posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Originally posted by ignorant_ape
but how do i convinve them that my big case with all my gear stuffed inside = one item
Well the OP DID say it could be as big as you... now I don't know your size but surely the bag isn't THAT big?
One thing I did not see in the OP
What kind of trip? Is this a first visit as in no one has been there?
Or is this a tourist jaunt to an established spot?
But you did say a guaranteed return trip in 5 years
Toilet paper came to mind try living without THAT for 5 years
and that should be a top item in any survival kit
But I would assume that all such things would be accounted for.. ever see those cool NASA zero G potties?
Weapons are good for a first trip... but I am sure the Space Command leading the expedition would have that covered
Music I can count on someone bringing that
So leaves only one civilized thing left...
5 year supply of COFFEE
Of course coffee grounds are good for hiding stuff in too, like a side arm to protect the coffee and some other materials for barter
[edit on 8-8-2008 by zorgon]