oh wait it has to be Haliburton or a subsidiary as no one else got a chance to bid on the work

How is life treating you over there with your 5 star hotels, catered meals and Humvees while the troops are getting moldy tents?

See next post..

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The United States this year will have spent $100 billion on contractors in Iraq since the invasion in 2003,

Funny how this news keeps sinking down the list

Halliburton, and Dick Cheney, are killing our troops

Iraqi government expected to have $79 billion surplus.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Have any of you heard about the few dozen American Servicemen who have been electrocuted in facilities, built overseas, by contracters that the Halliburton firm oversaw? NO? Then I suggest you look it up....try to Google it, or if that fails, then go to MSNBC and search there.

WHY is this not in the MSM?

Is CNN not MSM

KBR Electrocutes a Dozen U.S. Troops, One Green Beret Dead

Haliburton and KBR are screwing our troops!

US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

Halliburton provided contaminated water to Soldiers

Haliburton delivers US troops dangerous water

High Payments to Halliburton for Fuel in Iraq

Haliburton Hearing? Feeding our troops expired food?

Halliburton Watch!

More Women Claim Sex Abuse At KBR (in Iraq)

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by DarthAmerica

Wow, another vast conspiracy...LMAO.

Your on a Conspiracy website first of all.
What exactly were you expecting numbskull?

A bunch of gun-toting, flag-waving patriots that watch FOX News every night at 6?

You might have picked the wrong forum to join...

Boy you guys really need help. The contractors are a huge saving compared to having soldiers do those jobs and we benefit from them immensely

Mmm and guess where those "savings" go?

Who is the largest Military contractor in Iraq?
Blackwater and Halliburton.

Who owns those?
Dick Cheney and Erik Prince.

Dick Cheney is self-explanatory (being a member of the Bush Admin means *cha-ching* anytime they decide to start another Oil Expedition).

Erik Prince was a former intern for President George H. W. Bush, & is a big contributor to the Republican Party and recently indicted members like Tom DeLay.

At least 90% of Blackwater revenue comes from government contracts, two-thirds of which are no-bid contracts.

See where I'm going? The US Government is actively profiteering from the Iraq War and the deaths of it's men.

149 contracts totalling more than $42 billion were covered-up by Pentagon Inspector General Schmitz as Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel, Flour, CACA, Triple Canopy, Dyn Corp & Blackwater cashed in on the chaos in Iraq.

You need to take off your blindfold and think outside the square.
War always means a lot of money for the Military-Industrial Complex.

How anyone can deny that is beyond me.
May god have pity on their naive souls.

[edit on 12/8/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by DarthAmerica

I hope you are being sarcastic and not supporting mercenaries sent by your govt. to kill innocent people and have 0 responsibility!

Yes I support them. In case you didn't notice, I WORK SIDE BY SIDE WITH THEM. They aren't doing any killing outside of a few security specialist contracted for various force protection duties and then it's not any innocent people when it does happen. The vast majority arent even allowed to handle weapons and of those a large percentage are ot even American citizens. Your comment shows you have NO IDEA what you are talking about.

You guys are so typical. You "heard" somewhere that "contractors" are bad and they do this or that yet you can't name any contractor other than Blackwater or Halliburton/KBR and then it's only just because you have seen some 1 minute inaccurate news clip WAAAAY out of context.

If you had any experience LIKE I DO dealing with these people you would not post such foolishness. That goes for the other posters as well. 99% of contractors are regular people who found employment in a warzone and are taking advantage of higher pay due to the hardship associated with working in a warzone. The other 1% are some how defense specialist who provide a service to the government for much less than it cost the USG and without some of the baggage. For example, having a US soldier providing protection for a foreign VIP who's local politics would not allow for that. Or performing repetitive routine task that involve danger but focus on particular skill sets. Like Driver, or dog handler, or a maintenance tech for a UAV that is now in the inventory as fully operational.

When it comes to killing, that's why Americans pay taxes for people like me. We don't need to hire out for muscle. We've got everything from assassins to nuclear weapons and everything in between. If someone needs killing in an offensive context then ITS RARE that we have to go outside to get that done. Get your facts straight and get a clue. Heck just move out of America if you hate it so much and if you aren't American and you feel so strongly join one of the insurgencies and put some actions to your words like Bin Laden or others do.

Don't however, come here and post nonsense about "mercenaries" and the like you obviously know nothing about. Especially if you are going to discuss it around people who actually do this and work with these people. Of all the things to criticize about OIF, and there is a lot, I have read nothing on this site that deal with the issues we really face! NOTHING. Some of you people are truly clueless and way out of touch with reality.

If you want to discuss a real issue with contractors then I'll give you one. We don't use them enough! Especially in this kind of war. So much of what is necessary to win lies outside the realm of traditional military disciplines. We need to bring those companies INTO Iraq that have the expertise to deal with the relevant issues rather than lose time, money and sometimes life making the Military improvise solutions.

Get familiar with a topic, THEN POST. Or ask questions. Not the other way around.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by DarthAmerica

Don't however, come here and post nonsense about "mercenaries" and the like you obviously know nothing about.

Apart from the hostility, I can't believe that you are actually telling people what they can and can't post here.

People can post whatever they want within the T&C, where it is also a requirement to maintain a courteous attitude.

By all means, disagree if you want to, but the histrionics with little or no back up do you no favours - anyone can say "I WAS THERE" that doesn't make it true.

Just my opinion.

This is more about the blatant profiteering of the contractors than anything else, and that is something I find abhorrent.

They've brought new meaning to "double entry" book keeping - and the US taxpayers are the ones who are paying through the nose, as the cronies of shrub and co just keep raking in their blood soaked profits.

Back to the topic

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:49 PM

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Grafilthy
reply to post by groingrinder

Don't forget that some congressmen and senators also have stock in the companies that have profited considerably from the war in Iraq.

We need to dig on this. I am VERY interested in WHO is making a proverbial "killing" on this war. I know Cheney and his buddies, but congress and senators??

CONFLICT OF INTEREST??!???!!!?!?!???

Check it:

The biggest scam ever perpetrated upon the masses. It is nothing but a giant greed business, which profits off of death, destruction, and the little people's taxpayer dollars...

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by budski

Originally posted by DarthAmerica

Don't however, come here and post nonsense about "mercenaries" and the like you obviously know nothing about.

This is more about the blatant profiteering of the contractors than anything else, and that is something I find abhorrent.

Have you ever taken a business class? Have you ever run a business? Or how about bought a Mercedes or iPhone? The number one cardinal rule of business it to make as large of a profit as reasonably possible. I would not hire a company not interested in that because their work would suck! The key is, most of these companies provide those services FAR CHEAPER than it would cost the USG. Again, I HAVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. You may not like my saying it. You might not believe it. That is your problem. But you can always research what I say and you will find it to be true. My words are strong enough to stand on their own merit. That's because I'm talking from a position of experience unlike the fools who have you buying into all kinds of conspiracy fantasies and the like. You have to be pretty dumb to just now realize a private company is going to anything it can to maximize profit and in fact that is it's chief obligation and ONLY by doing that can it survive. This gives private industry particularly useful advantages in a warzone.

Answer this one question. What does it cost for the U.S. Army to deploy a 92G of 4 years and the rank of E4 in support of OIF for 12 months vs a TCN(Third Country National) for that same period to work in a DFAC? What do you think the difference is in work hours? Do you know? Of course you don't because you have no freakin clue what you are talking about.You are not not knowledgable yet you are discussing this subject as if you say Vice President Chaney himself sneaking away with piggy bank. It's pathetic and rediculous and if you had any idea what is going on you would not make such statements as you have.

Wrong on Missile Defense
Wrong on Strategy
Wrong on Congtractors
Wrong on Nuclear weapons

I'm noticing a trend. You don't have any relevant knowledge of military issues. NONE. You are a regurgitation of things you have read on the net and even then you don't have the knowledge to know whether you are reading fiction of non-fiction.


FACT # 1: KBR is the largest contractor we use, not Halliburton.

FACT # 2: Blackwater isn't even in the top 10 as far as contractors go.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by DarthAmerica]

[edit on 12-8-2008 by DarthAmerica]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:16 PM
Well, this is definitely why the war cannot be stopped. Only expanded as much as possible. There is a suction-funnel kinda effect going on right now. It seems like all the money is being funneled to the top of the pyramid known as the American economy... And people on the bottom are losing their homes, jobs, and everything else they have to support the rich getting richer.

Not to mention the deaths. That is really horrible. They are funneling the wealth from common people, while leaving death and destruction in their wake.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by DarthAmerica

First off, I'd appreciate if you quoted me correctly.

Secondly - why does the VP still hold millions in stock options in a company who were the only ones invited to bid for a particular contract in Iraq, especially when he has been caught lying about said stock options not once, but twice.

Third, what's with the hostility?

Fourth, I notice you still haven't addressed the post by The Godfather of Conspiracy, in which the share prices of Halliburton were addressed?

And last of all, please try to be polite and stop being so hostile when I have done nothing to deserve it.
If all you can do is rant AT people, then I see no point in continuing a discussion with you.

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