posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:31 PM
If this event really does come to pass I'd like to again express an alternate viewpoint to the idea that these are real aliens.
I won't totally rule out this event as happening but I do find it unlikely. How would I not find this to be a total freak-out event that sounds
totally bogus?
Here it is from my perspective and beliefs, which involves the biblical accounts.
First, The bible has a book called revelations which details exactly what will happen toward the end of the world as we know it (not THE END, as there
is no THE END, but the end to life as we know it today).
The bible has been around a lot longer than ms Blossom Goodchild as well as many of our human generations. In fact the author of the book (as we
christians believe is ultimately God, was here before there was a "here")
Now to get to the point on how this relates to this event....
As someone else pointed out in this thread earlier, this could be THE EVENT also for the christians who are waiting for the return of our Lord,
As you know at this same time as this incident is supposed to happen, we christians (some of us anyway) are waiting for our RAPTURE event, which is an
event, where millions of born-again christians around the world will instantly be taken up to heaven, having our bodies transfigured to be eternal.
This event precedes the event of the great tribulation which lasts 7 years and end with Jesus Christ returning for the final time to rule for 1000
years. Jesus Christ in christianity is the Creator, the word made flesh as the first paragraph in the book of John describes.
In any case, these "aliens" if they show up are the fallen angels. They are what people now would call ET or not extra-terrestrials. They are not
in any sense the ETs like we have in out films and movies, but actual heavenly beings who have disobeyed the word of God and have fallen from their
high places of power because they have rebelled against God and have been cast out.
These beings have a leader called Satan who will ultimately become the "Anti-Christ" in the 7 year period of this absence of the church during the
tribulation. This Anti-Christ will be received by many as a being like a god because he will have what human beings would consider god-like
powers...but he is merely the leader of the fallen angels. His ultimately rebellion was that he wanted to overthrow God Himself and put himself as
the god (a hopeless endeavor since it is possible of anyone that is a created being) but he failed miserably and have been cast out.
He is jealosu of humanity because they ultimately have the promise of Jesus Christ who with His sacrifice was able to cleanse humanity of their sin
from the time of Adam and Eve. Because of this price that Jesus Christ paid, anyone who accepts what Jesus Christ has done and receives this free
gift or grace of God's mercy, shall be able to attain eternal life and be together with God forever after the 7 year tribulation that is soon to
Therefore, people who place their hopes in extraterrestrials will all fall under the great deception of this one fallen angels and his minions to
Just as ms. blossom goodchild has "channeled" (a method use by demons and fallen angels to communicate with mankind - a type of possesion) these
fallen angel's false message of love and unity ... blah blah blah ... they really come to make sure as many people on this earth will reject Jesus
Christ and renounce Jesus Christ's promise of etnerity with Him in true love and peace after these 7 year period of tribulation of wrath of God that
will judgement poured onto the earth.
It is very likely that if tommorows event take place, the rapture will happen soonafter and somehow the great deceiver and his puppets will use
tommorows events to twist the rapture event into one of their fashioning and again deceive the world of the truth of Jesus Christ.
If you do not believe all this, I invite you to simply open the book of revelations in the bible.