posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:28 PM
Ok, here's my take on this, I've been reading all the posts and I finally have to say something...
First, one fact that noone has mentioned is that 14th October is a Full Sun/Moon. (Moon in Aries, Sun in Libra). The time of that full moon is 8:03pm
The Full Moon is a time when Lightworkers all over the world will be, as a matter of regular course, in meditation, and many will be using the Great
Invocation to speed the day when the dark forces are defeated. (Millions recite this invocation in many languages globally)
Thus, if this really is a Light Force event, it would make sense to have it happen on a Full Moon, when the negative influence (esoterically speaking)
of the moon is at its lowest.
It could be an enormous hoax...
This could be an example of a BlueBeam-type experiment to see how much "they" can fool us: First "they" beam into the head of "psychics" and
"channelers" using microwave laser technology, the fake channel messages. this happens to prepare the way by raising hope of an ET contact
Then on the day it announced to happen, there could be a holographic fake mothership (they said it was made of light - well so is a hologram), that is
produced by a combination of chemical trails in the sky, ionisation by the HAARP, and then projection of fake images of a ship on the ionised
Microwave beams modulated by audio will beam messages from satellites to convince us all that it is the appearance of our "gods" that we are
Heh, that's if it all works! we know that technology always fails us, so look out for scan lines, or noisy signals - too much static would belie the
images for what they really are - fakes.
Ok thats the first scenario, and it may take in an awful lot of people...
Now another scenario, which is a much cheaper solution, is that these psychics are "primed" by microwave laser technology to pass messages of hope
and anticipation (this has happened - the communities are waiting with baited breath and more than a little anxiety). Then on the day... Nothing
Happens! As I've seen in many posts on these threads, many people may give up their hopes of a better freer world, and many may choose to even end
their own lives. So Scenario 2 - Build up hopes, then disappoint and trash people's faith. Very cheap way of causing emotional implosions.
Scenario the Third: messages to Goodchild are from real ETs, but the ship that arrives is hostile and begins to attack. To me this would be an
unlikely explanation, as if they wanted to attack us, then they'd just need to bring their Death Star (or whatever they may have) and Poof our planet
out of existence! and why wait and tell us they would do it?
Fourth scenario: Goodchild is just spouting unconscious hopes and there is nothing, there will be nothing and there is noone who will come to our aid.
We're screwed and there's nothing we can do to prevent being enslaved by the NWO for the rest of our miserable lives.
Fifth Scenario: Goodchild is transmitting true and good information, the world will be transformed by the appearance of a Galactic Federation Light
Ship, the cruel and inhuman regimes that currently control our planet will be released, and the ship somehow clears the planetary Ley-grid, releasing
the psychic blocks on us which have been preventing our telepathic communication, and we finally realise the universal one-ness that is our true
nature and we begin to live in peace and true understanding.
Who knows? I'll be watching the skies and the news from all over the world tomorrow evening when I get home from my meditation.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were to live in peace for once...?