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Ghost Recon game forshadows russian war perfectly!

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I didn't read the entire thread, but it look as if leading the public opinion has become a trend in Hollywood ... and apparently has spread to international development in video gaming.

A recent Hollywood production made me take note. A movie called Vantage Point. In the movie a terrorist group attempts to assassinate the President of the United States. One of the key elements of the assassination is the involvement of a Secret Service agent who is involved with the terrorist plot.

The point of the movie: Anyone can be a terrorist. If a terrorist can infiltrate the SS, then surely a terrorist can be your neighbor. Be scared. Trust the government and be approving of the War on Terror.

What a load of BS.

The OP is definitely intriguing. Matter of coincidence? I highly doubt it.
F'd and the S.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:29 AM
A company called SPI made scores of games in the 70's that detail every global conflict taking place today with titles like Oil War.

They had defense contracts with the Pentagon to simulate all these situations strategically and tactically.

So it's not new, to me.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Misfit

Originally posted by TheRepublic
no one sees this as odd or suspicious?
at all?

Man I find this more ironic than I could possibly put words too !!!!!

I do recall, years ago, specualtion revolving around a supposed "agenda" the Clancy series' may have. Things popped up such as the games themselves being war strategy simulations from the "powers that be" in order to get the best feedback possible via multiplayer scenarios, the missions themselves being actual missions on drawing boards in real-time war plans.

If i remember correctly, i remember in the back of one tom clancy book talking about a mass multiplayer online game where people would startegicly take control of a nation and then wage war with surronding countries or something of the like, i don't remember exactly. The wild thing is I think the book was written in or around 1998, i didn't even know things like that existed back then. Don't know waht to make of that, but will check it out later.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:08 AM
I'm a little distressed to see how many people buy into the whole conspiracy theory when it comes to things like this.

I said it once, I'll say it agian. Its all about research. A year ago, I was predicting that Russia would invade Georgia in August of some year in the near future. I had extensive conversations on the matter with Justin Oldham I ended up discarding that scenario, but maybe I shouldn't have.

Ghost Recon is the same thing. Research shows that the Black Sea and the Caucasus have always been the new flashpoints. Just look at the number of PC games released since the end of the USSR that depicted U.S.-Russia confrontations in the Black Sea theater. That's because anyone who did their research knows that changes in the geopolitical landscape has moved that "front" back.Russia can't exert influence on more powerful countries like Germany any longer, but it can certianly exert influence over its former republics in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Its not conspiracy. Its just history and research.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:09 AM
If events follow ghost recon, then i should get ready, i live in Estonia ( its one of 3 Baltic State ).

This got me bit scared

[edit on 11-8-2008 by Mr.Andreas]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
I mentioned this a few days ago when the war first broke out. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to have read my post.

Some of you are crying conspiracy, but I don't see it as that at all. In fact, myself adn Justin Oldham, about a year ago, were discussing a possible Russian invasion of Georgia occuring in the near future and that being the start to World War III. I ended up discarding that scenario, but it appears that myself and Tom Clancy, whom I have little respect for, were indeed onto something.

The point is, when you study things enough, you will get better at predicting things and you will often be right on the money. Its knowledge vs. lack of knowledge.

I think that this is closer to the truth of what is happening. The fact that the conflict started in 2008 seems to be a big coincidence. I hope.

The biggest concern I have right now are the fact that we do have special force units in Georgia doing 'training exercises' and that we have sided in a strong way with Georgia. Of course I didn't expect us to side with the Russians but I was hoping more for an understanding.

Wasn't Georgia making the first move in this conflict? Everything I am seeing now points at the Russians making the first move in order to instigate a fight.

As for people who are trying to refute the OP because the game is not playing out exactly how the real world is, well, if (BIG IF) this is a conspiracy that was leaked way back when then the basic concept is all there would have been. It wouldn't have been a play by play. It would have simply been:

Reason for invasion
Other parties involved

Not all of the details that people keep throwing out there. "So and so did this in the game. Has so and so done that in the real world?"

My thoughts after really thinking it through is that sweatmonicaIdo is that this was simply a good case of homework done by Clancy. With enough knowledge of a situation one can predict something like this. Especially with the history of this region.

The year was just a bit interesting.

Now, as for the 'The Lone Gunmen' series pilot. That is just a BIT too dead on for me. It's damning and quite frankly I had forgotten about it. I was a fan but a lot started happening just after this pilot with the economy and thus layoffs at work that I didn't pay much attention. Plus the fact that it didn't go much further. Especially after 911.

Someone knew this was coming and this shows that it was planned WELL before 2001. Thus, I must grudgingly admit that if this is the case that it would kind of exonerate the administration from having a direct hand in it.

Does not mean they didn't know about it. Just thinking that the 'small faction' doesn't necessarily include these guys.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by dariousg

thanks for the post i agree. i am not saying for certain it was a planted plot but it is extremly suspicous given the "lone gunman" incident.

I also find the timing important becuase the timing for the incident is so blatently obvious. they wait for the olympics for people to get distracted and not pay attention and then the georgians launch the attack. just the fact that this was not a random attack but a premeditated one coupled with the games timing makes me wonder, but who knows...

...its a crazy world!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:46 AM
If anyone has read any of my threads or post, I'm a firm believer in TV and Movies playing a big part in steering the public in any direction or making the public believe that a real event could be fake because it's on TV. Here is one of my Threads that explain what I feel about this.

The Symptoms

It never crossed my mind that video games could be another avenue of this "steering", but thanks to this thread, I see it's a possibility. By "steering the public", I mean by putting something, that's going to happen in real life, into Movies or TV (and games), it makes it easy for the normal Joe to tell us conspiracy theorists, "Aww, you just saw that in a movie or that came on TV, therefore, it must not be real, it just a coincidence." Kinda like, if it's out in the open, it must not be for real attitude. It's just like foreshadowing in a book.

One would argue why would the "powers that be" even put stuff that might happen out in the open when they could just keep it a secret. My answer is...if they would be that evil to plan stuff ahead of time like this, then we don't know what they are capable of and how and why they think this way. Could just be a simple inside joke to them since we won't believe it anyway.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:54 AM
dude, if your right, then imagine what trouble we could all be in for. I mean, if anyone else has played call of duty 4, you know what I mean. In COD4, Russia nearly launches a full nuclear arsenal on the US. Of course, in the GAME you stop it, but what if it were to happen in real life?!? Would we get the same outcome? I really hope your wrong about this, otherwise we may see a lot more violent wars in our future.

(On the more "humorous" side, if you ARE right, then we'll survive to the year 2552, when we'll meet an alien race known as The Covenant, who will be trying to activate giant, galaxy destroying rings. We'll have to create genetically enhanced soldiers. I suggest we call them SPARTANS, and give the best one the call sign of 117. He might even reach the rank of Master Chief!!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I have not read through the entire thread, so I apologize if this has already been said. But in addition to this 'plotline' coming true, so to speak, Clancy was very close in the past.

Although at the time, numerous people in the mainstream media claimed that no one had ever thought of using a plane as a missile before 9-11. This was false. Tom Clancy foreshadowed the 9-11 airliner attacks in 1994, in his book 'Debt of Honor'

The ending also has coincidental parallels with the September 11, 2001 attacks, although the disaster is not caused by hijackers. An embittered Japan Air Lines pilot whose son was killed during the Pacific conflict flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol building during a joint session of Congress with President Durling attending. He does so to avenge the deaths of his brother and son during the war. Nearly the entire United States presidential line of succession is eliminated. Ryan, who has just been appointed Vice President, is immediately sworn in as President and begins his term of office in the immediate sequel, Executive Orders.

Maybe Clancy is fed information. Maybe he is just lucky. But he seems to be very aware of future political events about 7 years before they actually happen. (1994-2001, 7 years, 2001-2008, also 7 years)

This is more than a coincidence I think.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:21 PM
So, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are next them?

In the game, Russia invades them after Georgia.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by infinite

It's not likely.

This "coincidence" probably just a matter of deductive conclusion. There's a lot of thought and concepting put into video game development. It doesn't take much to look at the world (politically and physically) to see where conflicts are likely to occur in the future.

Google "Georgia Pipeline" and start reading.

It's no wonder that Russia has responded so emphatically. America is allies with many of the countries that border above Iran from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. If ever there were an attack upon Iran and Russia decided to protect it's interests and sided with the Iranians, this gateway (namely: Georgia [N. Ossetian & S. Ossetian], Armenia, and Azerbaijan) would be a key to supplying/aiding the Iranians. It be a lot easier to use this alleyway than to circle around Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. It's a basically a straight shot south from Moscow to Tehran.

Maybe the game developers foresaw a political revolution after the 2000 election of Shevardnadze that was laced with scandal and fraud ... which in part brought the Rose Revolution a few years later in 2003.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:44 PM
Video games containing information about future world events..! God I hope Resident Evil isn't a fortelling of future events...

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 03:54 PM
I played Ghost Recon on ps2 back in 2002 I think. Yes it is very spooky. Sure some things might not be 100% accurate but its good enough. Probably better then our CIA could do. They should own Tom Clancy. When this all started the first words out of my mouth were Ghost Recon. Below is the intro to Ghost Recon. I think the ps2 had a different intro.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by spaceman84]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 03:55 PM
HI I finally joined the site, Ive been a reader and believer for sometime now, but after a conversation(or partial conversations) I had with someone today Im just left wondering what is really going on out there.
Ok let me get started, I dont know many people who are masons and Im not pointing fingers or jumping to conclusions I just want some insight on what took place today. *side not I have been inquiring about Mason's for some time now and have had really good conversations about Mason's with this gentleman as well. and no i dont know what the secret is, and if i did i couldnt tell you cause its a secret.

Ok, so today, like any other day we are talking about world happenings, and I bring up the war in georgia, he makes a comment along the lines of "they knew when to do it because most leaders were at the olympics" so I say to him "you know there was a video game made back in 2001 that basically spelled out the war right down to the month and year it would happen, isnt that weird" His comment to me was with a smirk on his face was "no" then wanted to know how I made out playing ball on the weekend, and wouldn't go back to that. I tried but all he said was this could be the begining to WW3. so after that nothing else was said about it.
But to me there was something about the little smile and the quick no i got and no more response about it after that. Im not sure how to take it, what do you think? is it cause hes a Mason he may know something of this, is it that he just simply believes life imitates art, or something else even, maybe where he is older and wiser than I am Im not sure, but this is on my mind all day now and I dont know what conclusion I can draw to. I am strongly leaning towards the Mason thing because I got the same response before for something I showed him about the landscape from Nova Scotia certain points around there that relate to Mason Halls and Anglican Churches. but that can be left for another day.
anyway feedback is appricaiated, I find this video game thing and real life war too disturbing to get out of my mind.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 03:57 PM
best look to the game frontlines: fuel of war for the next round of news stories -

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

"Ghost Recon begins in August 2008, with civil unrest in Russia. Ultra-nationalists have seized power in Moscow, with plans to rebuild the Iron Curtain. Their first step is clandestine support of rebel factions in Georgia and the Baltic States. This storyline foreshadows the 2008 South Ossetia War. This is where the Ghosts come in: to silence the rebellion. Armed with some of the most advanced weaponry in the world, the soldiers of the Ghost Recon force are covertly inserted into Eastern Europe and given specific missions to curtail the rebel actions and overthrow their benefactors.

During the first few missions of the game, the Ghosts battle South Ossetian rebel forces from the north of Georgia, who are harassing the legitimate government and its allies."

Sonofabitch... Your right.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by dariousg

"Wasn't Georgia making the first move in this conflict? Everything I am seeing now points at the Russians making the first move in order to instigate a fight."

No, How can you make the wrong move by attacking a foriegn army on your soil?

They aren't attacking Russian soliders in Russia, they are attacking Russian Soliders in Georgia...

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

its just coincidence believe me it is.what does any1 hav to gain by exploiting the war b4 it even happens?nothin thats wot

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by spaceman84
. Probably better then our CIA could do. They should own Tom Clancy.

And what, my good man, makes you think that they don't?

Also, isn't it true that Clancy actually did not produce/script the Ghost Recon titles?

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