posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 08:49 PM
Friend of mine sent this to me... some more info on this.
There is said to be a huge event coming up on October 14 where a spaceship will appear over major cities for three days so that there is no mistake
about the friendliness of UFOs toward humanity. Will this take place on October 14?
Contact between human beings and beings from other worlds is already happening and has been happening for a very long time. It happens a great deal
on a spiritual or energetic plane. You are visited by what you might call extra-terrestrials in the form of Spirit all of the time. At some level,
you can say that Angels and Spirit Guides are extra-terrestrials right? They are from outside this world. Then there is a huge spectrum of beings
who do what you call “visit” Planet Earth. Their energy becomes available for you here on Planet Earth. All of you have a spirit that is
holographic and expansive and is occasionally visiting other worlds in Spirit, as well. Often your human minds block out any stimulation that would
give evidence that this is happening because it is confusing for a human mind to encounter something that does not fit into expectations of rea lity
-- something that is from outside of this world of familiarity.
Of course, every human being has a unique threshold in regard to the unfamiliar. Some people are able to comprehend something beyond what is
familiar, then reach toward it until it becomes familiar, and then reach again for what is unfamiliar beyond that. For those people, seeing physical
evidence of extra-terrestrial visitors will occur more often and more easily. There are what you would call spaceships but they are not as literal as
you want them to be. When people sense something from outside of this world, they make sense of it. The human mind is really brilliant at taking
stimulation and input and categorizing it so that it makes sense. If something does not make sense or cannot be categorized, it just gets ignored or
explained away. If something can be made sense of, then it is allowed to be remembered and considered. That is how some people see spaceships and
others do not. That is how two people can be standing on the same street corner and one sees something and the other does not. This kind of contact
is happening all of the time in both Spirit and physical realities.
The event planned for October 14 is a direct result of a shift occurring for humanity on October 12. The shift on October 12 seems to be an opening
of a connection between the human heart and the human mind. This is something that is related to the Mayan experience. The Mayan civilization was
expert at the heart-mind connection. Part of what was accomplished during the ancient Mayan civilization was the building of an illusion of the
separation between the heart and the mind, which has made human life very interesting. Part of what is happening now is that there is a reconnection
of the heart and mind. This is happening over and over again in all kinds of different ways, and there a collective event on October 12 in which the
heart and the mind are able to make a connection collectively.
Some of you will experience this collective connection and some of you will not, perhaps because you are not ready for it or you are not interested
yet. It will be available for all of humanity to have your heart and y our mind come into alignment in a way that was not possible before. This
means that your mind will be able to comprehend things that only your heart could feel before. Your heart will be able to infuse your thoughts more
readily than before. It will become easier after October 12 to see the world through the Eyes of Love. (For more on this, please visit Ascension
Radio and listen to “Through the Eyes of Love: Making Everything Easy.”)
When that happens, so many of you will step into that sense of love that a new level of comprehension will become available. Of course there is
choreography amongst all of the different beings on Planet Earth. Of course when the human race decides something, all of the other beings across the
universe are aware of that decision and act accordingly. This is the reason you are predicting a visit from extra-terrestrials. Many are gathering
in support of your collective shift.
For thousands of years as human beings have been planning for this event on October 12, for your hearts to come into alignment with your minds, the
universe has set up an opportunity for you to start playing with this new connection. That is what your seers and your prophets are seeing as the
potential for October 14. The answer is yes, the equivalent of spaceships over the major cities across the world from October 12 to October 15 is
firmly in place. This is not unusual; this happens all of the time. The difference is that more of you will be able to sense it or see than ever
before. There is something important here to know, which is that many of you will not see it because you do not want to, your minds are not yet ready
or your life path does not involve interacting with extra-terrestrial life, so do not worry if you do not see this.
Another thing to know is most of you who do see this will not see it as a physical spaceship. You have been using this word “spaceship” because
it is the best word you have to help you imagine life beyond Earth. A spaceship means a physical thing l ike an airplane or rocket ship and this is
not that; this is a spiritual gathering; this is energy and it is energy that can be embodied -- just like some people sense Angels in the room and
others can actually see them. Some of you will sense this and some of you will actually see it and it is just as real either way. Do not get locked
into an expectation that you will see something that you expect. Do not imagine what a spaceship looks like and then look for that.
Instead, first on October 12 really look at your heart and what you love. Really look around the world and try to see everything through the Eyes of
Love. Imagine that you are someone like Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha or Mother Theresa. Imagine that you are the most loving person and imagine
how you would see the world and how that compassion would color everything that you see. Spend time on this day meditating on those people, animals,
places, and experiences that you love most. Let them fill your heart with love.
Il add a bit more ... need more space.