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Originally posted by dunwichwitch
I tried saying some of this stuff in a certain other "conspiracy" forum, only to be quickly labeled nuts and recommended medication and seen as attacking and forcing my opinions down throats. It's amazing what some atheists will do to try and make anyone with hope and compassion feel guilty about knowing, as opposed to believing.
Originally posted by seagrass
I keep reassuring myself that it doesn't really matter, in the end I will find out.
Originally posted by seagrass
I've noticed that everyone seems a little shy about talking about what they think.
Absolutely. I keep my ideas to myself too. That is the glory of ATS, to be able to say these things with out social judgment(especially facial ones) or consequences.
That probably comes from having literally no on in RL that talks about such stuff. I learned a long time ago to just keep my mouth shut. Also, the subject matter has been used by people with a savior complex. There's none on this thread thankfully. But I try to show humbleness when speaking of this so that others don't think I think I'm somehow more special than anybody else. Spiritual ideas and the ego are a dangerous mixture and I've seen a handful of people on this site mix them. It's not pretty. So that's another reason behind of my choice of wording.
Originally posted by dunwichwitch
Okay, I want to ask all of the believers in the philosophy of "we are all one" something. I am one of those people, but I wouldn't say I believe as much as I would say I know...
Anyway, simple question to start off with:
Why is it that many people can seem to understand that "We are all one", but if I said I was God, even those people would think I was crazy? How can that be a crazy thing to say if the first statement is true?
If we are all one, who else is there? If separation is an illusion, then I must unequivocally be God. There's no one else, that I am aware of. There are other "meez" everywhere that I interact with, and that have similar awareness of "reality" as me, but if we are all one, then at the core of their soul, they are still me. So there's no one else BUT God, and I can say that I am Him, and you are all experiences of my mind's eye. even the "devil" came from me, then... and if I'm honest with myself, I can find exactly where that devil is inside.
Is God just a big metaphor for the one being that's dreaming us all up? It's very interesting when you compare a dream to reality. Compare the similarities. You create a whole world that seems separate and real, and within that world, there's your character, along with all of these other sentient beings that would swear up and down that they are real and separate and themselves if you asked them. We buy that most of the time without question. Few people have the ability to be lucid in dreams all the time, so even those who every once in a while claim to have discovered they were in a dream, it's not long before they get sucked back in and act as if everything is happening TO them, instead of for them. Let's face it, even most of our rough and frightening dreams are interesting. We always look back on nightmares we remember, and a lot of people find talking about dreams absolutely uproariously absurd and hilariously amusing, even the bad ones.
So... would it be a stretch of the imagination... if you consider the philosophies of "all is one" combined with "as above, so below"... to consider that this is just a lower level, "denser" dream, and the dreams at night are of a higher dimension of the same overall dream of one mind?
Would it be a stretch to proclaim that I am God dreaming?
Am I you? and vice versa?
Are we all the same consciousness wearing an infinite amount of different masks, just like the infinite variety of characters in your sleep dreams?
If so... what IS the use of being cruel or judging towards anyone? It would just cause a chain reaction, quickly spiraling out of control and making our dream into a nightmare. You know how fine of a line it is between dream and nightmare. Just one bad thought can quickly change something fun and groovy into something horrifying and discordant.
Satanists believe that either there is no God, or that God is insane...
I guess in a way they would be right. There is no outer God sitting in a throne in Heaven somewhere in space. God is definitely dissociated with himself a lot. So I guess God WOULD be considered insane to the rationalist.
If you look at things in a certain perspective, everything is insane. Look around at our society right now. Destroying the wonderful dream we made up, all because of a small pet peeve here and there a long time ago. Look at how silly putting all our faith in all things temporary is. We're all gunna die and have no need for America then, so what's so sane about being patriotic?
But it's normal to be that way. What one man thinks is crazy, another man thinks is essential and sane, while thinking the previous guy hopping mad.
Dreams are kind of kooky like that.
So wake up and meet Me your God, same as You. Just dreamin'!
People will take this out of context, I'm sure.
I'm tired. more soon...
I believe you are along the lines of what the Terra Papers explain. That man must understand that he is the one who runs his destiny, that religion, and belief in higher-beings is just one way to control the masses. Human beings are their own gods and should run their life to how they seem fit, before it is too late.
Originally posted by banyan
in relation to this theory of yours, these old terms [atheist, deist, theist] would hold little meaning because they all originate with god being exterior to humanity to begin with. so even if i was an 'atheist,' i wouldn't be anymore.
Originally posted by seagrass
How do you measure the duration of NOW. How long is it? Now.... now. now. now... The question I asked is already in the past.
what if there is only one purpose. To create with our soul. Anything we want. Anything we desire? What if we made a plan and follow it to the tee? What if we only have certain stops to make along the way, but everything else is gravy?
[edit on 8-8-2008 by seagrass]
Originally posted by Demandred
you could say that everything has already happened in every conceivable way it could possibly occur and all we are are nothing more than shadows of thos events traveling along picking different pathways through the corridors of time because we arnt capable of perceiving the entirety of events all at once.
Originally posted by dunwichwitch
Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by dunwichwitch
God chooses to forget and deny himself sometimes
Is this before or after he gets hit with a stun gun until the batteries run out in order for him to forget?
Originally posted by Cyberbian
Originally posted by seagrass
If one was to truly believe we are one, you wouldn't need to ask the question. It is what it is. At every level. If we are one with the creator, we are also the creator. If a grain of sand is Earth, it is Earth. and so forth. It's simple. We are given the illusion of separateness in order to use it... to create just like "God" does. Then return to the one. It is the returning to the one that has me boggled. How to go from an illusion of separateness back into the one?
To rephrase what you have said to the simplest form, if we are one with the creator, and there is only the creator, then we are the creator. Please feel free to correct this simplificaiton if I misconstrue.
So who created the creator? And no the creator cannot create the creator, because the creator dosen't exist yet.
You see there cannot be a creator with that logic. No Escaton. Therefore no God, unless God is external to the system. Therefore we could not be one with God.
This is simple logic.
if you are saying that you are a part of the system and the system is self aware, and aware of every aspect of itself.You are still only an aspect of the whole. For example, Your fingernail is not aware of every aspect of your body.
[edit on 7-8-2008 by Cyberbian]
Originally posted by Riffrafter
reply to post by seagrass
Great post! I think now we're getting to the heart of it...or at least some of it.
I was going to post a longer message on this topic but then I saw your post and thought that jumping to the "end" might be a good place to start . In a nutshell, I believe many of the ideas expressed in the previous posts although I have a slightly different take on things. I'll be happy to share my "thoughts" in more detail if anyone is interested.
But when you get to the end of my road so to speak, ultimately I believe that "all that is" exists for one reason. God (of which we are all a part/fragment) is seeking the answers to 2 simple questions:
Who am I?
Why am I here?