posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:01 PM
Let me clear up one misconception
new home construction done by illegals
These homes do not sell for less then the ones build by American workers.
The money saved by the developers building these homes goes straight into the pocket of the developer.
Many of these developers use creative record keeping so that they do not have to pay taxes on this extra profit.
Many other industries also do the same.
So if you think you are getting goods cheaper because a company is using illegals you are mistaken.
I worked construction for 20 years and know many construction workers ready to go to work but for the companies that CLAIM they can not find legal
In most cases these companies use illegals because they can get away with not paying Workman's comp, holliday's, overtime, unemployment,
healthcare. and this means more profit for them.
With them if a illegal complains they just fire them and call immigration and there are a long line of illegal waiting to take there place.
I am a ex Firefighter/EMT and have went to many construction sites to pick up illegal construction workers and found that none of the contractor
would claim the worker because none were paying workman's comp on there workers and the contractors knew that the illegal would still get treated for
I get my health care for free but i spent 8 years in the navy and two in Vietnam