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George W. Bush is faking his "incompetence".

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posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by Dubyakadubla
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Dubya is no fool, he was not a cheerleader at yale for nothing, playing dumb is the best gimmick to get cheney into the trap how Cheney will soon be dumped into the quicksand.

I've got video of Bush at Yale. It's in my signature.
So you think that him failing miserably at everything he has ever undertaken was all a set up? Double reverse psychology eh?

No, I simply said that he is pretending to be more incompetent than he really is.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
George W. Bush is a genius. Anyone who has seen him running for Governor of Texas knows he is not stupid. He just acts stupid so people believe he is not intelligent enough to answer difficult questions, and to make people want "change".
Politicians are actors, they have to be. That is why actors make good politicians.

Here is some footage of him running for Governor.

[edit on 10/8/08 by NuclearPaul]

That was a great video, thanks for posting it.

I love how Bush Senior admits that they are trying to create the NWO, and for some reason everyone thinks that we're crazy...

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
George W. Bush is a genius. Anyone who has seen him running for Governor of Texas knows he is not stupid. He just acts stupid so people believe he is not intelligent enough to answer difficult questions, and to make people want "change".
Politicians are actors, they have to be. That is why actors make good politicians.

Here is some footage of him running for Governor.

Dude, you hit it dead on, that is exactly what is going on.
Slight of hand on the puppet masters part, those are the exact same feeling I've developed over the last several years.

If people have been forced to eat nothing but bologna sandwiches for the last 8 years, all of a sudden the talk of getting served beans and rice for a "change" sounds pretty appetizing.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 11:56 PM
All of these same arguments are just going to be re-worded and argued over again and again and again.

GoldenFleece - This is DEFINITELY an inside job? Where is the proof? If youre so positive give me one, just one piece of documented evidence.

To actually touch on the topic at hand though, its really hard to believe that Bush is smart enough to play dumb, and I really doubt Cheney and Rove are any sort of puppetmasters. Theyre just a bunch of greedy old men. Evil genius'? Highly improbable and illogical. If there really is a huge conspiracy, I doubt they (or the people who come up with the conspiracy
theories) know anything at all.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by BloodRedSky]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Bush has never been, nor will he ever be an "idiot." While we sit back and talk about how "dumb" Bush is, he laughs at our struggling asses on his way to the bank.

Honestly,I think what has happened to the Bush administration is that he allowed some very evil people to hi-jack his presidency.It's really that simple. *SHRUG*

I will say this, I have serious doubts about how much he knew about the WTC.... People say, "Well, he can't even talk. He stutters and stammers." My answer to that is, "Well, you'd stutter and stammer as well if you were trying o make excuses for someone elses bad decisions."

[edit on 11-8-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Lets just say i dont think hes as incompetant as the world sees him.Theres that hunch again.Anyways all 9/11 truth squads dont have a shred of proof only theory and hatred of GWB.That in itself is a red flag.I mean for me ive never "hated" any political leader.Make fun of them and their policies?You bet.Point out the negative impact a policy will have?You bet.But to actually hate someone without even talking with them,no i cannot do that.I will not jump on internet bandwagons or groups just because some video of SOMEONES opinion says so.You see i need some hard evidence called proof of these outrageous claims.

If 9/11 did unfold as CTs say them yes they pulled one over us,but it wont happen again that i can assure you.You see because of freedom ,we have to power to watch the watchers so to speak.

Al-quaida hit America on 9/11 as far as im concerned.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:29 PM
Ive been saying this for over 8 years now. He lost his first election because he was portrayed as a yankee slicktalker. He decided he'd never be out good old boy'd again.

Hes been getting you Libs to "misunderestimate" him for decades.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Ive been saying this for over 8 years now. He lost his first election because he was portrayed as a yankee slicktalker. He decided he'd never be out good old boy'd again.

Hes been getting you Libs to "misunderestimate" him for decades.

Thank you for your info, and I do believe that many from Texas would have to agree with you.

I would like to hear the opinion of someone who lived in Texas when Bush was running for Governor. I bet they would be just as curious as to why Bush is trying to act so incompetent.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Justice11
Lets just say i dont think hes as incompetant as the world sees him.Theres that hunch again.Anyways all 9/11 truth squads dont have a shred of proof only theory and hatred of GWB.That in itself is a red flag.I mean for me ive never "hated" any political leader.Make fun of them and their policies?You bet.Point out the negative impact a policy will have?You bet.But to actually hate someone without even talking with them,no i cannot do that.I will not jump on internet bandwagons or groups just because some video of SOMEONES opinion says so.You see i need some hard evidence called proof of these outrageous claims.

If 9/11 did unfold as CTs say them yes they pulled one over us,but it wont happen again that i can assure you.You see because of freedom ,we have to power to watch the watchers so to speak.

Al-quaida hit America on 9/11 as far as im concerned.

Inconsistencies in someone's "investigation" or "testimony" does count as proof in a court.

I, personally, do not hate GWB, but I do not like being lied to and manipulated by someone who is suppose to be my representative.

If anything I do hate the actions of a person.

The "Truth Movement" is not an internet bandwagon. Its people who are fed up with being lied to.

You say that no one has proof, what about the video that I originally posted??

It clearly shows that when Bush was running for Governor of Texas, his ability to use the English language was much more fluent than that of today.

So what about that? What about the difference in Bush's speaking ability compared to 14 years ago? Or even eight years ago?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by dalan.

Thank you for your info, and I do believe that many from Texas would have to agree with you.

I would like to hear the opinion of someone who lived in Texas when Bush was running for Governor. I bet they would be just as curious as to why Bush is trying to act so incompetent.

Let me put it this way. Ive been a salesman in one form or another sine I was 13. It'll be two decades in a few years. Two rules of talking to prospects are
1) Mimicing, if he talks slow, you talk slow. If he talks fast, you talk fast.
2) always screw up what you say somwhat, or it sounds too polished.

Now Ive seen salesmen take this too far and make it habit to the extent they sound as ridiculous as bush, and still make bang up sales. In some cases they do better because noone can imagine they are smart enough to put one over on them.

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